Đặt câu với từ "gonorheal rheumatism"

1. Anti-rheumatism bracelets

2. Rheumatism or Arthritis?

3. Anti-rheumatism rings

4. She suffers from rheumatism.

5. He is cured of rheumatism.

6. Later, she also developed rheumatism.

7. She's a martyr to rheumatism.

8. 25 He is cured of rheumatism.

9. Arthritis and rheumatism are prominent crippling diseases.

10. The pills help to relieve my rheumatism.

11. Rheumatism prevents him form bending his back.

12. And then there is the rheumatism.

13. He is a martyr to rheumatism.

14. Cold weather plays the devil with my rheumatism.

15. He has an uphill battle against rheumatism.

16. Any dampness and my rheumatism will be back.

17. He moved very slowly because he suffered from rheumatism.

18. The damp weather plays the very devil with my rheumatism.

19. The inhabitants are predisposed to rheumatism by the damp climate.

20. We may dismiss them as “a touch of rheumatism.”

21. For rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, phlebitis... urinary complaints, hyperacidity, male potency

22. Problems with back or neck (which includes arthritis or rheumatism)

23. 6 The inhabitants are predisposed to rheumatism by the damp climate.

24. The hot weather gave the old man a truce from rheumatism.

25. I can't get around like I used to - it's this accursed rheumatism!

26. Folklore says that Buckeyes bring good luck and prevent rheumatism, arthritis and headache

27. Surgery: Chronic articular rheumatism joint deformation disease, arthritis, neuralgia, back pain, frozen shoulders.

28. A double parka and a North Pole style sleeping bag against rheumatism.

29. Despite serious safety concerns, Clematis is used for joint pain (rheumatism), headaches, varicose veins,

30. I can't play the piano any more because I have rheumatism in my fingers.

31. People with rheumatism sought relief by walking along these tracks, though animals avoid them.

32. Too early chilling by water, it is thought, will cause rheumatism or cramps.

33. I was so racked by rheumatism that I could neither sit nor stand.

34. Anyone who suffers from rheumatism, arthritis, backache, cramp or sore joints would feel immediate relief.

35. Bogbean is used for achy joints (rheumatism), rheumatoid arthritis, loss of appetite, and upset stomach

36. They are said to cure everything from rheumatism to ringworm, colic to snakebite — the lot.

37. A few were starting to tell the others that the mud cured rheumatism and gout.

38. He learned that this was due to her high blood pressure and rheumatism in her legs.

39. Yes, physical contact with this hot little companion seemed to help those who suffered from rheumatism.

40. · Testing and diagnosis for all age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, rheumatism and hemiplegia;

41. Restrain rheumatism and arthritis, helpful for improve pain of articulation whenrain day and adjust osseous swell.

42. Bogbean is used for achy joints (rheumatism), rheumatoid arthritis, loss of appetite, and upset stomach.

43. Analgene (uncountable) An antipyretic and analgesic, derived from quinoline and mainly used to treat rheumatism and neuralgia

44. Boneset helps build healthy bone mass as well as to treat arthritis and symptoms of muscular rheumatism

45. Coccidioidomycosis is also known as San Joaquin Valley fever (or simply Valley fever) or desert rheumatism.

46. Sufferers from rheumatism and other inflammatory ailments find relief by daily visits to these “hot pots.”

47. Welcome to Ara Arthritis and Rheumatism Associates, P.C., is the largest Rheumatology practice in the Washington, D.C., area

48. A month earlier I had begun to feel pain in my left knee and was treated for rheumatism.

49. For acute joint infections, including gout, chronic joint infections, rheumatism of the soft parts, pain and fever.

50. 21 Anyone who suffers from rheumatism, arthritis, backache,(www.Sentencedict.com) cramp or sore joints would feel immediate relief.

51. Another important role of aspirin anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatism, the treatment of rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis drug of choice.

52. And there's a bit of rheumatism in my right shoulder and arm which is something of a nuisance.

53. These include colds, influenza, rheumatism, dengue (also known as break bone fever, hence the name Boneset), malaria and typhoid fever.

