Đặt câu với từ "import quota system"

1. The committee reversed its decision on import quota.

2. to introduce a strict import quota on grain.

3. The government has imposed an import quota on car.

4. A restricted import quota was set for meat products.

5. 30 A restricted import quota was set for meat products.

6. I hereby apply for the above import quota of dangerous drug.

7. 26 I hereby apply for the above import quota of dangerous drug.

8. Finally, Chapter VI11 lists Our recommendations on optimum meihods of import quota allocation, by product.

9. After China enters a life, governmental commitment cancels to import quota inside a few years.

10. When India took this initiative in 2008, the import quota was eight million pieces of RMG annually.

11. The current quota system maintains past rigidities and constraints

12. laying down detailed rules of application for an import tariff quota of dried boneless beef originating in Switzerland

13. Quota a maximum Amount of something that can be produced, sold, brought into a country etc import quotas on

14. Butterfish were introduced into the Quota Management System in 2002

15. The MoU will promote quick and transparent processing of quota allocation and prior authorization for poppy seeds import from Turkey.

16. The reserved quota system does not leave economic operators any alternative .

17. The Automated Import Reference System (Airs) shows the import requirements for Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulated commodities

18. 28 The quota system was modelled on those operated in America and continental Europe.

19. Automating quota usage validation end-to-end and requesting quota increases with the Azure Quota API

20. She encourages women to enter politics, but has expressed concerns about a proposed quota system.

21. In case of import of electricity, the system operator allocates the available capacity.

22. The Quota Bulletins have replaced the previous Quota Book Transmittals


24. Quota Settings

25. However, Germany immediately began to deploy a quota system to distribute asylum seekers among all German states.

26. Perestroika relaxed the production quota system, allowed private ownership of businesses and paved the way for foreign investment.

27. Allocations within the quota

28. Additional quota (tonnes)

29. Cost Data import uses query time import mode.


31. Member states | Additional quota |

32. The total active quota of a State Party shall not exceed its total passive quota.

33. The Commission's medium-term outlook foresees prices adjusting rather to the downside after the end of the quota system.

34. From Airflow import DAG from Airflow_dbt.operators.dbt_operator import (DbtSeedOperator, DbtSnapshotOperator, DbtRunOperator, DbtTestOperator) from Airflow.utils.dates import days_ago default_args =

35. From twisted.web.wsgi import WSGIResource from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.internet import reactor from Arachne import Arachne app = Arachne(__name__) resource = WSGIResource(reactor, …

36. Query time import applies to extended data import types.

37. Currently, summary data import supports the following import type:

38. The consignor of commodities a quota or quota bidding shall be the exporter.

39. Import, export.

40. Import-export?

41. Import Phrasebook

42. How to Measure Quota Attainment

43. Allocation of the compensation quota

44. Describes the Alembic File import process along with import options

45. 9.0 Transferability of export quota 9.1 The Minister may allow the transfer of export quota allocations.

46. Each state party may conduct as many observation flights - its active quota - as its passive quota.

47. Mandeersen emphasizes, we won't return the quota period of textile again quota again is unreasonable , inequitable.

48. So when does the quota reset?

49. These are: random samples. quota samples.

50. 27 It is including import block, export block, patulous memorizer block and communication network block in the system.

51. Enthusiasm by Americans for European cheeses means that import quotas are quickly exhausted though exports of soft cheese (not subject to quota) increase and the price in dollars received continues to rise.

52. Monthly quota of 50 GB.

53. The quota allocation is determined:

54. Article 8 Additional sugar quota

55. Missing Import Filter

56. KFormula Import Error

57. Gainful activity not subject to quota

58. The Borda count has also served as a basis for other methods such as the Quota Borda system and Nanson's method.

59. The board also established a system of import certificates and export authorisations for the legal international trade in narcotics.

60. We will fulfil the quota without fail.

61. Opponents charge that this system artificially inflates the cost of peanut products for consumers and provides a federal windfall for quota-holders.

62. 9 The Bank started to provide import refinance, outward remittance financing for import, export and import bill advance, accounts receivable financing and forfeiting.

63. Bhang within the quota is priced at …

64. the additional quota under the Agriculture Agreement

65. Krita PDF Import Filter

66. Plain Text Import Dialog

67. Import Standard Phrase Book

68. From storages.Backends.s3boto3 import S3Boto3Storage

69. Having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No #/# of # August # laying down common rules for the administration of import tariff quotas for agricultural products managed by a system of import licences, and in particular Article # thereof

70. KWord ASCII Import Filter

71. Over and above its national quota, Government of India requests the Saudi Government for additional quota to accommodate the excess demand.

72. Journal entries import to Outlook, but they don't import to your Google Account.

73. In principle, import duties and import-VAT are paid at the office of importation.

74. 80% quota share with a 30% Ceding commission

75. The country now has a quota on immigration.

76. Centralised Clearance at Import

77. Latex Import Filter Parameters

78. The notification and quota system extended to the whole territory of the common market and ALM collaborated in setting up and operating it.

79. Additionally, the measures introduced had limited impact on increasing the competitiveness of individual growers and the current quota system maintains past rigidities and constraints.

80. Access the Automated Import Reference System (Airs) (opens in new window) and follow the series of drop down options that include: