Đặt câu với từ "ground-wire"

1. You have to cut the ground wire.

2. 20 Electrician : Sometimes sparks do shoot up but we have ground wire, which keeps us safe.

3. Inside, there was a ground wire loop that was never connected to the original Bobstay fitting

4. Crossbar Bracket With Ground Wire for 4.7in Ceiling Canopies - DIY Lighting Lamp Parts - Custom Pendant Light Fixture Components BRIGHTTIA

5. · Link KESH – PPC: OPGW (Optical fibre on Power line Ground Wire) with associated equipment on existing 400 kV overhead line from S/S Elbasan (ALB) to S/S Kardia (GRE).

6. A simple explanation - a Counterpoise is an extension conductor that connects the main ground grid to a remote grid or a ground electrode. It typically runs along with a overhead line, e.g.skywire or ground wire, and it helps the main grid to dissipate a fualt current by parallelling more ground conductors to the grid, hence reduce the GPR.