Đặt câu với từ "humbly"

1. He was humbly born.

2. I humbly call this development.

3. 'Sorry,' she said humbly.

4. He humbly paid the ransom;

5. I do apologize most humbly.

6. With this blood... we humbly... entreat...

7. Esther humbly acknowledged the king’s mercy

8. Then he humbly begged her forgiveness.

9. "You must be right, Sir," said John humbly.

10. And Joshua humbly acknowledged that One’s presence.

11. Job humbly accepted correction, and he repented.

12. Lodovico. Madam , good night; I humbly thank your ladyship.

13. Elijah humbly appointed Elisha as his successor

14. Parsimonious East Chimericans live more humbly and cautiously.

15. I humbly beg your pardon, my Lord Stark.

16. Job was richly rewarded for humbly accepting correction

17. Akasha humbly bows to Yogi Bhajan in gratitude

18. No, he humbly acceded to the king’s wishes.

19. 17 Evidently, Peter humbly accepted Paul’s corrective counsel.

20. We humbly beg Your Majesty to show mercy.

21. I humbly suggest we scry on the leader.

22. Moses humbly recorded his failure to give God glory

23. Humbly I lay claim upon the Atonement of Christ.

24. Korah was not willing to submit humbly to direction

25. " Let me help you undress, dearest,'she said humbly.

26. Context example: the Chastised child sat humbly in the corner

27. I would humbly suggest that there is something wrong here.

28. Speak humbly, listen respectfully, smile gently. Dr T.P.Chia 

29. I humbly beg the College Council to fund such a journey.

30. So may I humbly suggest we all do something next time.

31. Antonyms for Bombastically include unrhetorically, humbly, quietly, reservedly, simply and straightforwardly

32. Humbly adjusting our attitude leads to God’s blessing (See paragraphs 8-10)

33. Bakehouse Cafe humbly goes about making good products that use fine ingredients

34. Faraday humbly rejected many of the honors that others wanted to bestow upon him.

35. David’s conscience struck him, and he humbly confessed. —2Sa 12:1-14.

36. However, Peter humbly added: “But at your bidding I will lower the nets.”

37. The Tyler Telegram humbly apologizes for having called that wide-lipped Blatherskite, T

38. In this dedication of a Nation , we humbly ask the blessing of God .

39. We take a bow to thy native beauty, so humbly and so willingly.

40. We must continue to cry out humbly yet insistently to God: Rouse yourself!

41. But Samuel mustered the courage —and Eli humbly acquiesced to the divine judgment.

42. I humbly offer that The Alawite Book has a position in between these two

43. When disciplined, David humbly admitted his error and reestablished his relationship with Jehovah. —Ps.

44. And Paul humbly acknowledged Apollos’ contribution to the work, granting him privileges of service.

45. (Matthew 8:20) Jesus served his disciples by humbly setting the pattern for them.

46. The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky. The morning crowned it with splendor.

47. To begin with, he humbly acknowledged that he was a slave of Jesus Christ.

48. Success will come to you as you earnestly, prayerfully, and humbly approach the Lord.

49. The Bible tells us that these men were humbly at work years, even decades, later.

50. Synonyms for Conservatively include quietly, unobtrusively, modestly, unostentatiously, unpretentiously, humbly, demurely, diffidently, plainly and soberly

51. Synonyms for Apologetically include humbly, meekly, modestly, submissively, deferentially, abjectly, diffidently, lowly, meanly and respectfully

52. Anachronists in the arts humbly acknowledge that they stand on the shoulders of their predecessors

53. Lester bowed his head humbly, then with the back of his hand wiped his eyes.

54. Divine Goddess Kebechet, I humbly call upon you... to purify the waters of our life-giving river.

55. In the Middle Ages the serfs humbly doffed their bonnets, whilst the noblemen gave the German salute.

56. With that in mind, I humbly present the crown jewel of Stark Industries freedom line.

57. In this dedication - In this dedication of a Nation , we humbly ask the blessing of God .

58. Antonyms for Bumptiously include humbly, lowlily, modestly, unpretentiously, self-effacingly, uncertainly, shily, retiringly, diffidently and bashfully

59. A “humbleBrag” connects the words “humbly” + “Brag,” which implies the act of indirectly or demurely boasting

60. The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky. The morning crowner it with splendour .

61. Indeed, those who humbly accept correction from their King, Jesus, are refined and receive Jehovah’s blessing.

62. Love moved her to go to Paqui and humbly express her deep regret for behaving so badly.

63. So he humbly rose, took a towel and a basin, and started to wash the apostles’ feet.

64. (Luke 1:38, JB) Thus Mary humbly acceded to this divine direction and in time gave birth to Jesus.

65. But after a few days, he swallowed his pride, reconciled with the school overseer, and humbly accepted his counsel.

66. A stone sits unmovable , a satellite bends with gravity, history moves beyond the past, a great person walks humbly.

67. Miss Fogerty was humbly grateful for her goodwill, but would never have dreamt of imposing upon it.

68. If we deviate from God’s way, we should humbly return, confident of Jehovah’s willingness to forgive us

69. 18 What father would reject a son who humbly turns to him for help and advice after making a mistake?

70. Humbly, she said: “A mere saffron of the coastal plain I am, a lily of the low plains.”

71. To humbly, generously and expansively treat all cultures of the world in order to extract their beneficial elements.

72. When I might be out there on the stage, applauded by thousands - however humbly I have to begin.

73. (1 Corinthians 13:7) And, of course, I have gradually learned humbly to accept my weaknesses and limitations.

74. 21 Humbly and obediently “receive the discipline that gives insight, righteousness and judgment and uprightness [fire-resisting qualities] . . .

75. Synonyms for Abjectly include modestly, submissively, meekly, deferentially, humbly, lowly, meanly, sheepishly, cap in hand and hat in hand

76. She sat humbly in the cold church, making some effort to get into the right mood for the service.

77. When the apostle Paul became a prisoner in Rome, he humbly asked fellow Christians to pray in his behalf.

78. Rather, he patiently endured years of tribulation, humbly awaiting Jehovah’s blessing.—Genesis 37:23-28, 36; 39:11-20.

79. I am writing this letter in order to humbly ask your forgiveness for the events preceding my internment here.

80. (Job 32:2) But Job refused to turn his back on the Creator, and he humbly accepted correction from God.