Đặt câu với từ "fought"

1. We fought - we fought as hard as we could .

2. I fought him.

3. You fought with honor.

4. Knights fought in armor.

5. They fought back heroically.

6. It's better to have fought and lost, than never to have fought at all.

7. We fought for decolonization.

8. He fought in Vietnam.

9. Knights fought in armour.

10. He fought energetically against apartheid.

11. The Romulans fought with honour.

12. Both men fought at Gettysburg.

13. She fought with crazed ferocity.

14. The Gettysburg Address memorialized both the soldiers who fought and the nation they fought for. Sentencedict.com

15. Past Battles Fought Near Megiddo

16. 16 The soldiers fought gallantly.

17. You fought in the forest?

18. Alexander fought with his Companion cavalry.

19. 16 She fought tooth and nail.

20. 8 They fought tooth and nail.

21. You fought bravely today, Lady Brienne.

22. The aggressors were fiercely fought back.

23. They fought bravely against the enemy.

24. 3.5 million Ukrainians fought with the Imperial Russian Army, while 250,000 fought for the Austro-Hungarian Army.

25. Terrible wars continue to be fought.

26. The men fought harder for him.

27. WARS have been fought over it.

28. The Conquistadors often fought each other

29. The Templars fought against the King.

30. Regional monopolies were bitterly fought for.

31. The game had been cleanly fought.

32. They fought to the bitter end.

33. She fought heroically against the disease.

34. They fought to defend the realm.

35. Two Civil War battles fought here.

36. We fought to the last man.

37. Marco: “Is this where the gladiators fought?”

38. Fought so hard, he retired into retail.

39. Your son was the best I've fought.

40. Grandfather fought side by side with Mao.

41. They have fought too long and hard...

42. Giving up the ground we fought for.

43. My grandfather fought in two world wars.

44. The second stage was fought when soldiers from the U.S. 101st Airborne Division fought to clear and secure the city.

45. The first stage of the battle was fought when the US 3rd Infantry Division fought to surround the town.

46. They must have fought before they died.

47. He fought his way through the blizzard.

48. He fought hard to overcome his disability.

49. Harvey's prosecution, everything he fought for undone.

50. Long ago we fought and died together.

51. They fought bravely right to the finish.

52. Police fought a pitched battle against demonstrators.

53. The lioness fought to protect her young.

54. She fought him desperately, kicking and biting.

55. I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf.

56. You fought like hell to get it.

57. The contest should be very keenly fought.

58. I've fought many wars in my time.

59. They fought for control of the islands.

60. 12 The boxer has fought many opponents.

61. My grandfather fought in World War II.

62. She fought to be here, fought the politicians and the bureaucracy, and convinced them to take a chance on her.

63. Two tribes, Hutu and Tutsi, fought each other.

64. She fought off the hyenas with that stick.

65. The siege itself was a hard-fought battle.

66. Dastan has fought hard today, perhaps too hard.

67. He fought back the impulse to slap her.

68. 2 They fought incompetence, inclement weather and indifference.

69. 11 It was futile,[www.Sentencedict.com]still they fought.

70. The two brothers fought together against their attackers.

71. Successive governments have fought shy of such measures.

72. DNA discovery battles are still being strenuously fought.

73. The Amazons fought a war against the Mygdonians

74. We've fought many battles and won great victories.

75. I once fought Shark Yan, the Boxing Champion.

76. We brawled and scrapped and fought for hours

77. We fought our way through the dense vegetation.

78. Decisive Biblical battles were also fought near Megiddo.

79. As a youth, he fought the giant Goliath.

80. 23 I fought to keep back my tears.