Đặt câu với từ "inflicting"

1. Avenge means inflicting punishment

2. Chastening: inflicting, involving, or serving as punishment

3. Correcting: inflicting, involving, or serving as punishment

4. Karl's a sadist, he enjoys inflicting pain.

5. These new bullets are capable of inflicting massive injuries.

6. These new bullets are Capable of inflicting massive injurie

7. 2 He was charged with maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm.

8. He was clearly intent on inflicting serious harm on someone.

9. It's amazing how good an atheist is in inflicting guilt.

10. 6 He was clearly intent on inflicting serious harm on someone.

11. He is accused of inflicting unimaginable Barbarities on his own people.

12. Deliberately inflicting terrible pain and suffering on other people is Barbarity.

13. She wondered crazily if she should thank Matilda for inflicting the injury.

14. What does Algolagnia mean? Sexual gratification derived from inflicting or experiencing pain

15. (Isaiah 57:11) Jehovah has kept silent, not inflicting immediate punishment upon Judah.

16. Upon death the creature Bursts, inflicting 586 Shadow damage every 1 sec.This effect stacks

17. Some of these testimonies have to do with stressors that employers are inflicting on people.

18. 15 Otto Mattick has aculeate tongue capable of inflicting considerable mental pain if roiled.

19. Players using the Blowpipe have a 25% chance of inflicting venom on their opponent.

20. Algolagnia definition, sexual pleasure derived from enduring or inflicting pain, as in masochism or sadism

21. It seems like the shooter may have interrogated him... inflicting pain to get information, perhaps.

22. The bomb produced a large explosion the moment it landed, inflicting damage that could penetrate armor.

23. The actual inflicting of terror on the civilian population is not a required element of this crime.

24. We read: “His soul draws near to the pit, and his life to those inflicting death.”

25. In keeping with the Schlieffen Plan, the Germans withdrew slowly while inflicting severe losses upon the French.

26. Boobytraps because they provided an effec-tive and simple means of inflicting casualties upon an enemy force

27. Upon seeing any players, Afrits will fire a scorchfireball charge at the player, inflicting the player

28. 3 Some of these testimonies have to do with stressors that employers are inflicting on people.

29. Sexual pleasure derived from inflicting or experiencing pain Familiarity information: Algolagnia used as a noun is very rare.

30. Cruelty is pleasure in inflicting suffering or inaction towards another's suffering when a clear remedy is readily available

31. 5 He was charged with unlawfully and maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm and with assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

32. Corporal punishment is the practice of intentionally inflicting pain upon a child in response to a behavior deemed unacceptable

33. However, on the night of 11/12 April numerous German aircraft attacked the convoy inflicting damage to Holder.

34. In simple terms, Cyberbullying involves inflicting emotional pain and humiliation upon another person, or group of people, using technology

35. Cruelty is a form of abuse which can be described as indifference to suffering and even positive pleasure in inflicting it

36. Aggression is overt or covert, often harmful, social interaction with the intention of inflicting damage or other harm upon another individual

37. A-venj' a-venj'-er: Avenge.--The general idea connected with this word is that of inflicting punishment upon the wrongdoer

38. So successful was the tactic that the return fire from the Dragoons passed over their heads without inflicting a single casualty.

39. Obliged to quell revolt at home, Ptolemy III ‘stood off from the king of the north,’ inflicting no further injuries upon him.

40. 20 Perhaps she had acknowledged his wartime exploits,[www.Sentencedict.com] up there in his Spitfire inflicting those severe losses she had read about.

41. Algolagnia definition is - a perversion (such as sadism or masochism) characterized by pleasure and especially sexual gratification in inflicting or suffering pain.

42. The mob, armed with wooden clubs and iron crosses, viciously attacked those in attendance, inflicting injuries, some very serious, on a number of individuals.

43. The negotiations ultimately failed and the First Iraqi–Kurdish War erupted on 11 September 1961, lasting until 1970 and inflicting 75,000–105,000 casualties.

44. At some outposts, black Artillerymen took up rifles and fought alongside the infantry, in one case beating off a German attack and inflicting serious casualties

45. In the Battle of Entrames on 26 October the Vendeans dispersed the Army of the West inflicting very heavy losses and capturing 19 cannons.

46. Greater Castigation 2 sec cast Channels dark energy into multiple players, inflicting 3506 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec to players within 6 yards of each player.

47. Corroding Barrage is a Warframe Augment Mod for Hydroid where each projectile of Tempest Barrage has a percent chance of inflicting a Corrosive status effect

48. Whirlwind — Augh spins around like mad towards a random player for 20 sec, inflicting 14137 to 15862 Physical damage every second to surrounding enemies within 4 yards

49. A good definition is a good place to start: Cyberbullying refers to the use of new digital technologies with the intended purpose of inflicting harm on others. …

50. The Burrs latch onto the first enemy to cross them, reducing movement speed by 20% and inflicting [(Attack power * 0.36 * (1 + Versatility)) * 6] Nature damage over 6 sec.

