Đặt câu với từ "gley soil"

1. Gley soils are typical of tundra , meadows, and boggy areas.

2. History and Etymology for Agley Scots Agley, aglee "obliquely, askance, awry," from a- a- entry 1 + gley, glee "to squint, look askance," going back to Old Scots gley (in the participle gleyit "squinting") & …

3. Azonal soil synonyms, Azonal soil pronunciation, Azonal soil translation, English dictionary definition of Azonal soil

4. The new techniques enabled better understanding of soil biodiversity, soil aggregation, soil moisture and soil function changes.

5. Soil – Soil Types: Sandy – Clayey – Loamy

6. (a) Clayey soil (b) sandy soil (c) loamy soil (d) none of these

7. Key words: septic tank, soil absorption system, saturated soil, unsaturated soil, coliforms, nutrients.

8. Mixing soil with a binding agent by way of drilling of soil in combination with injecting the soil (soil consolidation)

9. Soil acidity in the soil solid phase

10. The three major soil types in this region are the paddy soil, the alluvial soil, and the salt swamp soil.

11. In soil and paddy soil, red loam - based.

12. advanced techniques of digital soil mapping and geo-statistical analysis of soil data, including soil classification

13. Park from granite, gneiss, the soil is a gray forest soil, fertile soil, vegetation growing well.

14. Cryptobiotic Soil benefits soil and plants in many ways

15. Aeration of soil improved biodegradation compared with waterlogged soil.

16. Organic matter affects soil structure Soil organic matter plays a central role in forming soil aggregates.

17. Biological soil crust, also called cryptobiotic soil crust, microbiotic soil crust, or Cryptogamic soil crust, thin layer of living material formed in the uppermost millimetres of soil where soil particles are aggregated by a community of highly specialized organisms.

18. Compacted Soil

19. Biological soil crust, also called Cryptobiotic soil crust, microbiotic soil crust, or cryptogamic soil crust, thin layer of living material formed in the uppermost millimetres of soil where soil particles are aggregated by a community of highly specialized organisms.

20. Cohesion of soil is an important factor of soil consistency

21. Soil aerators

22. Indian soil.

23. Unlike the fine soil, this soil becomes overgrown with thorns.

24. Soil survey should be adopted in such soil overburden areas.

25. Bad soil.

26. Moreover, THg concentrations decreased from alluvial soil, shrub soil to forest soil in a sample site, and they decreased with increasing depth in soil profiles.

27. Soil requirements: Artichoke needs well-drained, light, nutrient-rich soil

28. Pedogenesis Pedology (soil study) Soil classification World Reference Base for Soil Resources, Second edition 2006, First update 2007

29. Biochar is a soil amendment that locks carbon in the soil, improves the availability of soil minerals to plants

30. It goes by the name of cryptobiotic soil crust, also known as biological soil, Cryptogamic, or microbiotic soil crust

31. Soil improvement agents, soil aerating preparations, fertilisers, earth for plants, peat

32. Root distribution, soil morphology and pH of soil suspension were recorded.

33. Compaction of Soil Compaction of soil is the application of mechanical energy to a soil to rearrange the particles and reduce the void ratio and increase soil density

34. Aeration of soil

35. This vertical section of the soil shows four basic soil layers.

36. Compaction Definitions • Soil Compaction – Decrease in soil volume and porosity, or increase in soil bulk density, due to mechanical stress on soil, for example, from traffic of agricultural machinery

37. alluvial soil (16)

38. While coleorhiza stays within the soil, Coleoptile emerges out of the soil

39. Nitrogen enrichment and soil Acidification significantly decreased soil respiration and its components

40. The soil is part calcareous Mesozoic and part silty-calcareous alluvial soil.

41. The soil is part calcareous Mesozoic and part silty-calcareous alluvial soil

42. What Is Soil?

43. Compost for Soil Regeneration Johnson–Su Composting Bioreactor Bringing the Soil Back to Life Healthy soil is teaming with life in the form of billions of microscopic soil organisms

44. Bacteria in the soil Bacteria work hard in the soil for us

45. Soil Acidity Soil pH below 5.5 leads to poor yields and growth.

46. Albian would replace soil according to original vertical arrangement of soil horizons.

47. Don’t plant in very dry soil, because Arum requires cool, moist soil.

48. Soil metabolism (Aerobic)

49. You'll soil it.

50. Clayey Soil: Sandy Soil: 1: The proportion of fine particles is higher

51. Tannic acid decomposition in soil samples and soil respiration have been investigated.

52. Rain impact on exposed soil is the main cause of soil Crusting.

53. The most common use of soil conditioners is to improve soil structure.

54. Common soil Amendments include: Garden soil is a soil amendment for in-ground use rather than use in containers or raised beds

55. A Calcareous soil is soil that has calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) in abundance

56. These include footing size, overburden pressure, footing material, soil disturbance, and soil properties.

57. Regarding the soil, the parent material is schist, which usually means poor soil.

58. Arenosol — FAO soil group one of the 30 soil groups in the classification system of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (soil)

59. Regarding the soil, the parent material is schist, which usually means poor soil

60. The basic concept of soil Arching is that a part of the weight of the soil (and any surcharge) is transferred between the soil prism over the conduit and adjacent soil prisms.

61. The Aridisol soil Order is one of eleven Orders recognized in Soil Taxonomy

62. Cryptobiotic Soil, Canyonlands NP

63. From Sludge to Soil

64. Good Soil Produces Abundantly

65. Fertilizer enriches the soil.

66. Soil conditioners, Compost accelerators

67. However, some ground-water gley soils have permeable lower horizons, including some sands, for example in hollows within sand dune systems, known as slacks, and in some alluvial situations.

68. Soil Compaction is defined as the method of mechanically increasing the density of soil

69. Soil Requirements Bellflowers grow best is loose, well-draining soil with a pH range

70. Find the perfect soil and soil Amendments with brands like Miracle-Gro and Kellogg

71. Azonal soil, immature soil [A soil without well-developed profile characteristics, owing to its youth, conditions of parent material, or relief that prevents development of normal soil profile characteristics] Azonaler Boden m, unreifer Boden

72. Trees also prevent soil erosion by retaining water in the soil and hindering runoff.

73. Key words: complex permittivity, nondestructive testing, soil contamination, detection of soil contamination, environmental technology.

74. Additional measurements in soil water and groundwater allocate the accumulation to various soil layers

75. Earthworms create tunnels in the soil by burrowing, which Aerates the soil to allow air, water and nutrients to reach deep within the soil

76. Additional measurements in soil water and groundwater allocate the accumulation to various soil layers.

77. A spike Aerator pushes the soil down and creates a small “hole” in the soil

78. Soil Anaerobism in English translation and definition "soil Anaerobism", Dictionary English-English online

79. the analytical methods for the monitoring of the soil metabolite trifluoromethylaniline in soil and water;

80. Reducing soil erosion: Percentage of land in moderate and severe soil erosion on agricultural land