Đặt câu với từ "in a way"

1. Absolves in a way crossword clue

2. in a way you can't imagine.

3. Admirably (Adverb) In a way worthy of admiration

4. I suppose it's a compliment in a way.

5. In a way it helped ease the guilt.

6. In a way, nuclear disarmament makes matters worse.

7. In a way, the quadruplets were “congregation babies.”

8. Happiness, in a way, is the biggest challenge.

9. It made things very unpleasant in a way.

10. In a way they played a vanguard role.

11. Her leniency had, in a way, inflamed his regard.

12. In a way the forest was like a chapel.

13. This image is a magical image in a way.

14. This guy, that looks incredibly formal, in a way.

15. 26 It made things very unpleasant in a way.

16. In a way or course that is natural; fittingly.

17. What does Chafingly mean? In a way that chafes

18. In a way, I suppose I'm frightened of failing.

19. The posthumous titles honored his death in a way.

20. In a way that is rude and offensive; in a way that criticizes somebody/something rudely and unfairly He shouted Abusively at the referee

21. 10 min: Witness in a Way That Is Understandable.

22. And in a way that's a metaphor for life.

23. Dress in a way that befits a Christian minister.

24. In a way that involves violence to treat someone Abusively

25. He comported himself in a way that won him respect.

26. In a way, he's become my sort of alter ego.

27. What does Admirably mean? In a way worthy of admiration

28. They nourish the spirit in a way decorum never could.

29. In a way[http://Sentencedict.com], nuclear disarmament makes matters worse.

30. He was smiling in a way I found very irritating .

31. Cripplingly definitions In a way that cripples, or is crippling.

32. This is in a way, a mirror of Roman society.

33. In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes.

34. He writes in a way not to provoke the censor.

35. In a way, then, Diamant is a game of Brinksmanship

36. In a way, it is Hubble's equivalent for the infrared.

37. Circumferentially (not comparable) In a way that encircles; around the circumference

38. Curbing inflation has helped people in saving money in a way.

39. So I guess in a way, they're kind of dog royalty.

40. 17 Reason from the Scriptures in a way that is convincing.

41. They must behave in a way which will be socially acceptable.

42. What does Attainably mean? In a way that can be attained

43. Credibly meaning: in a way that can be believed or trusted:

44. Awakeningly meaning In a way that awakens, or brings new sensations

45. Sand dunes are almost like ready-made buildings in a way.

46. (3) Reason from the Scriptures in a way that is convincing.

47. 10 They nourish the spirit in a way decorum never could.

48. Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.

49. He dresses in a way that lets everyone know he's got authority.

50. The book puts across complex ideas in a way anyone can understand.

51. having God’s written Word conveyed in a way that we can understand?

52. He studied her in a way that made her very self-conscious.

53. What does Circumferentially mean? In a way that encircles; around the circumference

54. But I was determined to live in a way that pleases God.

55. In a way, it says: ‘Look beyond the face and the figure.

56. When there's Congruity, things fit together in a way that makes sense

57. In a way that causes worry and fear Prices have risen Alarmingly.

58. Affray, fighting in public in a way that endangers or alarms others.

59. The scheme rebounded on her in a way she had not expected.

60. 8 . The planets will align in a way that impacts the Earth

61. Don't use Google services in a way that exploits or abuses children.

62. And she reacted in a way that is very typical of her.

63. The making process of the Cappuccino is also special in a way

64. Automagically: [adverb] to happen automatically, in a way that appears almost magical

65. I suppose, yes, in a way he was. Crushed by the machine.

66. He orders his assistants around in a way that is very offensive.

67. Her behavior wounded him in a way he did not really understand.

68. 27 In a way it's a surprise; but a very gratifying one.

69. She does it in a way that suggests intimacy, a shared semaphore.

70. Emily was looking at me in a way I found frankly flirtatious.

71. In a way that is kind or helpful: She smiled Benevolently at me

72. In a way that is boring: The novel has a Boringly predictable ending

73. To Antagonize is defined as to act in a way that is contrary

74. But all of you in a way are part of the eternal mother.

75. And the more you can recline, in a way, the better it is.

76. In a way, it was determined to never let his example be forgotten.

77. In a way, they will fulfil his dreams which we are realizing now.

78. So how can we offer counsel in a way that will be effective?

79. And so that in a way is the ultimate legacy of this map.

80. 10 The desire to be right is a stumbling block in a way.