Đặt câu với từ "house-to-house"

1. House-to-house records

2. (b) we are walking from house to house in residential territory or driving from house to house in rural territory?

3. See the box “Preaching ‘From House to House.’”

4. We went from house to house every Sunday.

5. (b) we are walking from house to house?

6. They also acted out preaching from house to house.

7. The village fell after fierce house-to-house fighting.

8. Philip often accompanies Michelle in the house-to-house ministry

9. Many are effectively reached in the house-to-house activity.

10. • What is the Scriptural basis for preaching from house to house?

11. No one receives any payment for going from house to house.

12. In time, I began to share in house-to-house preaching.

13. 7 In the house-to-house ministry conclusions are often weak.

14. 11 At daybreak,(www.Sentencedict.com) officers began a house-to-house search.

15. Regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses, he wrote: “They go systematically from house to house.”

16. ▪ Make notation on house-to-house record of all interest and placements.

17. Offer it to concerned people you find while working from house to house.

18. For pursuing the house-to-house activity the Witnesses have sound Scriptural precedents.

19. What is our foremost reason for preaching publicly and from house to house?

20. 4 House-to-house preaching is not a modern innovation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

21. His thoughts were interrupted by one of Jehovah’s Witnesses calling from house to house.

22. (b) How did radio lectures and the house-to-house work complement each other?

23. He also preached from house to house and reasoned with people in the marketplace.

24. 6 It is of utmost importance to keep a good house-to-house record.

25. on the streets, from house to house, from store to store, and in other ways.

26. 5 When working from house to house, do not pass up small stores and shops.

27. 6. (a) What has been said about personal contact in the house-to-house ministry?

28. (3) Why is there an urgent need to keep preaching from house to house today?

29. Yet, going from house to house remains the primary preaching method used by Jehovah’s Witnesses.

30. 4:13) Take full advantage of congregation arrangements for engaging in the house-to-house witnessing.

31. 6 One scholar has appropriately said: “[Paul] taught the truth publicly and from house to house.

32. 10 We can increase our effectiveness by being discerning as we work from house to house.

33. We cannot accept the house-to-house ministry, yet ignore God’s moral requirements in everyday living.

34. Two Witnesses and a small child were going from house to house on a Caribbean island.

35. We used a lightweight phonograph in our house-to-house ministry, playing lectures of Joseph F.

36. (b) What indicates that Paul made home visits similar to our house-to-house activity today?

37. 6 min: Encourage all to support the special day for house-to-house witnessing on Sunday.

38. (5) How does regular participation in the house-to-house work affect our own spiritual lives?

39. Have you considered working from house to house or following up not-at-homes on Saturday afternoons?

40. Discussion between service overseer and publisher who wishes to improve his ability in house- to- house work.

41. A sister in Pakistan, new to the house-to-house activity, had her trust in Jehovah strengthened.

42. On my better days, I like to witness from house to house.” —Barbara, who has a brain tumor.

43. Also preaching from house-to-house or in different quarters of the towns and villages has been prohibited.”

44. 6 Of course, there are many ways to place magazines other than in the house-to-house ministry.

45. The name and address of everyone who shows interest should be noted on a house-to-house record.

46. The Sunday classes were advertised in the local newspapers, but there was no organized house-to-house preaching.

47. Did you admire the way one of the pioneers used the Bible in the house-to-house ministry?

48. In addition, the house-to-house ministry builds the faith and endurance of those who engage in it.

49. (John 6:41-47) Of course, in preaching from house to house, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not prejudge anyone.

50. Here is scriptural warrant for house to house evangelism as well as that carried on in public meetings.”

51. So we prowl from house to house looking for flies captured in spider webs and we set them free.

52. So he went from house to house offering to clean waterlines and sprinkler heads and to adjust the system.

53. They no longer accept the responsibility of regularly attending Christian meetings or of participating in the house-to-house ministry.

54. They're popping up in a neighborhood near you: "We've Been Booed!" signs that fly from house to house

55. Some, no longer accepting The Watchtower as “food at the proper time,” were against the house-to-house preaching activity.

56. Distribution of free tracts was accelerated on occasional Sundays in front of the churches and regularly from house to house.

57. Down to this day, special programs of house-to-house preaching at conventions add to the joy of those assembled.

58. 4 On occasion we meet individuals who are abrupt when we call on them in the house-to-house ministry.

59. As we regularly use the Bible in the house-to-house work, we find it is “alive and exerts power.”—Heb.

60. They may have been met in the house-to-house work or in informal witnessing at the market or at school.

61. One day soldiers were coming down the street, searching from house to house for young men to induct into the army.

62. No, all of Jehovah’s Witnesses feel a responsibility to preach and teach from house to house and on every appropriate occasion.

63. He may be unable to find a pencil or a house-to-house record because his case is not properly organized.

64. Preaching the good news from house to house in Dar es Salaam was much easier because there was an English-speaking community.

65. 19 God’s acceptance and blessing continue on this preaching work, including the important house-to-house activity of locating and helping persons.

66. 4 While we endeavor to contact people in many ways, the house-to-house work is still the mainstay of our ministry.

67. 5 Telephone Witnessing: This is a fine way to reach people whom we are unable to meet in house-to-house activity.

68. Regarding the activity of the 70, Matthew Henry’s Commentary reports: “Like their Master, wherever they visited, they preached from house to house.”

69. The pamphlet To Whom the Work Is Entrusted explained: “The Golden Age work is a house-to-house canvass with the kingdom message. . . .

70. For instance, To Whom the Work Is Entrusted, a pamphlet published in 1919, urged all anointed Christians to preach from house to house.

71. Circuit overseers give instruction in preaching from house to house, talk to congregation elders, visit Bible studies with newly interested ones, address congregations

72. A missionary going from house to house in a Caribbean island met a hippie couple whose home was anything but neat and orderly.

73. With urgency, they proclaim publicly and from house to house that God’s Kingdom of righteousness and peace is about to take over earth’s affairs.

74. 4 Benefits of Preaching From House to House: “God is not partial . . . The man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.”

75. Distribution of the Society’s free tracts was accelerated on occasional Sundays in front of the churches and regularly in the house-to-house ministry.

76. “Throughout the country a large portion of the populace is very definitely ‘up in arms’ against our activities, especially our house-to-house ministry.”

77. Alma 30:54–59 tells that Korihor was cast out, went from house to house begging for food, and eventually was trampled to death.

78. Whether formally or informally, from house to house or from store to store, on the street or on the telephone, our preaching activity honors Jehovah.

79. 27 Note: A 'mop-up' refers to a rapid and massive, house-to-house immunization response within four weeks of confirmation of a circulating poliovirus.

80. No better way has been found than the time-tested method of searching from house to house for those who are hungering for the truth.