Đặt câu với từ "isostatic pressure compensa-tion"

1. Tion and Concavityof the penalty)via the no-tion of fieffective degrees of freedomfl

2. Condonation — Con do*na tion, n

3. Adumbration \Ad`um*bra"tion\, n

4. Consternation \Con`ster*na"tion\, n

5. Cachinnation Cach`in*na"tion, n

6. Tion, naturally-oc curring Bacteric idal nucleoside

7. Tion of ammonia and Binoxide of hydro gen

8. Abjectly abjection \ab*jec"tion\ (&?;), n

9. Op tion ally, with one teaspoon nondairy creamer.

10. Administrate is a word formed by removing the ending -tion from the noun administra-tion and adding to it the verbal ending -ate

11. Tion, Androcentric behavior can be moderated by factors that

12. Aulical al bore ressure tion- Ann eria (B B

13. Arrentation (redirected from Arrendare) Ar`ren`ta´tion

14. Study of Auger recombina - tion and h _ ( EF ) parameter.

15. Duff soon mastered the skills of radio produc-tion.

16. The geomorphological processes found at York Factory include active isostatic rebound, river erosion, tidal scouring and estuarine sedimentation.

17. Bolectioned; Look at other dictionaries: Bolection — Bo*lec tion, n

18. Tion, an assimilative solicitation (intentio ad Assimilationem)" (225-26)

19. Anergy, not all Anergy models involve defects in costimula-tion

20. Divide Circumlocution into syllables: cir-cum-lo-cu-tion Primary syllable stress: cir-cum-lo-cu-tion Secondary syllable stress: cir-cum-lo-cu-tion How to pronounce Circumlocution: sur-kum-loh-kyoo-shun How to say Circumlocution: How to pronounce Circumlocution

21. Divide Articulation into syllables: ar-tic-u-la-tion Primary syllable stress: ar-tic-u-la-tion Secondary syllable stress: ar-tic-u-la-tion How to pronounce Articulation: ahr-tik-yuh-ley-shun How to say Articulation: How to pronounce Articulation

22. Tion of Alcotate to the industrial al cohol world, Dr

23. 6 Many illnesses are the re - sult of inadequate sanita - tion.

24. EIGHTY years ago Parkinson wrote his classical descrip- tion of paralysis Agitans.

25. Isostatic adjustments (the depression or uplift of continents by buoyancy) take place in the Asthenosphere, and magma is believed to be generated there

26. Cachinnation Cach`in*na"tion (kăk`ĭn*nā"shŭn), n


28. Se Afaring is an occupa tion that has always been asso ciated with

29. Isostatic adjustments (the depression or uplift of continents by buoyancy) take place in the Asthenosphere, and magma is believed to be generated there

30. Mo­tion to Controvert is di­rected solely at good faith, accuracy and truthfulness of affiant and not at underlying in­for­ma­­tion supplied by informant

31. Crossword puzzle answers for ????n???tion - accentuation, Aggeneration, annunciation, canonisation, canonization, cogeneration, colonisation, colonization

32. Arborizations, ranging from a very restricted focal projec- tion to a widespread, divergent one

33. Definitionof Autoxidation Reactions andAntioxidantAction Autoxidation reactionsareusually subdivided into initia- tion, propagation and termination reactions.

34. He is a master of finagle and accommoda - tion ; he is purposeful and principled.

35. Niques: mucosal Atomising device; transtracheal injec-tion; nebulised local anaesthetic; and the McKenzie technique [22]

36. Bootloader mode is entered, even if applica-tion firmware has been programmed into the device

37. Constitutionalize [ kon-sti- too-sh uh-nl-ahyz, - tyoo- ] verb (used with object), con·sti·tu·tion·al·ized, con·sti·tu·tion·al·iz·ing

38. Antiprohibitionist How many syllables? 7 Syllables How it's divided? an-ti-pro-hi-bi-tion-ist

39. Advanced Containment Systems , the Houston company be founded in 19 also makes transportable decontamina tion facilities.

40. Flowing air pressure to pressure relief valve- in kPa absolute (recorded gauge pressure plus recorded barometric pressure

41. Biomechanics is the applica-tion of Newtonian mechanics to the study of the neuromuscular skeletal system

42. Flowing air pressure to pressure relief valve — in kPa absolute (recorded gauge pressure plus recorded barometric pressure).

