Đặt câu với từ "light microscopy"

1. In the present work, we use light microscopy to screen for Cochleate

2. Microscopy for acid-fast bacilli or equivalent fluorescent staining bacilli on light microscopy

3. — Microscopy for acid-fast bacilli or equivalent fluorescent staining bacilli on light microscopy

4. 67848-2 Leukocyte Clumps [Presence] in Urine sediment by Light microscopy Active Part Descriptions

5. Methods: We compared 51 eyes with different stages of AMD with 40 age-matched controls using light microscopy.

6. BIS and BSB Edge Offering Indian Standards Online ! Now Buy and Download Individual Indian Standards from our Website! Optics and Photonics - Microscopes - Immersion Liquids for Light Microscopy ( Second Revision ) IS 13108 : 2019 Optics and Photonics - Microscopes - Immersion Liquids for Light Microscopy ( Second Revision )

7. Bis and BSB Edge Offering Indian Standards Online ! Now Buy and Download Individual Indian Standards from our Website! Optics and Photonics - Microscopes - Immersion Liquids for Light Microscopy ( Second Revision ) IS 13108 : 2019 Optics and Photonics - Microscopes - Immersion Liquids for Light Microscopy ( Second Revision )

8. Mike Stewart's morphological methods, however,[Sentencedict] could go beyond those of light microscopy to that of the electron microscope.

9. Methods. 36 subretinal lesions surgically excised during maculatranslocation were investigated by light microscopy. Histologic results were correlated with fluorescein angiographic findings.

10. Light microscopy showed that Basidia formed at the ends of terminal hyphal cells and were able to produce from a few to many basidiospores

11. Ruthenium red, 6+, is a biological stain used to stain polyanionic molecules such as pectin and nucleic acids for light microscopy and electron microscopy.

12. Resulting colonized protocorms were prepared for light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and fluorescence labelling of actin filaments for examination with laser scanning confocal microscopy.

13. The formation of ice in the petioles ofSolanum acaule andSolanum tuberosum has been studied by light microscopy and by continuous recordings of latent heat production.

14. Backgrounded membrane imaging (BMI) Backgrounded membrane imaging (BMI) is an automated variation of the light microscopy compendial method, allowing the sizing, quantification and morphological characterization of micrometer-sized particles

15. The structure and development of oospores of Albugo candida in the stagheads in rapeseed (Brassica campestris) were investigated by light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy of ultrathin sections, and scanning electron microscopy.

16. Barbule cells fused into compact tubes, as seen via light microscopy, and at 15–16 days post-deposition mature Barbule cells were in continuity with the central and completely cornified barb (Fig

17. The methods used for detecting apoptosis were light microscopy (May Grunwald—Giemsa and trypan blue staining), fluorescence microscopy (Acridin orange/ethidium bromide and annexin V/propidium iodide staining) and agarose gel electrophoresis of fragmented genomic DNA.

18. The pollen morphology of seven species, varieties and forms of Cupressaceae from eastern Canada and northeastern United States was studied by light microscopy, following acetolysis, to improve the identification of these taxa in Quaternary fossil sediments.

19. Although on examination by light microscopy the sural nerve proved to be normal, the clinical diagnosis of adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) in its juvenile form may be assumed, in view of the clinical symptoms and the evidence of adrenocortical insufficiency revealed by the ACTH test.

20. No “chromophobe” cell proper, therefore, seems to exist in the frog pancreatic islet and the “clear” cells of light microscopy should stem from several sources including agranular stages of the types B, II, and III and badly preserved granular stages of types II and III.