Đặt câu với từ "lead story"

1. That's the lead story.

2. The big lead story was fascinating.

3. The anchor reads the lead story.

4. Up next we have our lead story...

5. The paper ran a lead story from their Economics Correspondent.

6. Cossiga's reaction is the lead story in the Italian press.

7. To avoid becoming the lead story on the evening news, be prepared.

8. Understandably, her death was the lead story on the nightly news that evening.

9. It was the main lead story and was written by one of the paper's most respected journalists.

10. The proposals were the main lead story on Independent Television's news on the night of 16 December 1968!

11. The candidates had been asked to supply a dummy paper with a lead story and some idea of content.

12. Ask them to scan your partner's photo and develop a magazine cover with the lead story being, "The 30 most beautiful women of 2003".

13. Also Saturday, a spokeswoman for the mission said its public Web site was back up after a hacker managed to change the site's lead story overnight.

14. With such a commotion going on in their town, the local paper seized the opportunity with a lead story on their website about what was happening.

15. Opening The New York Times on Friday morning, I blinked.The headline on its lead story, spread over two columns, blared out, "Obama's Economic View Is Rejected on World Stage.

16. Today's lead story Majority Of Jamaicans Resolute On Keeping Buggery Law Intact, reported the findings of the latest Gleaner-commissioned Bill Johnson poll, which revealed that 91 per cent of Jamaicans believe lawmakers should make no attempt to repeal the controversial Buggery law, which makes it a criminal offence for persons to engage in anal sex.