Đặt câu với từ "horizontal resolution"

1. The three-dimensional gimbal provides easy picture adjustment with 360 degrees of pan, 160 degrees of tilt, and 360 degrees of horizontal resolution.

2. Betamax tapes, which somehow had one spool instead of two, actually featured the higher quality video experience, with better horizontal resolution and lower video noise than VHS.

3. First generation spaceborne altimetric approaches are not well-suited to generating the few meter level horizontal resolution and decimeter accuracy vertical (range) resolution on the global scale desired by many in the Earth and planetary science communities.

4. ‘Laser Altimetry gives much more precise measurements than radar, with a horizontal resolution of around 100 m.’ ‘The records do not support the idea of a sudden acceleration, and satellite Altimetry suggests almost no change of sea level during the past decade.’

5. Here, we have used a global chemical transport model at fine horizontal resolution to estimate the impact of removing Anthropogenic emissions from each of five sectors (Energy, Residential and Commercial, Industry, Land Transportation, and Shipping and Aviation) on the global and regional mortality burden of Anthropogenic ozone and [PM.sub .2.5].