Đặt câu với từ "flocking together"

1. People are still flocking to Jehovah’s organization

2. Shepherds too are flocking to Zion.

3. People have been flocking to the exhibition.

4. I don't like this flocking thing at all.

5. He had them flocking to him. He was most proud.

6. Crowds have been flocking to the beaches in this hot weather.

7. The glitterati of Hollywood are flocking to Janet Vaughan's nail salon.

8. The nose is the high-quality revertex flocking nose!

9. By this time people were flocking to join the cult.

10. But tourists are not the only foreigners flocking to Penang.

11. The criticisms will not stop people flocking to see the film.

12. Students are flocking to such fields as genetics and molecular biology.

13. 17 The glitterati of Hollywood are flocking to Janet Vaughan's nail salon.

14. If the economy is such a mess, why are investors flocking in?

15. This summer, campers will be flocking to them like never before.

16. The Courtiers were flocking to the Luxembourg, in hopes of some advantage to themselves

17. Migrants flocking in panic from the battle zone provided a useful veil of confusion.

18. With computers becoming ever more common in the home, consumers are flocking to tax-preparation software.

19. Application: for automatically chromatically printing or chromatically flocking coating of textile garment and pieces.

20. He also noted that whites from all parts are flocking into the country which they have called theirs.

21. Three years ago, the flocking process contributed to a fire at Malden Mills that badly injured several workers.

22. The building will house new replacement machinery for the flocking equipment destroyed in the Dec. 11 blaze.

23. Firms are flocking after the government's offer of money to help them move to areas needing industry.

24. Read in studio Thousands of fans have been flocking to see Britain's longest running soap opera on the live stage.

25. Cannes society, or rather its top echelons, was now flocking into the ballroom, and Rose's unease grew.

26. Visitors are flocking to see the characters in an unusual menage a trois at San Francisco zoo.

27. Anhima cornuta is a semi-social bird, forming small groups of 5 to 10 individuals, with no conspicuous flocking

28. Refusing to let go of fond memories, fans are once again flocking to Graceland, Elvis—white-columned Memphis mansion.

29. 11 As a result, millions are flocking “like doves to their birdhouse holes,” finding refuge within the Christian congregation.

30. What is the Splatting GPU Benchmark? A measure of a GPUs ability to compute and render a flocking swarm more

31. But others, numbering into the millions, are flocking like doves to their “birdhouse holes,” or “dovecotes,” finding refuge in God’s organization.

32. In the army we worked together, trained together, lived together.

33. They have traveled together, Boulevardiered together, played softball together, had the occasional adult beverage together

34. We rode together, killed together.

35. We work together, we play together.

36. Altogether / all together Altogether / all together

37. We ride together, we, you know, we, we eat together and we sleep together.

38. By the end of the 19th century, Istanbul had established itself as a regional artistic center, with Turkish, European, and Middle Eastern artists flocking to the city.

39. Together.

40. You must learn to work together, react together.

41. Come on together! Brandish the florid youth together!

42. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford 

43. Feet together.

44. They feel that they belong together, so they stick together.

45. Together again.

46. Nothing together.

47. A band to Honor is the story Navy Band Unit 22 - The ships band for the USS Arizona - The band trained together, practiced together, performed together, lived together and on December 7, 1941, died together!

48. Pull together, men.

49. Let's train together!

50. Finding Solutions Together

51. Cheerleaders rolled together.

52. Being back together.

53. Y'all stick together.

54. Let's go together

55. They're taped together.

56. Whether traveling together, doing chores together, or relaxing together, you may find opportunities to provide for your children’s spiritual needs.

57. Together but Apart

58. Pull yourself together.

59. You're good together.

60. Peoples dwelling together?

61. Conjoin (something) to join together; to join two or more things together

62. Conspire (together) (to do something) They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs

63. Bind something (together) Add an egg yolk to Bind the mixture together

64. Adorbs is like a pair of fearsome ride-together-die-together sorority sisters

65. “All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now”

66. Adorbs is like a pair of fearsome ride-together-die-together sorority sisters

67. “ALL creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now.”

68. Kneel, feet and legs together, arms stretched above your head, hands clasped together.

69. Adopt flocking alluvial gold craft, a grain by a grain of sands, with her own language told the millennium with enterprise culture, the golden art, with his special charm, against the green vigor.

70. Standing together produces unity.

71. Principles of Counseling Together

72. Enjoy sweet dumplings together

73. Put your hands together.

74. We love playing together."

75. Let's sing it together.

76. His eyebrows bush together.

77. They laughed together raucously.

78. And get rich together.

79. Of nations gathered together!

80. Autobots, we charge together!