Đặt câu với từ "labour government"

1. A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare.

2. The government decided to clamp restraints on labour strikes.

3. 25 A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare.

4. A Labour Government would help nursery nurses progress after qualifying.

5. The Labour government eased the position by reducing the levy.

6. Labour offers to all those who want simpler local government a new tier of expensive regional government.

7. The second Labour Government (1929–31) was dominated by the Great Depression.

8. It was a Labour government which granted independence to India and Pakistan.

9. Government actions seen to be contrary to intent of labour portion of PSMA.

10. In 1984, the Fourth Labour Government was elected amid a constitutional and economic crisis.

11. After the first attack, Labour criticised cuts in police numbers under the Conservative government.

12. He became the opposition leader against David Saul Marshall's Labour Front-led coalition government.

13. Still more tendentious is the Tory claim as it relates to a potential Labour Government.

14. His dogged refusal to countenance devaluation ensures the economic failure of a future Labour government.

15. I am only implementing the weights and measures legislation that the previous Labour Government introduced.

16. The Liberian government outlawed forced labour and slavery and asked for American help in social reforms.

17. Mr Heath's Government was chiefly preoccupied with his attempt to restore the economy after Labour mismanagement.

18. It was the first government in 28 years that was not headed by the Labour Party.

19. His most important role came as Foreign Secretary in the post-war Labour government, 1945–51.

20. The Chinese Government opposes the use of labour as a means of punishing criminals, as well as the use of heavy labour as a means to maltreat prisoners.

21. The election of the Fourth Labour Government in 1984 marked a new period of independent foreign policy.

22. Hazel Blears is a for Salford, Eccles, Secretary of State for Communities, Local Government, Minister without Portfolio, Labour Party Chair, Member of Parliament, forSalford, and Labour Party Chair (2001).

23. The Government had declared bonded labour illegal and had put in place the necessary administrative and monitoring mechanisms

24. Critics were quick to blame the government for the new levels of strife and violence in labour relations.

25. Does my right hon. Friend by any chance recollect the average inflation rate under the last Labour Government?

26. The Government had declared bonded labour illegal and had put in place the necessary administrative and monitoring mechanisms.

27. 24 It would not be easy to effect the transition that Labour suggests by Government sleight of hand.

28. Would not that be threatened only by the advent of a Labour Government, with their profligate spending plans?

29. The upshot was that the Liberals promised to support the Labour government in the House by their votes.

30. How the return of a Labour government would affect the political calculations in Northern Ireland is difficult to foresee.

31. And these same Labour members have the nerve to criticise Mr Smith for offering weak opposition to the Government!

32. Prior to becoming head of government, Bauer had been Minister of Labour in the first democratically elected German cabinet.

33. Protests over food shortages forced the Government to implement rationing schemes first devised by the Labour and Co-operative movement.

34. Coincident with the changing Parliamentary climate was a more positive attitude towards abolition on the part of the Labour Government.

35. Source: International Labour Office Yearbook of Labour Statistics 200

36. This agency was approved by the New Labour Government to represent some 300,000 community-based education practitioners working across the UK.

37. The newly created welfare state promised government support to individuals "from the cradle to the grave", according to the Labour slogan.

38. The 1978-9 Labour government tried to phase out these beds, but under the 1980 Health Service Act they were extended.

39. Physiocratic economists categorized production into productive labour and unproductive labour.

40. 10 Employment minister Chris Grayling said: "These figures are a sad indictment of the welfare system we inherited from the Labour government.

41. He headed a National Government from 1931 to 1935, dominated by the Conservative Party and supported by only a few Labour members.

42. Several wartime reconstruction working parties in the Ministry had outlined plans for reorganisation very similar to those adopted by the Labour Government.

43. Labour is sacred).

44. " Order, Discipline, Labour ".

45. Article 5 of the Labour Code absolutely prohibits forced or compulsory labour.

46. Lao Dong (Labour)

47. I sincerely congratulate the Government of Mauritius and the Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund for their initiative to launch the Indentured Labour Route Project.

48. The depression led to the election of the First Labour Government and the establishment of a comprehensive welfare state and a protectionist economy.

49. "Aggregate labour productivity measures & unit labour cost, 1991", The Daily, Catalogue 11-001E.

50. An MoU will be signed between the Ministry of Labour & Employment and the State Government outlining the modalities including transfer/absorption of Staff etc.

51. In Canada, the Provinces have jurisdiction over labour matters except for some industries which are regulated by the federal government like transportation and broacasting.

52. Begar definition: compulsory labour , usually without payment; slave labour Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

53. Additional obstacles include a lack of labour flexibility, especially legal barriers to shedding labour.

54. Forced or compulsory labour is absolutely prohibited under article 5 of the Labour Code.

55. What does Belabour mean? To labour about; labour over; work hard upon; ply diligently

56. Corvee (labour due to a feudal lord; labour on roads) drudgery, chore fatigue; Derived terms

57. The Labour/Le Travail website offers bilingual abstracts of articles concerning labour issues in Canada.

58. Other topics included child labour and forced labour (International Labour Organization), small arms, inequality (Human Development Report) and journalistic freedom (Alexia Foundation and World Press Photo).

59. Other topics included child labour and forced labour (International Labour Organization), small arms, inequality (Human Development Report) and journalistic freedom (Alexia Foundation and World Press Photo

60. You are fit for labour.

61. Arbusterol Labour cannot bully everybody

62. Unorganised women labour in India.

63. A little labour, much health.

64. The minority government of Jim Callaghan came when Labour ended their 15-month Lib-Lab pact with the Liberals having lost their majority in early 1977.

65. To eliminate dissent, the government imprisoned thousands in forced-labour camps or executed them for crimes such as alleged treachery or for disrupting the proletarian dictatorship.

66. 19 Some people disdain labour.

67. Labour, exasperated, broke the coalition.

68. Idle folks have most labour.

69. Well, it certainly isn't labour.

70. Are you a Labour voter?

71. Latin America lacked skilled labour.

72. Easy operation and labour saving.

73. For on a national level, New Labour has long since abandoned any Old Labour-style Antagonism …

74. Estimated proportional distribution of wages to administrative staff, direct labour and indirect labour and indirect overhead.

75. Ratings of labour productivity and unit labour cost at the L level of aggregation Table K:

76. Labour Laws. If any clause in this agreement is found to be in violation of Chinese labour laws, then Chinese labour laws shall supercede the clause in question.

77. For the first time in over 30 years there was serious doubt among the public and the media as to whether Labour could ever return to government.

78. Abstract Labour Market Information (LMI) is a policy instrument that governments use to coordinate labour market adjustments.

79. In addition to strengthening active labour market policies, the authorities have adopted a comprehensive labour market reform.

80. Rather, they affect production through their influence on labour quality and, to a lesser extent, labour quantity.