Đặt câu với từ "lithosphere"

1. The heavy oceanic lithosphere descends into the mantle, beneath the lighter continental lithosphere.

2. The lithosphere rides on the Asthenosphere.

3. The Asthenosphere lies beneath the lithosphere

4. The lithosphere rides on the Asthenosphere

5. 22 Continental lithosphere stands higher than oceanic lithosphere because continental crust is both of greater thickness and lower density than oceanic crust.

6. Continental lithosphere stands higher than oceanic lithosphere because continental crust is both of greater thickness and lower density than oceanic crust.

7. Abiotic factors/components originate from the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere.

8. The presence and nature of the internal structure of Cratonic lithosphere

9. These dissolved materials thus pass from the lithosphere to the hydrosphere.

10. The differential movement of lithosphere and Asthenosphere causes the …

11. Batholithic mantle lithosphere (SBML) which was produced in Cretaceous time and which included elements of the ancient (Proerozoic) North American SCLM, tectonically accreted oceanic lithosphere mantle, and asthenosphere

12. The differential movement of lithosphere and asthenosphere causes the Neozoic deformation of Tianshan.

13. Radon is formed in the lithosphere by the alpha decay of radium.

14. Asthenosphere and Lithosphere constitute the outmost concentric layers of our earth

15. Asthenosphere basement lithosphere Which layer of the earth's crust am I? a thin semifluid layer of the earth (100–200 km thick), below the outer rigid lithosphere, forming part of the mantle and thought to be able to flow vertically and horizontally, enabling sections of lithosphere to subside, rise, and undergo lateral movement

16. Learn about the two distinct regions of the Mantle, the lithosphere and Asthenosphere

17. The Asthenosphere lies beneath the lithosphere and consists of partially molten rock

18. The Asthenosphere is found between 50 to a few hundred miles below the lithosphere

19. The boundary where the lithosphere and Asthenosphere meet is referred to as the LAB

20. Oceanic lithosphere has a mean density rather close to that of the immediately underlying asthenosphere.

21. This occurs because rifting of the lithosphere allows hot mantle rock to move towards the surface.

22. Such mountain belts develop when the oceanic lithosphere originally lying between two continents is eventually consumed.

23. The rocks in the Asthenosphere are not as dense as the rocks in the lithosphere.

24. Asthenosphere, zone of Earth’s mantle lying beneath the lithosphere and believed to be much hotter and more fluid than the lithosphere. The Asthenosphere extends from about 100 km (60 miles) to about 700 km (450 miles) below Earth’s surface

25. The tremendous weight of the ice sheet loaded and depressed that part of the lithosphere.

26. The Biophysical Interaction model uses the interactions between the Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Biosphere to describe as ecosystem

27. Warming occurs so slowly that the descending lithosphere retains its high density characteristics for a very long time.

28. The layer of earth that is just below Lithosphere and goes deeper inside the surface is known as Asthenosphere

29. Cratons form the base of continents and hold the title of the oldest existing portion of the lithosphere

30. The lithosphere is made of the brittle crust and uppermost mantle and lies on the plastic Asthenosphere

31. For example, while heating of the lithosphere may account for uplift, subsidence may result from lithospheric cooling.

32. Convergent boundaries between oceanic lithosphere are marked by an oceanic trench, a volcanic island arc and a Wadati-Benioff zone.

33. This is because thick lithosphere will tend to be more resistant to the effects of heat conduction and penetrative magmatism.

34. For example, while heating of the lithosphere may account for uplift(sentence dictionary), subsidence may result from lithospheric cooling.

35. The lithosphere is broken into about a dozen large rigid plates, each plate moving as a distinct unit.

36. Callisto's battered surface lies on top of a cold, stiff, and icy lithosphere that is between 80 and 150 km thick.

37. 4 Convergent boundaries between oceanic lithosphere are marked by an oceanic trench, a volcanic island arc and a Wadati-Benioff zone.

38. Asthenosphere (ăsthēn`əsfēr), region in the upper mantle of the earth's interior, characterized by low-density, semiplastic (or partially molten) rock material chemically similar to the overlying lithosphere lithosphere, brittle uppermost shell of the earth, broken into a number of tectonic plates

39. Archean hydrothermal fluid flow was, furthermore, likely higher than today due to greater heat loss from the Archean lithosphere (26, 48)

40. A Craton is the oldest part of a continental plate.It is an old and stable part of the continental lithosphere.

41. 25 In other words the lithosphere experiences flexure,[www.Sentencedict.com] just as a springboard does when a diver walks along it.

42. Craton definition: a stable part of the earth's continental crust or lithosphere that has not been deformed Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

43. The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere boundary is defined by a difference in response to stress: the lithosphere remains rigid for very long periods of geologic time in which it deforms elastically and through brittle failure, while the Asthenosphere deforms viscously and accommodates strain through plastic deformation.

44. Batholith growth ended when collision disrupted subduction of the Tethyan oceanic lithosphere, and thus the youngest magmatic pulse indirectly dates the collision

45. The Asthenosphere lies beneath the lithosphere and consists of partially molten rock. Seismic waves passing through this layer are significantly slowed

46. As the ice retreats, the load on the lithosphere and asthenosphere is reduced and they rebound back towards their equilibrium levels.

47. The thermal activity was caused by excessive mantle heat that had built up below the craton, insulated by the lithosphere.

48. In other words the lithosphere experiences flexure[http://Sentencedict.com], just as a springboard does when a diver walks along it.

49. It is the result of lithosphere gravity adjust and stretch function after Indo-chinese epoch impinging orogen in geotectonic events.

