Đặt câu với từ "impractical"

1. Such a solution proved impractical.

2. He rejected my suggestion as impractical.

3. An entirely rigid system is impractical.

4. They found his ideas impractical.

5. Seething with agitation, impractical and empty theories

6. The long flowing dress was highly impractical.

7. The business proposition was rejected as impractical.

8. Sandra was hopelessly impractical around the house.

9. Silk is always wonderful too, if totally impractical.

10. He was a wonderful companion but hopelessly impractical.

11. The acceptance of the offer would also be impractical.

12. He rubbished all my ideas, saying they were impractical.

13. His theory is impractical, idealism leads to jealousy

14. I love high heels but they're rather impractical.

15. The road toll scheme was dismissed as impractical.

16. 12 The road toll scheme was dismissed as impractical.

17. To expect automatic protection from the police is impractical.

18. 2 The road toll scheme was dismissed as impractical.

19. Detractors claim the building will be ugly and impractical.

20. Geniuses are supposed to be eccentric and hopelessly impractical.

21. The weight of the machine makes lifting it impractical.

22. The President criticized the proposal as expensive and impractical.

23. Some impractical suggestions were turned down by the committee.

24. The ideas of a visionary may seem impractical to us.

25. He was hopelessly impractical when it came to planning new projects.

26. It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner.

27. "Impractical Cabinetmaker" was a shocker, and a mover

28. Under certain circumstances, valuation of inventory based on cost is impractical.

29. Thirdly, for sufficiently large data or parameters, some methods become impractical.

30. Ritter plans to tear down the building, saying restoration would be impractical.

31. God would not ask us to do something impractical or harmful to ourselves.

32. Um, two holes in the front for air pipes, which were impractical

33. And where relocation is impractical, a more sensible solution must be found.

34. In certain business operations, taking a physical inventory is impossible or impractical.

35. Men aggravate me when they go on about how impractical women are.

36. Officials stated that building a dam for irrigation purposes was hopelessly impractical.

37. It was impractical to think that we could build the house in one month.

38. So, although that would be really, really awesome, again, that's extremely, extremely impractical.

39. The problem with both of these proposals is that they are hopelessly impractical.

40. Most states recognize that pure Contributory negligence is an unfair and impractical standard

41. Marty, may have the most flagrantly impractical career goal , next to writing haiku.

42. When shielding is impractical or not quite effective enough, consider using 3M Absorbers for similar applications

43. This was useful as it is impractical to gage wheel roughness whilst vehicles are in-service.

44. Local variations in activities and sensitivities make assessing cumulative effects at a broad scale impractical.

45. It was totally impractical to think that we could finish the job in two months.

46. Novick dismisses this notion without difficulty: the plan was considered, and found to be impractical.

47. 14 My original intention was to study all morning, but this turned out to be impractical.

48. The ideas outlined here may seem a bit odd, cranky even, and certainly inconvenient and impractical.

49. However, in Naipaul's works, the reader can find that the mimicry is very ridiculous and impractical.

50. What does Bookish mean? Relying chiefly on book learning rather than practical experience; impractical or unworldly

51. This approach proved impractical and inflexible and did not allow for innovation or different national traditions.

52. It is impractical to devise a regulatory framework that accounts for every specific financial instrument and institution.

53. Some are of the impression that the Bible is not scientific or that Bible standards are impractical.

54. The boys should not be trained to be an impractical person who can't even boil an egg.

55. It's impractical to have so many people all trying to use this equipment at the same time.

56. Others laud it as a remarkable historical record but reject its counsel as impractical for the nuclear age.

57. Attica is not very convenient for walking because many daily needs are very impractical to meet on foot

58. To some, the initiative and referenda have proliferated to the point that they already have become onerous and impractical.

59. Some of the tags also hide a great deal of complexity that make it impractical to imbed with Java.

60. Abolishing the rule of double jeopardy after a full trial and jury acquittal is unprincipled and impractical, he said.

61. 27 Abolishing the rule of double jeopardy after a full trial and jury acquittal is unprincipled and impractical, he said.

62. In circumstances when words are inappropriate or impractical, the apology may take the form of an elaborate pantomime of contrition.

63. Carthage is not very conducive to those who travel by foot since running daily errands is impractical by walking

64. The guidelines may not have been sufficiently widely disseminated, or they may have been viewed as impractical or unrealistic.

65. The original spark-gap radio transmitters were impractical for transmitting audio, since they produced discontinuous pulses known as "damped waves".

66. Bersatu, Umno and DAP leaders Chide Rais Yatim for calling Undi 18 ‘impractical’, says govt must ensure youths get to vote

67. Many tasks will require millions or even billions of nanomachines to achieve results, and manually constructing each one is utterly impractical.

68. Monasteries and nunneries were relatively safe from attack until the Dissolution and would have no need for elaborate and impractical tunnels.

69. This was considered generally impractical and in view of the particular difficulties of carrying out social research in Belfast, probably unattainable.

70. Aerated component of Aerated mixtures, eliminating the often-impractical requirement to completely eliminate entrained gases to extract compositional information from density measurements

71. Color remained an impractical and expensive gimmick...... at a time when black- and- white photography had evolved...... into a respected art form

72. Color remained an impractical and expensive gimmick at a time when black-and-white photography had evolved into a respected art form.

73. His vision, however impractical, of purging Islam and establishing a single Islamic caliphate appealed to Muslims disgusted by the venality of their own elites.

74. 2 : a wasteful or impractical project or activity often involving graft The project is a complete Boondoggle—over budget, behind schedule, and unnecessary

75. Among other logistical Awkwardnesses, the impractical way the island is divided means that unless you take a three- or four-hour detour through …

76. Flexo Clean cut braided expandable sleeving is ideal for field installers and other situations where access to a hot knife is either impractical or impossible

77. ‘He stressed that plans were also in place to create Bunds, or embankments, to contain the stockpiles, although covering them was impractical for operational reasons.’

78. 12 His vision, however impractical, of purging Islam and establishing a single Islamic caliphate appealed to Muslims disgusted by the venality of their own elites.

79. If this is impractical, it may be placed in the (left) pocket, but should not be hung around the neck or suspended from the belt.

80. An 1892 Electoral Bill, introduced by John Ballance, provided for the enfranchisement of all women, but controversy over an impractical postal vote amendment caused its abandonment.