Đặt câu với từ "keen to"

1. John was very keen to help.

2. I'm not keen to go again.

3. He's very keen to dish out criticism.

4. She's still keen to keep in touch.

5. They are rather keen to purchase Chinese goods.

6. She's keen to get ahead in her career.

7. She was keen to exploit her discovery commercially.

8. France is keen to sell, he's taking steps.

9. She's very keen to learn about Japanese culture.

10. He told Hayling that he was keen to help.

11. The government is keen to allay the public's fears.

12. 13 They'll be keen to enhance their reputation abroad.

13. She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills.

14. The children are well-behaved and keen to learn.

15. He was always keen to avenge insults, real or imagined.

16. Nobody was keen to take on such a thankless task.

17. And he's keen to let you know he's not mean!

18. She was keen to take on the role of producer.

19. He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.

20. Most party members are keen to dissociate themselves from the extremists.

21. Officials were keen to discern how much public support there was.

22. American companies are keen to scout out business opportunities in Vietnam.

23. 4 I was keen to strike up a conversation with him.

24. 14 Caroline was keen to make her marital home in London.

25. Others say Honda is keen to rekindle its old love affair.

26. Alienists were keen to pathologise suicide, making it a legitimate medical concern

27. She became a spokesperson for the party, keen to promote women's emancipation.

28. John says he is certainly keen to recruit from the Square Mile.

29. 22 Companies are increasingly keen to contract out peripheral activities like training.

30. Firms are now keen to hold on to the people they recruit.

31. They are keen to get the negotiating process back on the rails.

32. Mr Azad is keen to branch out from the duct-cleaning business.

33. Keen to preserve his artistic integrity, he refused several lucrative Hollywood offers.

34. The company is believed to be keen to sell its extensive brewing interests.

35. We cherish this strong foundation and are keen to actively build upon it.

36. 4 Firms are now keen to hold on to the people they recruit.

37. Meredith knew she shouldn't sound too keen to fall in with his plans.

38. They are keen to get the negotiating process back on the rails. Sentencedict.com

39. It's becoming warmer, and the bears are keen to shed their thick winter coats.

40. The Prime Minister announced that he is keen to double power supply to Nepal.

41. Mrs Currie, an ardent self-publicist, had been keen to return to ministerial office.

42. He is keen to point out the benefits which the family network can provide.

43. Gabby was obviously anxious to do well, and Jane was keen to help her.

44. Energy-rich Norway is also keen to export its offshore exploration know-how to China .

45. Although it was McCartney who announced the breakup, he had been most keen to continue.

46. * India has always been keen to work closely with you to advance your development priorities.

47. Carr is a good barber, and Uncle Jim is keen to be shaved by him.

48. However, Mr Putin was also keen to point out the positive aspects of the meeting.

49. Like all former managers and station masters, he was keen to justify his own stewardship.

50. Some were keen to shunt popular participation into the civic training ground of local government.

51. Post-modern Appropriation artists, including Barbara Kruger, are keen to deny the notion of ‘originality’

52. McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.

53. With an election in the offing, the prime minister is keen to maintain his popularity.

54. Thesaurus are predicting that dealers, academics and financial analysts will be keen to use their services.

55. OVL is keen to expand its presence in Vietnam and is evaluating the blocks on offer.

56. Recommended to anyone keen to delve beneath the stock images of this troubled but beautiful country.

57. 29 McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.

58. Artefact is always keen to hear from talented, enthusiastic individuals that share our commitment to excellence

59. Whether opening campuses abroad or organising exchange programmes, universities are keen to burnish their multicultural credentials.

60. McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom,[Sentencedict.com] rather than a pop one.

61. For those keen to look after their health, sugar-free fizzy drinks may seem a wise choice.

62. We are keen to scale up investments in next generation infrastructure including digital networks and clean energy.

63. Stupid pi key knows Brick Top's got keen-to-kill monkeys with shotguns sitting outside his campsite.

64. 11 Hungary has been very keen to privatize its major industries, following the democratic reforms of 19

65. A brand in the making, CheapieTravel.com is customer friendly and all customers are keen to save money.

66. The clearest evidence for this is the dearth of people keen to work with frail older people.

67. Friends! We are keen to scale up investments in next generation infrastructure including digital networks and clean energy.

68. We are keen to give contemporary content to our age-old links in all areas of mutual benefit.

69. You don't have to be very keen to see that they are now in fact de-sensitizing us.

70. Doctors are short of time to listen and are therefore keen to dish out drugs whenever they can.

71. 21 The banks were not at all keen to lend to somebody who actually seemed to need money.

72. I watched him in disbelief for my master was usually keen to observe the finest etiquette at table.

73. Though it has made its name as a mainframe software house, Compuware is keen to broaden its horizons.

74. Of course, every fly-blown congressman is keen to install fresh weapons of death in his own backyard.

75. Armada-store.com frequently purchases this merchandise and sells them to the customers that are keen to have such products

76. Keen to share their good fortune with others, the Balderdashes regularly play host for sumptuous dinner parties at their…

77. And that has to be good news for backpackers keen to shave pounds off the weight in their rucksacks.

78. 16 The contributors here seem instead keen to zoom in on and ferment nihilistic tendencies, through bleak but listenable insights.

79. The Chinese government is pretty keen to keep the war in the front of public memory for very realpolitik reasons.

80. Got a taste for the finer things? Keen to escape the winter chills in a cabin? Check out The Bunyas