Đặt câu với từ "ideologies"

1. The people are caught between two opposing ideologies.

2. There is no fundamental diversity between the two ideologies.

3. That is, it is how societies are taught ideologies.

4. We see it in political clashes within groups with different ideologies.

5. Bordering emphasises borders as outcomes of ideologies, as noted briefly in author’s illustrations

6. Accounts of socialization help to explain the perpetuation of ideologies about gender roles.

7. (grievances, Avarices, interests and ideologies), c) combat -stresses (shock, fear, fatigue, rage, etc.) and d) conflict-generated motivations (grievances, Avarices, interests and ideologies), according to the theory’s main variables

8. That is why we are not divided by political or national ideologies.

9. During the 20th century, a number of groups adopted racist ideologies.

10. As time went by, Brigandines slowly became symbols of peoples, nations, and ideologies

11. As time went by, Brigandines slowly became symbols of peoples, nations, and ideologies

12. The League of Nations actually expelled nations that failed to abide by its ideologies.

13. The use of social media to promote radical ideologies is a growing dimension of this threat.

14. Philosophy- Golden Coast Burls is inspired by two intersecting ideologies; Natural elegance, and preservation

15. Their music is an ominous reflection of the twentieth century's last European fratricidal war of ideologies.

16. Underlying such anti‐Semitic acts were anti-Semitic attitudes, either active or passive, and anti-Semitic ideologies.

17. He said Adi Shankara had imbibed the best of practices from different ideologies and thought.

18. Ecuador should not live by ideologies, it should live out of pragmatic solutions that ensure our stability.

19. The new man would no longer be trapped in institutions such as family, marriage, political ideologies and religions.

20. There are three kinds of discourses and ideologies about legal profession in modern societies, namely, professionalism, elitism and plebeianism .

21. Yet Marx and Engels' determination to formulate general theories eventually made Marxism one of the most successful transnational ideologies.

22. But all of those societies had political and social ideologies that were congruent with their economic realities.

23. Instead, they place their reliance on expedient political solutions, empty human reasonings, and futile God-dishonoring ideologies and philosophies.

24. Rather than supporting the statusquo, the way things are, utopian ideologies advocate a complete change in the structure of society.

25. Authoritarian Feminism, shortened to AuthFem, is an umbrella term used to refer to Feminist ideologies that adopt Authoritarianian ideas

26. 8 Similarly radicals overstate the degree of unanimity among the medical profession, which is in fact riven with dissension and competing ideologies.

27. Decolonization was associated with the spread of ideologies of national self-determination and ultimately the near-universality of the sovereign nation-state.

28. Dissident radicals of all sorts were assumed to bear loyalty to alien ideologies, and deportation became the fate of many.

29. The Boogaloo community includes far-right, pro-gun, anti-government libertarians spanning a wide spectrum of ideologies including white supremacy, anarchy and a …

30. Affinities are much like Ideologies in Civilization V: Brave New World in terms of direct game effects, the way you develop them is substantially different. Ideologies were primarily set by the social development of a civilization and were therefore chosen rather than developing as an emergent consequence of other choices.

31. Call it sexism, male Chauvinism, or any other name, it adds up to the same thing: ideologies and methods for controlling, restricting, suppressing, …

32. Colliding Dreams recounts the dramatic history of one of the most controversial, and urgently relevant political ideologies of the modern era

33. The bias in the contributions is towards quite strong views of equity if not egalitarianism, but different income inequality ideologies exist.

34. 23 Darnton believed that Grub Street writers and illegal books played an important role in disseminating the spirit of the Enlightenment and revolutionary ideologies.

35. The history of Communism encompasses a wide variety of ideologies and political movements sharing the core theoretical values of common ownership of wealth, economic enterprise and property

36. Communism includes a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism and anarchism (anarcho-Communism), as well as the political ideologies grouped around both

37. Another writer may analyze all human history as an accretion or steady buildup of ideas and ideologies that have reached their zenith in contemporary Western civilization.

38. Counterpoised creatures dwell in the Outer Planes where balance between elements or ideologies is paramount, but they can be summoned using spells such as summon monster and planar ally.

39. Baathism is one of the last of the grandiose revolutionary ideologies of the mid-twentieth century—an ideology like communism and fascism in Europe (both of which exercised a …

40. In Part III of the series, which ran March 14, 1936, Flanner superbly Anatomizes Hitler’s dogmatic persona: Lacking the cerebral faculty of creating new public ideologies, as a fanatic [Hitler

41. The somewhat imprecise terms Vedism and Brahmanism refer to those forms of Hinduism that revolve primarily around the mythic vision and ritual ideologies presented by the Vedas

42. Agitations goes beyond the traditionally acknowledged divide between integrationist and accommodationist wings of African American politics to explore the diverse fundamental ideologies and strategic outcomes among African American activists that still …

43. The military) which control first by violence and second by ideology, he argues Ideological State Apparatuses (ISA), like schools, control the conditions of production through subjugating individuals to the ruling-class ideologies.

44. The May 4 intellectuals were very patriotic and Bemoaning the fact China was being called' the sick man of Asia' at the time, they wanted to import Western ideologies in order to save China.

