Đặt câu với từ "havenly-minded"

1. Antonyms for Archconservative include broad-minded, large-minded, liberal, nonconservative, nonconventional, nonorthodox, nontraditional, open-minded, progressive and unconventional

2. It amazes me how closed-minded some open-minded people are.

3. How absent-minded!

4. He's absent-minded.

5. I'm absent-minded.

6. Very absent-minded.

7. It amazes me how closed-minded some open-minded people are. Sentencedict.com

8. Simple-minded fella.

9. I'm so absent-minded.

10. Well... absent-minded, distracted.

11. I'm not mechanically minded.

12. You're pretty absent-minded!

13. You're so absent-minded.

14. Minded our own business.

15. Energetic, fashion-minded person.

16. Synonyms for Antiestablishment include nonconservative, anticonventional, antitraditional, broad-minded, large-minded, liberal, nonconformist, nonconventional

17. Speer, an absent-minded artist.

18. Overmortgage tachypnoeic air-minded Autodialled

19. I'm getting so absent-minded.

20. But I think they prefer being double-minded over what they Allege is narrow-minded

21. He's very absent-minded, too.

22. He's so absent-minded sometimes.

23. You are really absent - minded.

24. I'm not very mechanically minded .

25. Your brother very absent- minded?

26. Your brother very absent-minded?

27. Blame my absent-minded heart

28. I'm not very politically minded.

29. Speer, an absent- minded artist.

30. He's always been mechanically minded.

31. Antonyms for Conditioned include untrained, fresh, fair, impartial, unbiased, neutral, open-minded, unprejudiced, broad-minded and disinterested

32. Antonyms for Classist include egalitarian, unstratified, fair, impartial, unbiased, neutral, open-minded, unprejudiced, broad-minded and disinterested

33. My wife is extremely absent-minded.

34. Athletically Minded In Home Sales Representative

35. Here you are, you absent-minded...

36. That was a little absent minded.

37. Antonyms for Chauvinistic include unpatriotic, internationalist, traitorous, antisocial, misanthropic, tolerant, broad-minded, open-minded, unprejudiced and liberal

38. The liberal-minded people will think it's precious, and the close-minded people will think it's pathetic.

39. The Bloody minded, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

40. He shouldn't be so absent-minded.

41. You're a little absent-minded, spirit.

42. I'm getting sort of absent-minded.

43. I am getting so absent-minded.

44. She's quite open-minded about sex.

45. Small minds breed small-minded superstitions.

46. Open-minded, easy going, teamwork spirit.

47. They were both strong-minded women.

48. Rachael is the weak minded ambitious Bankeress.

49. Of course, how absent-minded of me!

50. Noyes naturally carefree, open-minded is true.

51. Every right-minded person is against terrorism.

52. I' m getting sort of absent- minded

53. She never minded how hot it was.

54. Are you open-minded about these suggestions?

55. 6 Open-minded, easy going, teamwork spirit.

56. Adele is an independent strong-minded woman.

57. Unassailably hereticated prothorax larches Brasqued simple-minded

58. You' re a Iittle absent- minded, spirit

59. So be like the noble-minded Beroeans.

60. She is a strong-minded, independent woman.

61. Even intelligent people are sometimes absent-minded.

62. I told you I was absent-minded.

63. Score one for the absent-minded professor.

64. She's infuriating and stubborn and narrow-minded.

65. She was minded to accept their offer.

66. He minded that he hadn't been asked.

67. All right-minded people will support us.

68. Bloody minded slang Petulant and argumentative in nature

69. Moses Sumney: Aromanticism review – a single-minded star

70. No, I' m a Iarge absent- minded spirit

71. The Creator of mankind is not narrow-minded.

72. 5 Every right-minded person is against terrorism.

73. Anderson is, to begin with,[Sentencedict] absent-minded.

74. That boy is getting so absent-minded lately.

75. “The Bible’s view of homosexuality is narrow-minded!”

76. Synonyms for Bewared include heeded, minded, noticed, wared, watched out, looked out, took heed, took care, minded out and attended to

77. It will help those people who have open-minded parents, but it won't help if they are conservative and closed-minded.

78. I am Bloody minded [determination, persistence] obstiné (e) → it was only bloody-minded determination that carried me to the end

79. She says that some people are narrow minded.

80. She stayed at home and minded the baby.