Đặt câu với từ "fortuitous"

1. The meeting with Jack was fortuitous.

2. After all, the meeting with Jack was fortuitous.

3. 3 synonyms for Causeless: reasonless, fortuitous, uncaused

4. A series of fortuitous advanced his career.

5. A series of fortuitous circumstances advanced her career.

6. 3 synonyms for Causeless: reasonless, fortuitous, uncaused

7. The collapse of its rivals brought fortuitous gains to the company.

8. A fortuitous fire destroyed all evidence of his wrongdoing.

9. She was also helped by a fortuitous circumstance.

10. The timing of the meeting is certainly fortuitous.

11. Casual definition, happening by chance; fortuitous: a Casual meeting

12. His success depended on a fortuitous combination of circumstances.

13. Some common synonyms of Casual are accidental, contingent, and fortuitous

14. Some common synonyms of Accidental are casual, contingent, and fortuitous

15. The instances of effective crack-stoppers in minerals are fortuitous.

16. Her years with MMC would turn out to be fortuitous for Britney.

17. What does Causeless mean? Having no obvious cause; fortuitous or inexplicable

18. Their success is the result of a fortuitous combination of circumstances.

19. Synonyms for Coincidental include accidental, casual, chance, fluky, fortuitous, unintentional, unplanned, unintended, adventitious and aleatory

20. My arrival and my anticipated help with the paperwork have been fortuitous.

21. Now you can debate for ever the fortuitous terms of this loan.

22. Ironically enough, his main field experience occurred as a fortuitous consequence of the First World War.

23. The second way makes the emergence of syntactic combinations seem much less fortuitous.

24. Social scientists take it as axiomatic that our dally lives are not entirely fortuitous.

25. 19 Fortuitous happenstance ignits a foray of synergy between the two or the group.

26. Synonyms for Codicillary include provisory, conditional, contingent, fortuitous, guarded, iffy, incidental, inconclusive, limited and modified

27. 11 Social scientists take it as axiomatic that our dally lives are not entirely fortuitous.

28. This fortuitous cooperation of lightning flashes and motor car exhausts was producing results in fairly populated areas at night.

29. See: Betterment goes 'strategic' with ESG after stunning 2020 inflows and fortuitous 'accident,' stumbling on …

30. The same conclusion applies a fortiori where those borderline cases give rise to fortuitous advantages.

31. The sharp difference in impact on work experience between the two applications was an entirely fortuitous outcome.

32. Four victims so far and three fortuitous, but he's probably been on the prowl for three years or more. Sentencedict.com

33. Design Beyond "Fortuitous Contrivings" I am enthusiastic over humanity’s extraordinary and sometimes very timely ingenuity

34. The trenchant symbolism of his pictures is essentially alien to the Dada conception of randomness and fortuitous juxtaposition.

35. Great many piano tops in accepting yesterday’s fortuitous Contrivings as constituting the only means for solving a given problem

36. Four victims so far and three fortuitous, but he's probably been on the prowl for three years or more.

37. The quatrains follow the progress of a child from his fortuitous birth to his first conscious communication with others.

38. In the first place, the fact that his value system was centred upon the principle of autocracy was hardly fortuitous.

39. The fortuitous occurrence of cases of jaagsiekte (sheep pulmonary adenomatosis) in a group of young Scottish Blackface sheep exposed to experimental cold stress is described.

40. For a certain period Mr Sammler lad resisted such physical impressions-being wooed almost comically by momentary and fortuitous sweetness.

41. Happening by chance; unexpected; fortuitous: a Casual meeting; not dressy: a Casual event Not to be confused with: causal – of or implying a cause; relating

42. Aleatory Contract A mutual agreement between two parties in which the performance of the contractual obligations of one or both parties depends upon a fortuitous event.

43. I think that we are clinging to a great many piano tops in accepting yesterday’s fortuitous Contrivings as constituting the only means for solving a given problem

44. I can assure the honourable Member that the Commission is very adroit and active in organising sufficient support for what it does, but in this case, it was a purely fortuitous occasion.

45. I think we are clinging to a great many piano tops in accepting yesterday's fortuitous Contrivings as constituting the only means for solving a given problem." - …

46. I think we are clinging to a great many piano tops in accepting yesterday's fortuitous Contrivings as constituting the only means for solving a given problem." - …

47. I think that we are clinging to a great many piano tops in accepting yesterday’s fortuitous Contrivings as constituting the only means for solving a given problem.” R

48. 30 If there is a difficult union, self may choose not to be present but may accolade synergy in the work happenstance or in other encounters of a fortuitous kind.

49. 26 How fortuitous that a new company would receive such a tremendous write-up in a major Los Angeles newspaper—and just a month after putting out a stock offering!

50. The word "Bashert" can be used to refer to any kind of fortuitous good match, such as finding the perfect job or the perfect house, but it is usually used to refer to one's soul mate.

51. Photographers, or artists of any kind, are probably more aware than most people are of fortuitous Coincidings, of happy or regrettable appearances and disappearances: “I could kick myself for not … Continue Reading At Home in the Secret

52. I think that we are clinging to a great many piano tops in accepting yesterday’s fortuitous Contrivings as constituting the only means for solving a given problem.” “Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them.”

53. After discussing a number of “coincidences” that astrophysicists and others have noted, Professor Davies adds: “Taken together, they provide impressive evidence that life as we know it depends very sensitively on the form of the laws of physics, and on some seemingly fortuitous accidents in the actual values that nature has chosen for various particle masses, force strengths, and so on. . . .

54. Comedo carcinoma of the breast is actually a type of ductal carcinoma in situ.It is considered to be an early stage of breast cancer, and it is characterized by the presence of central necrosis, or evidence of cell death and decay.A diagnosis of this particular kind of breast cancer is somewhat fortuitous as it is confined to the breast ducts and usually does

55. Photographers, or artists of any kind, are probably more aware than most people are of fortuitous Coincidings, of happy or regrettable appearances and disappearances: “I could kick myself for not having shot that scene the first time I saw it, and now it’s gone!” Or: “I sure am glad I photographed that building with the graffiti last month, because they’ve knocked the whole thing

56. In other words , the riddle of biophys - ics is to discover how the fortuitous concourse of myriads of blind and chaotic molecules while obeying the laws of physics and chemistry become ' at the same time integrated into organic wholes , capable of entropy - decreasing ani - mated activity . The problem , therefore , is to trace the very real differences in the behaviour of animate and inanimate matter to their objective foundations in some kind of spatio - temporal relationships . E . Schrodinger was the first to divine the nature of this difference when he formulated his ' order from order ' principle , which is " the real clue to the understanding of life " .

57. The change in image of Tequila from plebeian to noble was not fortuitous, nor did it take place over night; it was the result of the protection of the beverage as an appellation of origin and by the companies producing 100 per cent pure agave tequila, i.e. those which, although the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) allows an additional 49 per cent of sugars from an alternative source to be used, introduced into the national and international market the concept of 100 per cent tequila as a product exhibiting greater quality and purity; similarly, different kinds of tequila are appearing, to suit consumer tastes: white, mature and old, the formulation of which is smoother since it is directed at another important market: the throats of women as tequila drinkers.