Đặt câu với từ "foundation stock"

1. The foundation stock was almost exclusively made up of feral domestic cats with natural Bobtails

2. The breed has the Czechoslovakian Vlcak Club of America and is part of the Foundation Stock Service of AKC

3. Breeds that have contributed foundation stock to the Standardbred breed included the Narragansett Pacer, Canadian Pacer, Thoroughbred, Norfolk Trotter, Hackney, and Morgan.

4. The American Boerboel Club (ABC) was founded in July of 2006, and accepted into the AKC Foundation Stock Service Program at that time

5. Len Harvey attended all of the local cattle sales and selected the animals he fancied that would prove to be good foundation stock.

6. The many newly developed and recognized breeds of domestic cat are Crossbreeds between existing, well-established breeds (sometimes with limited hybridization with some wild species), to either combine selected traits from the foundation stock, or propagate a rare mutation without excessive inbreeding.

7. An Oriental Bicolour is any cat of Oriental type, either long-haired or short-haired and in any pattern including colourpoint, which has white areas on its coat caused by the white spotting gene.In most cat fancier and breeder organisations, Oriental Bicolours do not constitute a standardised breed, but a coat pattern variant of the breed of their foundation stock.