Đặt câu với từ "intervene"

1. Shouldn't you intervene or something?

2. The UN refused to intervene.

3. Someone with the skills to intervene.

4. Our government has no right to intervene.

5. The Embassy seemed powerless to intervene.

6. You know I cannot directly intervene.

7. You don't intervene between those two drunks.

8. Eventually, the army was forced to intervene.

9. What's your idea fulsome intervene from superior?

10. 25 Soon God will directly intervene in human affairs.

11. It'seems inappropriate for us to intervene at this stage.

12. They would not intervene against the rebels themselves.

13. When Papa tried to intervene, Chaney shot him.

14. I am powerless to intervene in the matter.

15. The White House forced the Swedish government to intervene.

16. Time is running out if he plans to intervene.

17. How will Jehovah intervene in behalf of his people?

18. Does he intervene to prevent individual or collective tragedies?

19. Intervene, appeal to the U. N., or do nothing?

20. Other gods intervene, and make the inventive Ribhus immortal.

21. She went over to intervene between the two men.

22. No organization or individual shall intervene, embezzle and divert.

23. 8 The trustee may intervene and disclaim the contract.

24. Politics dictates that governments must intervene energetically to help.

25. Should God intervene and prevent people from doing bad things?

26. 6 It'seems inappropriate for us to intervene at this stage.

27. Conservatism has a dogma that the State should not intervene.

28. When rioting broke out, the police were obliged to intervene.

29. He will intervene, bringing devastation upon Satan and his crowd.

30. When riot broke out, the police were obliged to intervene.

31. The army will have to intervene to prevent further fighting.

32. The government would not intervene in private-sector wage bargaining.

33. Security forces were out in strength but did not intervene.

34. The police don't usually like to intervene in domestic disputes .

35. Friedman argues that government should only intervene . in education restrictively.

36. Why does God not intervene to prevent bad things from happening?

37. Why did God intervene in behalf of Israel in Moses’ day?

38. The teachers don't intervene and many of them even support that.

39. The Government is doing nothing to intervene in the crisis. Sentencedict.com

40. He would ask Congress to intervene and head off a strike.

41. This led the government to intervene with some rather pallid legal weapons.

42. c. Security elements that intervene in the access control to restricted areas.

43. The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening.sentence dictionary

44. The Powers did not intervene because of the power struggles between them.

45. 23 Occasionally, much to their glee, Mr Major allowed them to intervene.

46. She was reluctant to intervene in what was essentially a private dispute.

47. In English, Adverbials may intervene between the verb and a selected PP

48. 10 He would ask Congress to intervene and head off a strike.

49. § 2.309 Hearing requests, petitions to intervene, requirements for standing, and contentions

50. She learned how to intervene in the fate of herself and others,

51. Jehovah will intervene in their behalf, exercising his right as Universal Sovereign.

52. Having forsaken Jehovah, Samaria has no right to expect him to intervene.

53. The more detailed the plan, the more urgently you need to intervene.

54. During that time, Dong called on Ambassador Durbrow to intervene on his behalf.

55. He secretly hoped that fate would intervene and save him having to meet her.

56. How can we be sure that God wants to intervene and eradicate violence?

57. The dukes of Spoleto continued to intervene in the violent politics of Rome.

58. As public right force puissant intervene, happened to be out of shape already.

59. The police don't usually like to intervene in disputes between husbands and wives.

60. There are a good many variables that may intervene in just this manner.

61. How long must I ask for help from violence, but you do not intervene?

62. 26 How do governments intervene to control that technology, foster innovation or regulate the market?

63. Officials cite a need for statewide consistency in when to intervene in family matters.

64. So in the midst of this dark period, he called on Jehovah to intervene.

65. Local people feel strongly about the proposed development but are virtually powerless to intervene.

66. The extreme view of exchange rate flexibility was that you just do not intervene.

67. How long must I ask for help from violence, but you do not intervene?”

68. A user interface reportedly allows a developer to intervene at any stage in the translation.

69. But with the development and change of Egyptian Nationalist Movement, Gladstone turned to intervene at last.

70. The Commission may also intervene if insurance companies have agreed or colluded to fixed prices.

71. 28 There is no reason today why Paris should intervene massively in our domestic affairs.

72. The Commission cannot a fortiori intervene in the selection of the partners in each group.

73. Parliament has expressly given him power to intervene when the local authority is acting unreasonably.

74. Coligny was lobbying the king to intervene against the empire in the Netherlands. • Frieda, 292.

75. Mr Clinton has also threatened to intervene in Northern Ireland by sending a peace envoy.

76. 9 Stringer disagrees, however . " Evolution goes on all the time . You don't have to intervene.

77. Eisenhower was determined to intervene only with the full support of both Congress and adequate allies.

78. Napoleon was forced to intervene personally, defeating several Spanish armies and forcing a British army to retreat.

79. I've made preliminary aerial geophysical surveys of the area... and I strongly recommend not to intervene.

80. Uniformed police officers do not intervene, most likely because they believe the attackers are state agents.