50. The Asthenosphere is the ductile part of the earth just below the lithosphere, including the upper mantle.The Asthenosphere is about 180 km thick.

51. The age-depth relation can be modeled by the cooling of a lithosphere plate or mantle half-space in areas without significant subduction.

52. Deep-focus earthquakes occur at a depth where the subducted lithosphere should no longer be brittle, due to the high temperature and pressure.

53. The earth is a multi-layered rotating system, which is mainly made up of aerosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, mantle, outer core and inner core.

54. According to the previous studies, the uplifting of the asthenosphere could be correlated with lithosphere thinning resulted from an E-W extension.

55. Crustal plate definition, a large block or tabular section of the lithosphere that reacts to tectonic forces as a unit and moves as such

56. The Asthenosphere is a mechanically weak layer beneath the lithosphere characterized by low seismic wave velocities and high attenuation (Karato, 2012)

57. One reason is that the lithosphere is not divided into small discrete blocks able to move freely up and down with respect to each other.

58. Where oceanic lithosphere is subducted beneath another oceanic part of a plate the associated volcanic activity and produce an intra-oceanic island arc.

59. In Mesozoic, the most important interaction occurred between the crust and the mantle, whereas in the older and Cenozoic it did between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere .

60. As the plates spread apart, the lithosphere, or crust, is moved aside like a lid, allowing molten rock from the liquid asthenosphere to seep through.

61. The "Crustal Geophysics" research group studies the tectonics and geodynamics of the lithosphere, typically focusing on continental lithosphere that is currently or recently deforming and evolving.We use controlled-source reflection and refraction seismology on land and at sea, and a wide range of passive seismological analyses (shear-wave splitting, receiver function analysis, surface-wave

62. The Biogeochemical cycle or cycling of substances is a pathway by which a chemical substance continuously moves through biotic (biosphere) and abiotic (atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere) components of Earth

63. This hot molasses substance will be forced into the lithosphere causing the liquid to cool off into rock, only to be forced back into the Asthenosphere causing the rock to melt

64. Oceanic Crust, the outermost layer of Earth’s lithosphere that is found under the oceans and formed at spreading centres on oceanic ridges, which occur at divergent plate boundaries

65. Accreting plate boundary, divergent plate boundary [A boundary between two plates that are moving apart, with new oceanic-type lithosphere being created at the seam] divergierende (krustenerzeugende) Plattengrenze f

66. Asthenosphere (n.) layer of the Earth's upper mantle, 1914, literally "sphere of weakness" (by comparison with the lithosphere), from Greek asthenes "weak" (see asthenia) + sphere.

67. Continental Crust, the outermost layer of Earth’s lithosphere that makes up the planet’s continents and continental shelves and is formed near subduction zones at plate boundaries between continental and oceanic tectonic plates

68. The Asthenosphere is the layer of the Earth that lies below the lithosphere. It is a layer of solid rock where the extreme pressure and heat cause the rocks to flow like a liquid

69. Crustal thickness ranges from 6 to 8 km and, unlike the lithosphere, it does not thicken significantly with age; however, near ridges with spreading rates of < 20 mm/yr thicknesses are usually < 5 …

70. Anorthosite suites hosting these deposits require an extensive history of voluminous plagioclase crystallization to develop plagioclase-melt diapirs with entrained Fe-Ti-rich melt rising from the base of the lithosphere to mid- and upper-crustal levels

71. Definition of Asthenosphere : a zone of a celestial body (such as the earth) which lies beneath the lithosphere and within which the material is believed to yield readily to persistent stresses Other Words from Asthenosphere Example Sentences Learn More …

72. Earth's Crust is a thin shell on the outside of Earth, accounting for less than 1% of Earth's volume.It is the top component of the lithosphere, a division of Earth's layers that includes the Crust and the upper part of the mantle

73. As nouns the difference between mantle and Asthenosphere is that mantle is a piece of clothing somewhat like an open robe or cloak, especially that worn by orthodox bishops while Asthenosphere is (geology) the zone of the earth's upper mantle, below the lithosphere

74. A Biogeochemical cycle describes the transformations that occur in a substance that is fundamental to the environment as it cycles through Earth's lithosphere (upper mantle), biosphere (life-supporting areas), hydro-sphere (water and water vapor), and atmosphere (layer of gases)

75. Climatology is an integrative science focusing on interactions between energy and mass flows among the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and cryosphere and on the increasing impact of human activities—both inadvertent and intentional—on climate from local through regional to global scales

76. Global Attenuation model below has been obtained from the normal modes and surface waves displays the highest Attenuation in the asthenosphere and inner core and low Attenuation in the lithosphere and lower mantle (Figure 4).Global surface wave Attenuation models correspond closely with shear velocity, suggesting that the …

77. The Asthenosphere In Plate Tectonic Theory The Asthenosphere is now thought to play a critical role in the movement of plates across the face of Earth's surface. According to plate tectonic theory, the lithosphere consists of a relatively small number of very large slabs of rocky material.

78. The other five units are: polyhedral surfaces - geometry and combinatorics; algebraic cycles and values of L-functions; dynamics of soil processes under extreme meteorological conditions; veterinary medicines in soils - basic research for risk analysis; and geobiology of organo- and biofilms - coupling the lithosphere and biosphere via microbial processes.

79. The continuity of pericratonic rocks west of the miogeocline and the occurrence of Proterozoic cratonic rocks at the surface west of the Okanagan Valley show that the ancient continental margin extends into a region where most of the crustal lithosphere was until now thought to consist of accreted Phanerozoic arc and accretionary complexes.