Đặt câu với từ "intemperateness"

1. Hypernyms ("Crapulence" is a kind of): intemperance; intemperateness (consumption of alcoholic drinks) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Crapulence"): drinking bout (a long period of drinking) Derivation: crapulent (suffering from excessive eating or drinking) crapulous (given to gross intemperance in eating or drinking)

2. The imperiousness of kings is indeed notorious, and observed by the ancient poets; (130) “Animadverte, et dicto pare,” (attend, and obey my word;) and, again, “Moriere, si te secundo lumine hic offendero,” (if I meet thee here again a second day, thou shalt die.) Nor can it be doubted that Pharaoh, with his usual intemperateness, now