Đặt câu với từ "foreign exchange reserves"

1. China is the world 's largest holder of foreign exchange reserves .

2. They can use their often substantial foreign exchange reserves to stabilize the market.

3. It already holds substantial foreign exchange reserves in euros , and is the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt .

4. GDP growth, Foreign exchange reserves, stock market valuations, and investor confidence have all increased.

5. Only Euroswitch reserves the right to adjust the price according to foreign exchange rate fluctuations.

6. Foreign-exchange reserves have been maintained at their current low level only by failing to pay back some foreign debt.

7. At the other extreme lies China foreign - exchange reserves, and a current - account and budget surplus.

8. But she said China will continue to invest some of its foreign exchange reserves in Europe .

9. The government appears to be moving rapidly toward financing more of current expenditure using foreign exchange reserves.

10. Steady industrial growth, rising exports and sound foreign exchange reserves are all signs of growing economic strength and resilience.

11. VinaCapital recently estimated that the State Bank had this year purchased $ 6 billion in foreign currency from the market to increase the foreign exchange reserves .

12. Having been left outside the club, these countries have no option but to self-insure by accumulating foreign-exchange reserves.

13. Many countries have built up large official foreign-exchange reserves, in part as greater self-insurance against adverse external developments.

14. With the above trends and the continued high level of overseas remittances there is no pressure on Vietnam 's foreign exchange reserves .

15. A currency crisis is a situation in which serious doubt exists as to whether a country's central bank has sufficient foreign exchange reserves to maintain the country's fixed exchange rate.

16. Taiwan is now a creditor economy, holding one of the world's largest foreign exchange reserves of over US$403 billion as of December 2012.

17. Foreign exchange services are provided by many banks and specialist foreign exchange brokers around the world.

18. A nation with a trade deficit will experience a reduction in its foreign exchange reserves, which ultimately lowers (depreciates) the value of its currency.

19. View foreign exchange rates and use our Currency exchange rate calculator for more than 30 foreign currencies.

20. View foreign exchange rates and use our currency exchange rate calculator for more than 30 foreign Currencies.

21. Online information on bank accounts, foreign exchange and foreign exchange rates, stock market quotations and mutual funds

22. Where adequate foreign reserves exist, these can be used to moderate the pace of exchange rate adjustments, while a loosening of capital inflow regulation and incentives for foreign direct investment might help smooth adjustment.

23. America absorbs Chinese imports, pays China in dollars, and China holds dollars, amassing $2.5 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves, much of it held in US Treasury securities.

24. for a liquidity-absorbing foreign exchange swap

25. This is Areola, our foreign exchange student.

26. Churchill's Cold War speech; and foreign exchange.

27. To earn foreign exchange we must export.

28. The rapid growth of China's foreign exchange reserves(FER) becomes a dramatic event, and triggered extensive discussions and debates of domestic and international political and economic circles.

29. FOREIGN EXCHANGE SWAPS S = spot (on the transaction date of the foreign exchange swap) of the exchange rate between the euro (EUR) and a foreign currency ABC S= x × ABC 1 × EUR

30. His crime was foreign - exchange violation at a time when the Finance Ministry was considering abolishing the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act .

31. Dependent on a few vulnerable crops for its foreign exchange earnings and reliant on imported oil, Ethiopia lacks sufficient foreign exchange.

32. The reader might wonder what constitutes foreign exchange.

33. [Formula] for a liquidity-absorbing foreign exchange swap

34. The European nations had all but exhausted their foreign exchange reserves during the war, and the Marshall Plan aid represented almost their sole means of importing goods from abroad.

35. Though the region has allowed startling imbalances to develop, foreign - exchange reserves are generally stronger than in Asia ten years ago; and there is less light-footed "hot money".