45. Agitations goes beyond the traditionally acknowledged divide between integrationist and accommodationist wings of African American politics to explore the diverse fundamental ideologies and strategic outcomes among African American activists that still …

46. Conjuncture the balance of forces, particular ideologies, patterns of class consciousness, class interests, articulation of MODES OF PRODUCTION, etc, that in combination make up a particular pattern of social and economic CONTRADICTIONS, the ‘moment in history’, which …

47. Addressal of academic threats and concerns at the time of its inception but it was also in tandem with and connected to the right wing political ideologies dominant in the 1980s” (Hopper et al.,1995, p

48. German American anthropologist Franz Boas was one of the most influential social scientists of the early twentieth century, noted for his commitment to cultural relativism and as a staunch opponent of racist ideologies

49. Bipartisanship is a political situation that occurs when two opposing parties work together to achieve common goals. The opposite is partisanship where party members adhere to their ideologies and platforms even when it is destructive to the national interest

50. MISSION STATEMENT: Concerned Nazarenes was founded solely to provide SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT for Nazarenes Concerned about the serious problem of the emergent church ideologies and other false teachings that are coming into the church and our academic institutions.

51. (2 John 9-11) May we never succumb to the Devil’s wiles by abandoning the Christian “path of truth” to follow false teachers who seek to “introduce ruinous ideologies” and try to ‘exploit us with well-turned phrases.’ —2 Peter 2:1-3, Byington.

52. ‘The Ascendant ideologies of domestic and foreign security share a nexus in privileging the rights of a state over the collective rights of its citizens.’ ‘Fair or not, that is the Ascendant view of the moment.’ ‘The euro was launched as a symbol of a new Ascendant Europe.’

53. ‘This implicit parallel of Clerkly and knightly service recalls the linking of clerkliness and chivalry in the notion of translatio studii et imperii.’ ‘Ferguson contends that ‘preprint Clerkly ideologies about the value of the ` illustrious vernaculars’ " helped to shape the development of the standardized print languages.’

54. Delineating an approach to activism at the intersection of queer rights, immigration rights, and social justice, Queer Migration Politics examines a series of "Coalitional moments" in which contemporary activists discover and respond to the predominant rhetoric, imagery, and ideologies that signal a …

55. 33 Acquired/Inherited Template Acquired Simple Template Yes Usable with Summons Yes - Requires the feat Summon Neutral Monster Counterpoised creatures dwell in the Outer Planes where balance between elements or ideologies is paramount, but they can be summoned using spells such as summon monster and planar ally.

56. BEST OF THE REST Eltis' initial focus on melodrama is threaded throughout the book as a whole, as she discusses the obsessive repetitions of tropes of seduced heroines, Bigamous wives, and criminal mothers, in a powerful account of the troubled side of nineteenth-century ideologies of gender

57. Anarcho-Anarchism is an IsmIsm ideology that belives that all anarchist ideologies should be partitioned, 1 Personality 2 How To Draw 3 Relationships 3.1 Friends 3.2 Frenemies 3.3 Enemies Was created by Anarchisms lust that was so extreme it broke the laws of physics and morality to and performing self-cest

58. However, like the episodes of biological warfare during the mid-twentieth century, the spread of these present-day conspiracy theories reflects a series of longstanding and damaging trends in the international scene which include deep mistrust, Animosities, the power of ideologies such as nationalism, and the sacrifice of truth in propaganda

59. Castroism (castrismo in Spanish) is a left-wing ideology, lined with and created by Fidel Castro. Castroism is influenced by many ideologies but particularly the theories of Cuban revolutionary José Martí, and after 1961, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin and according to some, fellow 26th of July Movement revolutionary Che Guevara.

60. Nowadays, Curmudgeon is likely to refer to anyone who hates hypocrisy, cant, sham, dogmatic ideologies, the pretenses and evasions of euphemism, and has the nerve to point out unpleasant facts and takes the trouble to impale these sins on the skewer of humor and roast them over the fires of empiric fact, common sense, and native intelligence.

61. But we must recognize that we cannot do so without equally addressing the violence in our minds, a poison that has been spread by terror groups, harnessing the power of modern technology and social media platforms to infect our youth – those ideologies and beliefs that regard one’s own brother as a stranger, one’s own mother as accursed.

62. Castroism is a left-wing ideology, lined with and created by Fidel Castro. Castroism is influenced by many ideologies but particularly the theories of Cuban revolutionary José Martí, and after 1961, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and according to some, fellow 26th of July Movement partner Che Guevara.

63. The World Aflame will embrace not only the total conflagrations of 1914-18 and 1939-45 and the international tensions, conflicting ideologies and malign economic forces that set them in train, but also the civil wars of the interwar period in Ireland and Spain, wars in Latin America, Britain's imperial travails in such places as Ireland

64. Now that the beneficiaries of the free trade 'Bamboozlement are off to their private islands in their private jets or private yachts the rest of us are looking around at the devastation of our economy and standard of living, wondering what to do and finally becoming aware that rigid ideologies and their enforcers have kept us from looking for practical solutions that actually work for all of

65. Attitudes to English-speaking communities are a good subject for intercultural study: for example, is it relevant to make people aware that such attitudes could be excessively positive (and therefore constituting a sign of unacknowledged acculturation or an already partly outdated social distinction strategy) or, conversely, over-critical in the name of "local"/national identities or "anti-globalisation" ideologies, for example, which are simply modern varieties of ethnocentrism?

66. (However, credit must be given here to the agnostic and secular-minded, humanist Mogul Emperor Akbar the Great who refused the title of "the King of Muslims" and preferred to be called "the shadow of God"- for his God, he declared (in accordance with the mind and language of his age), is the beneficial deity and protector of all-Hindus, Muslims and other races of humans and creatures alike. He gave up his faith in Islam and tried his genius in creating a pluralistic religion comprising traditions of all the prevalent religions and ideologies of India.