Đặt câu với từ "forfeiting"

1. The rehab director asks if you're forfeiting your place.

2. Furthermore, the adulterer is not merely forfeiting his possessions, but bringing his own soul —his life— to ruin.

3. None of the software created under ToolChest can be optimised for any particular Sparc configuration without forfeiting compliance.

4. The POC program is directed at identifying, assessing, seizing, restraining and forfeiting illicit wealth accumulated through criminal activities.

5. The tribunal concluded that he should be dismissed and banned for three years from public office,(Sentencedict) forfeiting his seat in parliament.

6. Cameron explained forfeiting his share as complex. "... the short version is that the film cost proportionally much more than T2 and True Lies.

7. 9 The Bank started to provide import refinance, outward remittance financing for import, export and import bill advance, accounts receivable financing and forfeiting.

8. William Mackenzie, 5th Earl of Seaforth, was Attainted, forfeiting the estate, which in 1725 became the headquarters of General Wade during his "pacification" of the Highlands

9. 26 How can we encourage children to be self-disciplined, and at the same time guard against children completely forfeiting their goals in favor of the goals of teachers, parents and coaches?