Đặt câu với từ "interchromosomal recombination"

1. An enzyme that catalyzes genetic recombination.

2. Chromosomes 4D and 4B were colinear and recombination between them occurred in almost all intervals where homologous recombination occurred.

3. Bimolecular Recombination Bimolecular recombination is defined as a second-order process, (10.2)Rrec=−dndt=kbrnp,where kbr is the Bimolecular recombination rate coefficient, n is the electron density, and p is the hole density

4. Biological variation resulting from recombination, mutation, and selection.

5. To undergo or cause recombination; form new combinations.

6. Aped contains the requisite atomic data such as collisional and radiative rates, recombination cross sections, dielectronic recombination rates, and satellite line wavelengths

7. There is new achievement in key industries'merger and recombination.

8. The degree of recombination is reciprocal in most cases.

9. Production of genetically modified actinomycetes by recombination

10. In semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs), electron-hole recombination occurs.

11. Recombination, Chiasmata, and Genetic Variation The process of recombination between chromosomes is one of the most important ways that mutation and genetic novelties are created

12. Bimolecular recombination requires and electron and a hole

13. It covers mutant Complementation, intergenic and intragenic recombination.

14. An esoteric process known as Auger recombination also impedes silicon lasing .

15. The preparation of a recombination sample is more complex.

16. Gene recombination technique is an important means to improve microbial strain seeds.

17. The below infographic summarizes the difference between Complementation and recombination.

18. Recombination radiation can ionize another atom of the same species.

19. In this paper , some experience in teaching genetic recombination, esp.

20. Coinfection in RNA virus populations results in two important phenomena, Complementation and recombination

21. Homologous recombination has been most studied and is best understood for Escherichia coli.

22. Macro-recombination was found to be the mechanism associated with serotype switching (alteration of serotype by recombination and thus a mechanism of vaccine evasion) and with resistance to several major classes of antibiotics.

23. Thus, the key difference between Complementation and recombination is the outcome of each process

24. Recombination between Rd and alate prothorax occurs more frequently in males than in females.

25. The fifth part introduce the concept and advantage of merging and recombination at first.

26. Key words: restriction fragment length polymorphism, genetic linkage map, homoeologous recombination, microspore culture, doubled haploid.

27. In asexually propagated species, variability resulting from recombination may be severely limited, or even precluded.

28. Angle subtended at the center of a cell was used as a measure of interchromosomal distance which was independent of distance from the center.

29. Coli or lengthy homologous recombination in insect cells to generate the recombinant Baculovirus.

30. Energy gap and minority-carrier recombination lifetime are important physical parameters in the emitter of silicon transistor.

31. The element R which made recombination possible has an evens chance of emerging attached to a perfect message.

32. Ameiotic crossover recombination is a mechanism that could lead to long genomic stretches of loss of

33. If a mutant strain appears that eschews recombination, it proves to be especially susceptible to damage by ultraviolet light.

34. These failures led to elimination of spermatocytes at later stages in the genetic recombination process and, ultimately, male infertility.

35. 21 The most fundamental level of diversity generation is that of mutation, crossing over, recombination, and related genetic operations.

36. Cloning happens often in nature, as when a cell replicates itself asexually without genetic alteration or recombination

37. In the fluctuating combination and recombination of groups, old friends and old antagonists come across one another in shifting social contexts.

38. The slow Bimolecular recombination that drives three-dimensional lead-halide perovskites' outstanding photovoltaic performance is conversely a fundamental limitation for electroluminescence

39. Cruciform structures are fundamentally important for a wide range of biological processes, including replication, regulation of gene expression, nucleosome structure and recombination.

40. The magnetic dipole a1Δ →X3Σg− transition has been observed for the first time during the recombination of 16O atoms in an afterglow.

41. 10 In the fluctuating combination and recombination of groups, old friends and old antagonists come across one another in shifting social contexts.

