Đặt câu với từ "hypothesis"

1. I made a hypothesis, a ridiculous hypothesis.

2. Relativized Antimetricality hypothesis

3. Tunnel Mystery Hypothesis

4. That is my hypothesis.

5. The mosaic hypothesis.

6. All this is mere hypothesis.

7. AG: Okay, hypothesis two.

8. The Broaden hypothesis and the build hypothesis, including a focus on upward spiral dynamics

9. They're blind to the hypothesis.

10. AG: Okay,there's his fifth hypothesis.

11. Did this corroborate the asteroid hypothesis?

12. ifetime income and permanent income hypothesis

13. The second hypothesis is more ominous.

14. I have an alternate hypothesis.

15. I made a radical hypothesis.

16. I cannot verify that hypothesis.

17. We have proved the hypothesis.

18. AG: Okay, that's a fourth hypothesis.

19. Lifetime income and permanent income hypothesis,

20. However, some skepticism has greeted this hypothesis.

21. Thereafter he would be testing his hypothesis.

22. She wrote something to summarize her hypothesis.

23. According to the Amyloid hypothesis, a …

24. Do our results confirm this hypothesis?

25. Scientists have proposed a bold hypothesis.

26. I became obsessed with pursuing this hypothesis.

27. This hypothesis was considered the most likely.

28. 23 Scientists have proposed a bold hypothesis.

29. Even casual observation makes this hypothesis improbable.

30. A Brief Exploration of the Altaic Hypothesis

31. A hypothesis should have an empirical referent.

32. Androgens and the Aging Male explores this hypothesis

33. Actually, one of us disagrees with this hypothesis.

34. These observations appear to support our working hypothesis.

35. The olfactory hypothesis has not been confirmed either.

36. Agamospermy is much more common than conceived: A hypothesis

37. Are carcinogens electron Acceptors? A novel hypothesis Med Hypotheses

38. There's absolutely no evidence to support the espionage hypothesis.

39. Felix grandvill fenton hypothesis definition of Carpentered-world

40. Candor's conjecture became known as the continuum hypothesis.

41. A hypothesis based on Behavers rather than behaviour

42. Affect to essay for contrastive analysis hypothesis and

43. Coordinative method leads from Abducing a plausible hypothesis

44. The hypothesis has been championed by F. Papi.

45. 27 She wrote something to summarize her hypothesis.

46. This hypothesis is called the Cobham–Edmonds thesis.

47. Let me enumerate many flaws in your hypothesis.

48. The Antinomies of Realism has a clear underlying dialectic hypothesis

49. The results provide additional support for the hypothesis being tested.

50. Now, my hypothesis, because everybody always asks me, is this.

51. So we decided that we needed to test this hypothesis.

52. The hypothesis can therefore be tested by clock-shifting experiments.

53. Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats.

54. One hypothesis is that the victim fell asleep while driving.

55. Although Aristarchus put forth an appealing hypothesis and nothing more.

56. By contrast, evolutionary systems theory does formulate an overarching hypothesis.

57. Okay, so his first hypothesis has just been falsified.

58. We hope that further research will confirm our hypothesis.

59. The researcher sets up experiments to test the hypothesis.

60. Phylogenetic hypothesis of the Asteroidea based on Blake (1987)

61. Additional research would be required to test this hypothesis.

62. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon.

63. My interviews tempt me to a very tentative hypothesis.

64. This interference hypothesis was tested using Bombus impatiens workers.

65. In support of this hypothesis, four cases are presented.

66. Now x, y, z are unambiguous by induction hypothesis.

67. Drift-Barrier hypothesis and mutation-rate evolution with Accustomed

68. So there's good evidence for the whole restoration hypothesis.

69. The SPRT tests the null hypothesis (no increase) and an alternative hypothesis (increase) leading to three possible conclusions: warning, all-clear, or further surveillance necessary.

70. Additional sedimentary observations from Quebec and Sweden support the meltwater hypothesis.

71. The alternative hypothesis is the opposite of this, in some sense.

72. This hypothesis was tested and verified in a subsequent experiment.

73. Let's see where this hypothesis is going to lead us.

74. A hypothesis is tested by finding experimental evidence for it.

75. The authors reject the hypothesis about unemployment contributing to crime.

76. Conclusion: the hypothesis of meridian essence, at the earliest, " Huangdi. "

77. He had this hypothesis, and he tested it in people.

78. Another popular hypothesis is that aggression lurks in our genes.

79. A proper scientific hypothesis must be capable of being disproved .

80. This hypothesis is based on oral comments attributed to Smith.