54. Albin says it was used indiscriminately as a panacea for ailments such as rheumatism, sprains, kidney disorders, and intestinal conditions.

55. Here she met my father, who was Availing himself of the waters as a remedy for his chronic enemy, rheumatism.

56. Professor Ravinder Maini of the Arthritis and Rheumatism Council hopes that these will become available “in five to 10 years.”

57. She saw the lines scoring Gran's face - the same harsh lines that came when the rheumatism was at its worst.

58. The scientific name for Valley fever is “Coccidioidomycosis,” and it’s also sometimes called “San Joaquin Valley fever” or “desert rheumatism.”

59. Islanders use it in efforts to combat illnesses such as head colds, epilepsy, pneumonia, rheumatism and a host of other ailments.

60. Suffering from rheumatism and typhus, in August 1922 he was sent to Berdyansk, a resort on the Sea of Azov, for treatment.

61. “Suffering [or evil],” notes a Hindu scholar, “like chronic rheumatism, only moves from one place to another but cannot be totally eradicated.”

62. Arthritis is a common problem of swelling and pain in the joints . The severe pain in bones and muscles is considered as Rheumatism .

63. We shouldn't make an initial diagnosis of active rheumatic fever to the people who generally get rheumatism easily until the evidence is definite.

64. Whether it begins as acute joint rheumatism, continuing spasmodically or progressing slowly (the so-called secondary chronic joint rheumatism of the clinic), or whether it commences and proceeds gradually, it is impossible to arrest the pathological process before the synovial membrane is scarred and before serious cartilage-bone changes have taken place.

65. The bark of the Alstonia constricta and the Alstonia scholaris is a source of a remedy against malaria, toothache, rheumatism and snake bites.

66. In 1872, Daae-Finsen reported an epidemic of "acute muscular rheumatism" occurring in the community Bamble, Norway, giving rise to the name "Bamble disease".

67. 160 The venoms of other Centipedes are used in Chinese folk medicine to combat rheumatism, convulsions, tetanus, heart attacks, kidney stones, skin problems

68. They can alleviate symptoms and rehabilitate various disorders like acute rheumatism, ulcerated lesions, skin and bone problems as well as stress and exhaustion.

69. He was afflicted with rheumatism, and as he stumbled along he noticed a piece of string on the ground in front of him.

70. Introduce the Experiences of therapy rheumatism disease by professor ZHANG Qi, therapy the rigid spine inflammation, gout, sciatica ischialgia, rheumatoid arthritis and also provide the cases.

71. According to the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), more than # % of Europe's population suffer, at one time or another, from an acute or chronic rheumatic disease

72. According to the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), more than 50 % of Europe's population suffer, at one time or another, from an acute or chronic rheumatic disease.

73. It has a cell adhesion inhibitor activity and is useful for preventing or treating inflammation and accompanying thrombus formation, rheumatism, immunopathy, viral infection and cancer.

74. Apitherapy 178,179 is the use of bee stings to treat specific chronic inflammatory disorders 180 including rheumatism 181 neurologic disorders, 182 vascular disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, 183 or allergic disorders

75. After acute articular rheumatism 1591 was recognised as an independent disease entity, bloodletting remained the treatment of choice for most doctors right up to the end of the 19th century.

76. The article is based on a PubMed search as well as a search in congress abstracts of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR).

77. For at least a thousand years, tiger bones have been an ingredient in traditional medicines that are prescribed as a muscle strengthener and treatment for rheumatism and body pain.

78. Ajowan has got anti spasmodic qualities, mostly because of existence of thymol, and is also utilized for dealing with colic and griping pains, asthma, muscle spasms, cramps, rheumatism, arthritis and edema

79. The work performed by the German Rheumatism Research Center (DRFZ) and the Association of Rheumatological Acute Clinics (VRA) in Germany has already used certain quality indicators and this topic has been recently described elsewhere.

80. As a clinician he worked in nearly all areas of internal medicine, including neurology, and published a large number of monographs, of which the first German monograph on acute articular rheumatism was one.