51. The Burrs latch onto the first enemy to cross them, reducing movement speed by 20% and inflicting [(Attack power * 0.36 * (1 + Versatility)) * 6] Nature damage over 6 sec.

52. 14 It did seem absurd to imagine Ethan wearing an orange jumpsuit and sitting in a jail cell for inflicting a harm that was mostly in her head anyway.

53. The escorting motor torpedo boats and motor gun boats turned to fight, but three torpedo boats and both gun boats were sunk without inflicting any damage on the Allied ships.

54. Anticipating Pain Is Worse Than Feeling It The study: Giles Story attached electrodes that would deliver electric shocks to the hands of 35 subjects, inflicting minor pain that ranged from a

55. He didn't notice that he was obviously inflicting some damage on himself, for a brown fluid came out of his mouth, flowed over the key, and dripped onto the floor.

56. In a strictly technical sense it may be said that a Bill of Attainder is a legislative act inflicting the punishment of death without a trial, and that a Bill of Pains and …

57. You are of course aware that the robot is a skilled anatomist familiar with every fiber of the human nervous system and capable of inflicting pain for days, if necessary, without bestowing death.

58. Sadism can also be related to this form of action or concept. Cruel ways of inflicting suffering may involve violence, but affirmative violence is not necessary for an act to be Cruel.

59. Bullying is systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt and/or psychological distress on another. Bullying can be physical, verbal or social. Bullying is not just child’s play, but a frightening experience many students face every day.

60. Whether it’s being chained to a burning wheel, turned into a spider, or having an eagle eat one’s liver, Greek mythology is filled with stories of the gods inflicting gruesome horrors on mortals who angered them.

61. The key: the Cyberterrorist does not have to be at the factory to execute these acts.” In this suggested scenario the attack easily fits the definition of terrorism since it involves inflicting obvious and blatant bodily harm to a civilian target.

62. Because mercury is a persistent substance, it can build up, or Bioaccumulate, in living organisms, inflicting increasing levels of harm on higher order species such as predatory fish and fish eating birds and mammals through a process know as "biomagnification".

63. Wherefore, the ends of the law which the Holy One hath given, unto the inflicting of the dpunishment which is affixed, which punishment that is affixed is in opposition to that of the happiness which is affixed, to answer the ends of the eatonement—

64. Idleb, Hama, SANA- Army units conducted intensive Bombardments against positions of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the Idleb southern countryside and Hama northern countryside inflicting heavy losses upon them in the personnel and equipment in retaliation to their frequent breaches of the de-escalation zone agreement.

65. Such tactics were successfully used by the French, for example, at the Battle of Friedland, when sixty-six guns fired a total of 3,000 roundshot and 500 rounds of grapeshot, inflicting severe casualties to the Russian forces, whose losses numbered over 20,000 killed and wounded, in total.

66. Avenge (v.) "vindicate by inflicting pain or evil on the wrongdoer," late 14c., from Anglo-French Avenger, Old French avengier, from a- "to" (see ad-) + vengier "take revenge" (Modern French venger), from Latin vindicare "to claim, Avenge, punish" (see vindication)

67. As is the case for all Aculeates, only female mutillids are capable of inflicting a sting.The stinger is a modified female organ called an ovipositor, which is unusually long and maneuverable in mutillids.In both sexes, a structure called a stridulitrum on the metasoma is used to produce a squeaking or chirping sound when alarmed

68. ‘It's an anarchic assemblage of petty autocracies with numerous additional charismatic nobles advising the Autarchs.’ ‘But in the old Citadel in the enormous city, they still exist: two Masters, some journeymen and the apprentices, all locked up in their tower, doing the biddings of the judges and the Autarchs, inflicting pain and ending

69. ‘Inflicting or otherwise causing a Blighty wound was considered a capital offense, which was punishable by execution by a firing squad.’ ‘A few nights later he copped a Blighty bullet in his leg and I last saw him in Dover Hospital in 1943.’ ‘Then, as you know, I copped a Blighty while standing on the ground, if …

70. The term Algolagnia has fallen into rare usage, and there is no entry for it in the American Psychiatric Association's DSM IV-TR, however inflicting pain on others has been termed "active Algolagnia" and equated to the pathological form of sadism in Mosby's Medical Dictionary, which also equates the pathological form of masochism to "passive

71. Bestowing (2 Occurrences) Acts 15:8 And God, who knows all hearts, gave His testimony in their favour by Bestowing the Holy Spirit on them just as He did on us; (WEY) Romans 5:21 in order that as sin has exercised kingly sway in inflicting death, so grace, too, may exercise kingly sway in Bestowing a righteousness which results in the Life of the Ages through Jesus Christ our Lord.