Đặt câu với từ "hedging against inflation"

1. 22 There are ways of hedging against the exchange rate risk.

2. Contractionary policy assists in fighting against inflation, particularly demand pull inflation

3. Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation.

4. Agrestal's use of hedging is a way for the company to guard against _____ risks

5. Stricter controls will help in the fight against inflation.

6. The workers went out in protest against unbridled inflation.

7. 15 Buying gold may be a hedge against inflation.

8. I bought a house as a buffer against inflation.

9. They were attempting to trade off inflation against unemployment.

10. Analysis has to start with the war against inflation.

11. The Government has been assiduous in the fight against inflation.

12. 3 Buying a house will be a hedge against inflation.

13. 2 Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation.

14. The government has been Assiduous in the fight against inflation.

15. 25 The last sentence may seem obscure or - in the light of recent outcry against paedophilia - a hedging of bets.

16. This is called hedging slippage.

17. 20 This is called hedging slippage.

18. 14 Such bet - hedging is sensible.

19. His competence as an economist had been reinforced by his successful fight against inflation.

20. 2 They have found a way to insulate themselves against the cost of inflation.

21. The loss of jobs is regarded as a necessary evil in the fight against inflation.

22. 10 She'd made some overseas investments as a hedge against rising inflation in this country.

23. Residents seeking protection against inflation or a devaluation of the bolivar turn to currency traders.

24. Economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument

25. 19 You will not make large gains by hedging yourself.

26. 18 We can minimize the exchange rate risk by hedging.

27. 4 Stop hedging and tell me what you really think.

28. 3 Stop hedging and answer my question directly!

29. 9 Practicability: for prevention against thievery, inflation and repair for bicycle, motorcycle and storage battery car.

30. Inflation expectations are implied by the extra return investors demand to forego against future price increases.

31. 20 The Treasury has decided to raise interest rates as a pre-emptive measure against inflation.

32. 16 Hedging in futures markets in synonymous with shifting risk.

33. (21) information on off-balance sheet activities, hedging strategies

34. 2 Just answer 'yes' or 'no'-and stop hedging.

35. The loss of jobs is regarded by some as a necessary evil in the fight against inflation.

36. Hedging Mexico’s Bondes F with CME F-TIIE Futures

37. NASA is hedging its bets and adopting both strategies.

38. In 2005, the minimum wage was adjusted by 15.38 per cent, against inflation of 6.61 per cent.

39. They are protesting against inflation, unemployment, the deep corruption of the state, the government’s support for terrorism.

40. He did not think that an increase in the multiplier was a suitable method of protecting against inflation.

41. These relatively favourable inflation developments should be seen against the background of long-standing pegged exchange rate regimes.

42. His savings were spent, and his small business —which could have been a hedge against inflation— never materialized.

43. 17 Hedging in futures markets is synonymous with shifting risk.

44. 15 Traditional hedging analysis adopts variance as the risk measure.

45. 1 NASA is hedging its bets and adopting both strategies.

46. 5 They're hedging their bets and keeping up contacts with both companies.

47. 7 Hedging Strategies Using Futures 1 Overview of this chapter Arbitragers vs

48. 10 This is no time for waffling, hedging, or invoking executive privilege.

49. 8 Maybe, I tell myself, I was really hedging my bets.

50. The result was a frenzied rush for consumer goods, both for their own sake and as a hedge against inflation.

51. And “core inflation” measures show no sign of accelerating inflation either.

52. There are derivative products that allow for hedging and swaps between the two.

53. The “carrying amount” for all derivatives (hedging or trading) is the fair value.

54. That move was further encouraged by the increases in prescription charges last week, which were above average when set against inflation.

55. The Breakeven inflation rate is a market-based measure of expected inflation

56. Headline inflation accelerated but underlying inflation stayed well below 2 per cent.

57. 6 You're hedging again - have you got the money or haven't you?

58. Accelerating headline inflation

59. Q-46. Inflation

60. The asset class most affected by Convexity hedging is agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS)

61. Ah, inflation, food shortages.

62. Also narrow, pencil varieties, screening and hedging varieties and many ground covering Conifers

63. In addition, the Secretariat should adopt the following actions to support an effective hedging programme:

64. Inflation continues to accelerate.

65. Inflation-Adjusted {adj} inflationsbereinigtecon

66. Inflation Tightens Its Grip

67. Adjusted annually for inflation.

68. One reason is inflation.

69. These Buckthorn species were first brought here from Europe as a popular hedging material

70. These Buckthorn species were first brought here from Europe as a popular hedging material

71. (Hosea 2:2, 5) “Therefore,” said Jehovah, “here I am hedging your way about with thorns; and I will heap up a stone wall against her, so that her own roadways she will not find.

72. In addition, fixed or pegged exchange rate regimes eliminated costs related to exchange rate hedging (7).

73. Adjusted for inflation, of course.

74. Unemployment and inflation are interrelated.

75. Inflation has reached record levels.

76. With inflation the country's Coinage …

77. Inflation and other cost adjustments.

78. Adjust for inflation Step 5:

79. For each hedging set, the absolute value amount of the sum of the resulting risk positions is computed.

80. 11 It allows you to diversify real-estate holdings, hedging your risk should prices in one market drop.