42. Because Ameiotic recombination effectively reduces the rate of long-term inheritance of mutations by 50% while at least doubling their effects (depending on the degree of dominance) , the degree to which Ameiotic recombination influences the viability of asexual lineages will depend critically on the extent to which the distributions of

43. It pays Agamospermy genes, which discourage recombination, to form co–adapted linkage groups, so that they become targets for disadvantageous recessive mutant accumulation

44. We were able to accomplish this by developing a procedure that I tried to call the "one-step isothermal in vitro recombination method."

45. 23 If a mutant strain appears that eschews recombination[Sentencedict.com], it proves to be especially susceptible to damage by ultraviolet light.

46. The recombination of high polymer with strong antisalt and sylvite can enhance its inhibitory action on water sensitivity of mud stone...

47. Complementation results in the wild type phenotype due to combining of two mutants while recombination results in a recombinant organism with an altered genome

48. Our studies are based on polarization-sensitive intensity autocorrelation measurements of the optical transition resulting from the recombination of a spin-Blockaded …

49. This paper calculates the expression between minority-carrier lifetime and switching time in short diode by analyzing the continuity equation when considering the surface recombination.

50. The Aeronomy program supports research on upper and middle atmosphere phenomena of ionization, recombination, chemical reaction, photo emission, and transport; the transport of energy, and momentum

51. Despite the obvious clinical significance of human male infertility, the mechanisms of spermatogenic failure caused by meiotic recombination errors in humans are inadequately known at present.

52. On average, 73.7% of the chromosomes derived from S. acaule were detected as recombinants, suggesting that frequent homoeologous recombination occurred between S. acaule and S. tuberosum chromosomes.

53. Expression Systems’ popular BestBac Linearized Baculovirus DNA backbone has been engineered to deliver highly efficient recombination with all polyhedron gene locus based transfer vectors

54. The rate of recombination α3 in reaction (3) is at maximum at 180K for an absolute pressure of 294.2 kPa. α3 is therefore 4.2×10−6 cm3s-1.

55. 8 We have previously shown that Atmin-deleted B cells (induced by CD19-Cre) have impaired class switch recombination and increased genomic instability, leading to B-cell lymphomas

56. Negative results were achieved with the Drosophila sex-linked recessive lethal mutation, mitotic recombination in yeast, in vitro chromosome aberration, sister chromatid exchange and unscheduled DNA synthesis assays.

57. 11 The radiation effect on poly (methyl methacrylate) with different tacticities was studied. It was proposed that chain scission process was in a kinetic equilibrium between scission and recombination.

58. An extensive study has been carried out on the effect of thermal annealing on carrier lifetime and surface recombination velocity, which affect the final output of the solar cell.

59. The Aeronomy Program seeks to understand phenomena of ionization, recombination, chemical reaction, photo emission, and the transport of energy, and momentum within and between these regions.

60. Simultaneously, defects in the passivation layer of the device surface are also increased with the increasing of the baking temperature and also the surface recombination velocity.

61. Recombination between the transferred alien chromatin and the chromatin of the recipient wheat chromosome is either severely reduced or entirely absent when the wheat diploidizing mechanism is active.

62. At the Chiasmata, homologous chromosomes exchange genes, allowing genetic information from both the paternal and maternal chromatids to be exchanged, and a recombination of paternal and maternal genes can be passed down to the progeny.

63. ‘All gene regions deviated significantly from Clonality, suggesting that recombination considerably shaped the sequence data in each gene.’ ‘These observations imply that the genetic pathways required for Clonality are retained in aclonal species.’

64. Gene Cassettes consist of a coding sequence, usually without promoter sequences, followed by an integrase-specific recombination site, and either can exist in a nonfunctional circularized form or are expressed as part of an integron or transposon.