36. [image] for a liquidity-absorbing foreign exchange swap

37. The exchange rates for foreign currency change daily.

38. Allotment of variable rate foreign exchange swap tenders

39. The bank accepts the foreign exchange risk exposure.

40. The school organizes a foreign exchange to France.

41. Developing countries have continued to accumulate foreign reserves to insure against financial shocks.

42. Investments are currently abysmally low: China, which boasts of over $3 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, has invested less than a billion dollars into the emerging market of India.

43. Among his accomplishments was accelerating the process of economic modernization to give Taiwan a 13% growth rate, $4,600 per capita income, and the world's second largest foreign exchange reserves.

44. Britain remained on the gold standard until 1931, when the gold and foreign exchange reserves were transferred to the Treasury; however, they continued to be managed by the Bank.

45. Non-free floating exchange rate system often needs a big amount of reserves, while a free exchange rate may lead to the loss of reserves and an impact on the real economy.

46. The bank has been intervening in foreign exchange markets.

47. Under the new system, Banco de México now makes no commitment to the level of the peso exchange rate, although it does employ an automatic mechanism to accumulate foreign reserves.

48. 6 The host country may impose foreign exchange control.

49. Foreign exchange risk The risk of financial loss due to adverse movements in foreign currencies.

50. Are foreign exchange houses and remittance agencies routinely audited?

51. Liquidity-absorbing foreign exchange swap by variable rate tender

52. Foreign exchange risk – The risk of financial loss due to adverse movements in foreign currencies.

53. This financing gap can broadly be attributed to three factors: a relatively large current account deficit, the need to build up foreign exchange reserves, and the large debt amortization requirements expected.

54. China 's foreign reserves , which now exceed $ 3trillion , are the largest in the world .

55. See foreign exchange foreign exchange, methods and instruments used to adjust the payment of debts between two nations that employ different currency Explanation of Arbitrages

56. Conservation of Foreign Exchange & Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act # ( # of

57. Non-bank foreign exchange companies offer currency exchange and international payments to private individuals and companies.

58. European platform for the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with automatic activation

59. It handles foreign - exchange transactions without the authorization of CBC.

60. 4 Also, many foreign-exchange brokerage firms closed at noon.

61. This change applied to the obligatory foreign exchange intervention, i.e. when exchange rates moved to their limit.

62. Foreign exchange fixing is the daily monetary exchange rate fixed by the national bank of each country.

63. The absurdity here is the idea that all foreign aid should be added to reserves.

64. Earlier the government had approved amendments codifying foreign exchange regulations to enable foreign companies to repatriate profits.

65. Today, those foreign countries are fearful of dollar inflation, which could decapitate their own bank reserves.

66. 28 A smaller - than - usual increase in China's - exchange reserves last quarter a - than - usual controversy.

67. Retail foreign exchange trading is not possible without a Forex Brokerage

68. Allotment in liquidity-absorbing variable rate foreign exchange swap tender procedures

69. Notable examples include foreign exchange and financial markets, technology and demography.

70. Investors use these futures contracts to hedge against foreign exchange risk.

71. The dollar is expected to fall in the foreign exchange markets.

72. 15 Coffee is a valuable source of foreign exchange for Uganda.

73. The market also contains around 10-12 foreign exchange brokers who link buyers and sellers of foreign currency.

74. Each transaction at the foreign exchange counter seems to take forever.

75. A forward contract thus insures the exporter against foreign exchange risk.

76. On the contrary, a country's international balance of payments surplus means that the oversupply of foreign exchange, the currency shortage, the result is a decline in foreign exchange rates.

77. The reserves are composed of convertible foreign currencies, gold and International Monetary Fund special drawing rights.sentence dictionary

78. Accruals for foreign exchange denominated instruments are calculated and booked daily at the exchange rate of the recording day.

79. Artificially low exchange rates, restrictions on capital flows, and excessively large currency reserves all create global imbalances.

80. Δ1 ≥ Δ s ≥ Δ m for a liquidity-absorbing foreign exchange swap