43. To compare a pressure expressed in gauge pressure with a pressure expressed in absolute pressure the atmospheric pressure should be deducted from the absolute pressure which is missing in the definition of maximum working pressure.

44. Blastocoele re-expansion (>50% blastocoelic cavity forma-tion) in the selection of better embryos for transfer

45. Flowing air pressure to pressure relief valve in kPa absolute (recorded gauge pressure plus recorded barometric pressure).

46. Heat dissipa tion (Kilowatts) CFM (cubic feet per minute) - measures the air volume movement in one minute.

47. Pressure gages and differential pressure gages

48. In addition, studies of cpDNA provide no indication of the potential for sexual reproduc-tion within Apomicts.

49. The sum of hydrostatic pressure and Atmospheric pressure is called Absolute pressure.

50. p = Flowing air pressure to pressure relief valve- in kPa absolute (recorded gauge pressure plus recorded barometric pressure

51. In the UK, managed retreat is often a response to sea level rise exacerbated by local subsidence of the land surface due to post-glacial isostatic rebound in the north.

52. Blindsight is a neuropsychological condition defined by residual visual function following destruc-tion of primary visual cortex

53. Components for the aforementioned goods, including pressure regulators, pressure amplifiers and pressure exchangers

54. Electronic pressure systems, pressure instruments, including digital pressure calibrators, pneumatic and hydraulic dead weight testers, digital correctors, U-pipe manometers, digital pressure modules, analog pressure instruments

55. Bedsores are also called pressure injuries, pressure sores, pressure ulcers, or decubitus ulcers

56. Genotypic varia-tion exists for Coleoptile diameter or Coleoptile cross-sectional area (CCSA) in wheat (Marais and Botma

57. The first pressure is greater than the second pressure on an absolute pressure scale.

58. Buckling length A bar Buckling length is determined by the type of bond, whereas a deformation caused in a bar of articulated links, i.e., isostatic unitary

59. All of the Amphiboles, with the possible excep-tion of magnesioriebeckite, can occur in fibrous or asbestiform habit

60. Adapting the Curriculum 27 across four educational sectors: K-12, community colleges, higher educa-tion, and informal learning

61. Staffing Complaint / Ado Form If you find yourself in a situa­tion that you believe creates unsafe condi­tions for patients or for you, complete the Staffing Complaint / Ado (Assign­ment Despite Objec­tion) form as soon as possible.

62. Low pressure warning indicator or gauge | malfunctioning or defective low pressure indicator/air pressure gauge |

63. The gauge pressure is then derived by subtracting the barometric pressure from the absolute pressure.

64. The pressure gauge indicates a pressure of 3 bar The absolute pressure is 400 kPa, which is above the vapour saturation pressure.

65. Low pressure means less than ambient atmospheric pressure.

66. The pressure increases to 2 bars absolute pressure.

67. Ballasted systems are cost-effective because of the mini - mal amount of components and quick, simple installa - tion process

68. This pressure is the stagnation pressure of the fluid, also known as the total pressure or (particularly in aviation) the pitot pressure.

69. So we have pressure, the equilibrium vapor pressure.

70. Conversely, isostatic post-glacial rebound is observed in areas once covered by ice sheets that have now melted, such as around the Baltic Sea and Hudson Bay.

71. Relying on simple deterrence also leads Criminalizers to blur the distinc- tion between for the law and Of it

72. Lysenko's main problem was to maintain his reputa - tion as a master of “Agrobiology” (the term was his invention)

73. The Annunciations to Zachary and Mary (see annuncia tion) correspond to the format of similar Old Testament announcements (cf

74. Ultimately, though, the self-defeating organiza-tion ends up attributing its failures to some unalterable aspect of its character.

75. It’s pressure fried in a patented Broaster Pressure Fryer

76. Adjustment data of pressure relief devices and pressure regulators ...

77. c) For (absolute pressure) read (absolute pressure) at # °C

78. - malfunctioning or defective low pressure indicator/air pressure gauge;

79. "Atmospheric pressure" means the wet, absolute, atmospheric static pressure.

80. Gage pressure is a special case of differential pressure.