65. Chiasmata are essential for the attachment of the homologous chromosomes to opposite spindle poles (bipolar attachment) and their … The chiasma is a structure that forms between a pair of homologous chromosomes by crossover recombination and physically links …

66. We review scientific literature on Bimolecular recombination (BR) in bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic devices to bring forward existing ideas on the origin and nature of BR and highlight both experimental and theoretical work done to quantify its extent

67. Here, we define Ameiotic recombination as either the reciprocal (crossover) or nonreciprocal (gene conversion) exchange of genetic information in apomictic germ-line cells, and we investigate this process in 96 mutation-accumulation (MA) lines of two microcrustaceans: Daphnia pulex and Daphnia obtusa.

68. Straightforward analysis, assuming only Coulomb and van der Waals interactions between otherwise isolated donor and acceptor centres indicates that recombination involving P and In centres separated by distances ranging from 7.7 to 20 Å is responsible for the observed sharp line structure.

69. The current research shows that the optical broadband absorption in thin-film solar cells can be enhanced due to the local field enhancement by surface plasmons, leading to lower recombination currents, higher open circuit voltages, higher conversion efficiencies and even completely new solar-cell designs.

70. Airglow (air -gloh) (nightglow) The faint everpresent glow arising in the Earth's atmosphere that is light emitted (along with infrared radiation) during the recombination of ionized atoms and molecules following collisions with high-energy particles and radiation, mainly from the Sun

71. From the shape of the dose-yield-curve as well as the kinetics and the annealing behaviour of the radicals after higher irradation doses we assume, that the stabilisation of the radicals by the surrounding lattice is reduced with increasing accumulation of recombination products.

72. Bremsstrahlung, German for 'braking radiation', is the continuum emission created by the interaction of two "free" charged particles.Since unlike radiative or dielectronic recombination the interacting particle begins and ends the process without being 'bound', Bremsstrahlung is often called 'free-free' radiation.

73. Does the Council agree that the transfer of genetic material across species boundaries as a result of new scientific findings constitutes, by its very nature, a general hazard, in view of the constant risk of a synthesis of allergenic substances following recombination?

74. A method of modifying recombination between homeologous chromosomes in an allopolyploid eukaryotic organism comprising, expressing a nucleotide sequence encoding prokaryotic NLS-MutS in combination with one or more than one of NLS-MutL, NLS-MutH, NLS-MutU, within a germ cell of the allopolyploid eukaryotic organism is also dislcosed.

75. The integration host factor (IHF), a dimer of closely related chains which is suggested to function in genetic recombination as well as in translational and transcriptional control is found in Enterobacteria and viral proteins including the African swine fever virus protein A104R (or LMW5-AR).

76. The afterglow at the excitation temperatures of 4.2 °K and 77.4 °K was also studied. It is concluded that the rapid amptying of shallow and, to a lesser extent, of deep traps should be due to a tunneling process leading to luminous recombination of the trapped electrons with the activator levels.

77. Airglow is caused by various processes in the upper atmosphere, such as the recombination of atoms, which were photoionized by the sun during the day, luminescence caused by cosmic rays striking the upper atmosphere and chemiluminescence caused mainly by oxygen and nitrogen reacting with hydroxyl ions at heights of a few hundred kilometres

78. Admixed populations arise when two or more previously mutually isolated populations start interbreeding, which is a very common phenomenon in the human evolutionary history.1, 2, 3As recombination breaks and rejoins DNA molecules to form new ones, a chromosome from an Admixed population resembles a mosaic of ancestral chromosomal segments from different parental populations.

79. The present invention relates to a vector for producing a serotype 6 recombinant adenovirus and, more particularly, to: a shuttle vector for producing a serotype 6 recombinant adenovirus, which includes a gene for encoding a serotype 6 adenovirus genome that does not include an E1 region and a target protein; a rescue vector for producing the serotype 6 recombinant adenovirus, which includes a serotype 6 adenovirus genome in which the E1 region is removed; and a serotype 6 recombinant adenovirus producing method for performing homologous recombination of the shuttle vector and the rescue vector.