Đặt câu với từ "free trade policy"

1. On foreign policy, Forbes is firmly for free trade.

2. By the 1840s, Britain had adopted a highly successful policy of free trade that gave it dominance in the trade of much of the world.

3. Britain traded goods and capital extensively with countries around the world, adopting a free trade policy after 1840.

4. Free port can say is a free - trade area, but not all free - trade area is free port.

5. The countries are divided into symmetric trade Blocs that pursue a policy of free trade within the trade bloc but impose a common external tariff on imports from the rest of the world

6. Every state is doing the choice of trade policy in terms of their countries interest, and either free trade or protected trade is taken is always the hot issue argued between economist and politician.

7. Competere is a trade law and economic policy consultancy

8. Beggar-thy-neighbour trade policy responses benefit no one

9. Beggar-thy-neighbour trade policy responses benefit no one.

10. A policy of free trade, rather than membership of a discriminatory trading regime, would have maximised the benefits of tariff reductions.

11. Trade policy, through international agreements, provides the foundation for, and framework within which, international trade occurs.

12. 22. Calls on the Commission to take fair trade initiatives into account when formulating trade policy;

13. Befouler said: Just now change the trade policy to split trade income between energy and goods

14. Free trade implies shared values.

15. Towards appropriate agricultural trade policy for low income developing countries.

16. It was muffled on trade-union reform and taxation policy.

17. The agricultural product trade policy made by the European common Market to serve the common agricultural policy is a protectionist policy.

18. In foreign policy, he negotiated a trade pact with China.

19. Brooks Running Free Shipping Policy

20. A free-trade area is a result of a free-trade agreement (a form of trade pact) between two or more countries.

21. Expenditure related to staff in active employment of policy area Trade

22. To each country technology innovation policy had comprehensive trade off study.

23. The Chile-Canada Free Trade Agreement

24. Subject: EU-ASEAN free trade agreement

25. An EU-India Free Trade Agreement

26. China proposes northern free trade zone.

27. 9 This equivocation has carried through to his trade policy appointments.

28. Among these its Trade Embargo Policy to Cuba is main aspect.

29. Under the trade liberalization constraint, direct export subsidy in strategic trade policy is prohibited by the rules of WTO.

30. (a) the collection of information and policy advice on trade related issues;

31. Reed has generally supported fair trade policies over similar ones advocating free trade.

32. Free trade, however, is not a panacea.

33. Enhance the function of free trade zone.

34. the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

35. ASEAN Free Trade Area has been established to encourage greater trade among ASEAN members.

36. the collection of information and policy advice on trade related issues with Japan

37. Strategic Trade Policy theory is based on imperfect competition and Economies of Scale.

38. Better Trade Policy Could Have Avoided Japan’s Beef With American Farmers The U.S

39. The U.S.-Chinese Joint Committee on Commerce and Trade meets twice a year to resolve policy disputes and ease trade tensions.

40. "On the broad canvas of presidential trade policy, Obama's decision is unexceptional, " says Doug Irwin, a trade historian at Dartmouth College.

41. 43 . Canada - Japan to start free trade talks

42. Free trade zone is the only way to the development of Sino - Russian border trade.

43. Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled-craft sectors; formation of economic policy

44. Protects and develops the trade, industry and skilled-craft sectors; formation of economic policy.

45. (a) the collection of information and policy advice on trade related issues with Japan;

46. International trade policy, which has resulted in a sizable trade deficit (imports greater than exports) since the early 2000s, which reduces GDP and employment relative to a trade surplus.

47. In addition, U.S. policy placed a special emphasis on the neoliberal "Washington Consensus", manifesting in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which went into effect in 1994.

48. This talk betrays a certain Cynicism about free trade

49. • Conclusion of the Free Trade Agreement with Costa Rica.

50. 1994 — North American Free Trade Agreement goes in effect.

51. You are free to trade any style you want

52. A stalwart proponent of the reform and opening policy after the end of the Cultural Revolution, he proposed the establishment of free trade zones in his native Guangdong Province.

53. Free trade agreements will ensure market access by removing unjustified barriers that distort trade flows and investment.

54. Adam Smith believed strongly in the virtues of free trade.

55. The agreement on free trade talks was reached on Sunday

56. Looking for on online Barter website? Trade for need, trade for profit, trade for fun at BarterOnly.com! Now mobile friendly and FREE TO USE!

57. Competere seeks to decrease world poverty and increase prosperity through international trade liberalisation and competition policy.

58. Trade Policy, Human Rights and the Concept of Ethical Sourcing on Imported Goods-Inquiry-Debate Adjourned

59. Access for parliaments and civil society to consultation procedures and the trade policy review mechanism (TPRM)

60. Autarky is an economic policy to have a closed economy and not allow any external trade

61. Global value chains mean trade policy can no longer be approached from a narrow mercantilist angle.

62. Hainan's duty-free shopping policy has permanently come into force.

63. Current Role: Thomson Reuters Boskage ** Providing Global Trade Professionals with powerful online tools to maximize efficiency & accuracy with their global trade classification, free trade

64. This will comprise container terminals, free trade, logistics and industrial zones.

65. They have agreed to form a free trade zone in 2000.

66. Does free trade always bring maximum satisfaction to all the partners?

67. The treaty is aimed at promoting free trade among its members.

68. Trade Assurance is a free order protection service offered by Alibaba.com.

69. Canada is also pushing to secure free trade agreement with Thailand .

70. The rich want free trade in services; the poor want protection.

71. Free trade!" said Henry Clay in the tariff debate of 18

72. Andorra has relied on banking secrecy, tourism and duty-free trade

73. 14 Trade barrier is broken gradually, country economy is more free.

74. Second , promoting the establishment of a China - ASEAN free trade zone.

75. * Issues of trade policy should not be allowed to become entwined with competition issues when scrutinizing transactions.

76. * Issues of trade policy should not be allowed to become entwined with competition issues when scrutinizing transactions

77. Trade follies In different ways, paralysis in monetary and fiscal policy played a critical role in 1929-

78. In 2004, Bahrain signed the Bahrain–US Free Trade Agreement, which will reduce certain trade barriers between the two nations.

79. The North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, created one of the largest trade blocs in the world in 1994.

80. What is Accts? The Agreement on Climate Change, Trade and Sustainability is an agreement featuring six countries committed to using trade policy to support action on the climate.