Đặt câu với từ "fleshy perianth"

1. Female flowers with evident perianth.

2. The first section elaboration perianth female pays attention reason.

3. Flower: There are perianth, androecium and gynoecia on receptacle.

4. Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary.

5. Located below the perianth and other floral parts. Used of an ovary.

6. The outer series of perianth in the irises and related plants.

7. Having no perianth, as the flowers of a willow.

8. His mouth was fleshy and curly.

9. 14 The first section elaboration perianth female pays attention reason.

10. Beaune-Teurons 1er Cru Round and fleshy

11. The plant has dark green fleshy leaves.

12. I_MVK96 = Frullania probosciphora, Androecia Frullania probosciphora Androecia: I_MVK97 = Frullania probosciphora, lobules Frullania probosciphora lobules: I_MVK98 = Frullania probosciphora, perianth Frullania probosciphora perianth: I_MVK99 = Frullania probosciphora, stem Frullania probosciphora stem

13. Fruits drupes or samaras (rarely syncarps, utricles, or Baccates), fleshy or dry, occasionally subtended by a fleshy hypocarp or an accrescent, chartaceous or fleshy calyx or corolla; mesocarp sometimes with prominent black resin canals.

14. Extrorse definition, turned or facing outward, as Anthers that open toward the perianth

15. The bushy plants develop from fleshy, stout rootstock.

16. The fleshy and porky figure of the actor.

17. Fruits drupes or samaras (rarely syncarps, utricles, nut -like, or Baccates), fleshy or dry, occasionally subtended by a fleshy hypocarp or an accrescent , chartaceous or fleshy calyx ; mesocarp sometimes with prominent black resin canals.

18. The fleshy mouth hanging from heavy folds of stone.

19. The face itself, middle-aged, was fleshy, healthy, bossy.

20. If necessary protect any fleshy surfaces with foil.

21. Perianth Campanulated limb of four, valvate triangular segments stamens 4, exerted, alternating with 4 rounded obtuse scales

22. Any fleshy protuberance resembling the Cheek of the face

23. Meat - A bloody and fleshy skeleton (an unlockable character).

24. Staminodes external to the fertile stamens (3–5); oppositisepalous (alternating with the inner perianth whorl).

25. Beefsteak tomatoes are fleshy fruits with plenty of juice

26. Some of them bear short fleshy tubercles or horns .

27. Female flowers without evident perianth; bracts of female flowers 3-lobed, lateral lobes inflexed.

28. During these efforts, her fleshy nose could touch her lips.

29. The bullet hit the fleshy part of his upper arm.

30. Caruncle [kar´ung-k'l] a small fleshy eminence, often abnormal

31. Flower: perianth parts 6 in 2 petal-like whorls, free or +- fused below into tube; staminodes 0 or 3; stamens 3 or 6, free or fused to perianth, occasionally Appendaged; ovary superior, chambers 3, ovules 2--several per chamber

32. A strawberry consists of many Achenes embedded in a fleshy

33. He was well-built, but too fleshy to be impressive.

34. In Banksia species, for example, Anthesis involves the extension of the style far beyond the upper perianth parts

35. The fear of every fleshy lady is the broken corset string.

36. The Crummy part of bread is the fleshy or main part.

37. Brachiopods may have been attached to the substrate by a fleshy

38. Anthesis of flowers is sequential within an inflorescence, so when the style and perianth are different

39. But not Pachysandra, a fleshy-leafed evergreen, which has nice variegated varieties.

40. 25 synonyms for Corporeal: physical, human, material, substantial, bodily, mortal, fleshy, bodily

41. Caruncle definition is - a naked fleshy outgrowth (such as a bird's wattle).

42. Eddie is an overgrown schoolboy with a penchant for pulling fleshy faces.

43. Any of numerous plants of the genus Sedum, having thick, fleshy leaves.

44. A urethral Caruncle is a benign fleshy outgrowth of the posterior urethral meatus

45. Bulbil contains concentric whorls of fleshy scales covered by few dried scales

46. Bulbs are actually modified stems with fleshy leaves, such as daffodils and tulips

47. The flower primordia take a quadrangular shape when the four perianth parts and stamens are beginning to differentiate.

48. The caterpillars are never hairy and do not also have fleshy processes or tubercles .

49. Natives of Lapland use the fleshy roots as food and the stalks as medicine.

50. Orlane and Clinique also favour red for lips and versatile, fleshy tones for eyes.

51. Columella na´si the fleshy external termination of the septum of the nose

52. Unlike bulbs, Corms are solid and do not have scales or fleshy leaves.

53. Boletes are common fleshy mushrooms with a poroid hyme-nium and ectomycorrhizal habitat

54. Anglerfish often hunt by luring prey in with fleshy lobe filled with the filament

55. Flowers dark violet or purplish blue; outer perianth segments with darker and sometimes also white lines radiating from beard.

56. Seeds have a fleshy coat and color that ranges from red to orange (except Liriodendron).

57. Arils, which are usually succulent and fleshy, attract birds and ants that distribute the seeds

58. 6, 3); the seeds contain a small embryo in a copious fleshy or Cartilaginous …

59. Corm definition, an enlarged, fleshy, bulblike base of a stem, as in the crocus

60. Most of the Basidiomycetes are known to be the fleshy fungi like the puffballs, …

61. First, a huge beast mauls her to death and eats up her fleshy parts.

62. A pedunculate barnacle is attached to the substrate by a fleshy foot or stalk.

63. The tree produces a fleshy, pear-shaped stalk called a Cashew apple on its branches

64. Babies she had seen before had fat fleshy faces that spread from a central dummy.

65. She was a widow, fleshy, piggy-eyed, slack-mouthed, with a taste for sweet sherry.

66. Female involucres:Bracteoles present and occasionally a few ♂ flowers; ♀ perianth distinctly 3-lobed below the tomentose ovary, with lobes 0.5 mm

67. What is an Aril? It’s simply the fleshy covering of the seeds found inside a pomegranate

68. Judging from Burlesk King, a fleshy new Filipino melodrama written by Ricky Lee and directed by …

69. It has no tail fin like those of other fish(Sentencedict.com), merely a fleshy stump.

70. Corolla definition is - the part of a flower that consists of the separate or fused petals and constitutes the inner whorl of the perianth.

71. Corm, vertical, fleshy, underground stem that acts as a food-storage structure in certain seed plants

72. 7 When growing emersed, these leaves are blue-green or emerald green on stouter, fleshy stems.

73. Synonyms for Corpulent include fat, fleshy, obese, overweight, plump, podgy, portly, roly-poly, rotund and round

74. In botany, the Aril refers to the hairy and fleshy outgrowth of a fertilized ovule or seed

75. Bloodroot is a stemless plant consisting of a fleshy, horizontal, fingerlike tuber with reddish-orange juice

76. Are they synsepalous or aposepalous (for sepals), synpetalous or Apopetalous (for flowers) and do they have a uniseriate or biseriate perianth cycly? Please explain

77. Bessette, North American Boletes: A Color Guide to the Fleshy Pored Mushrooms, Syracuse University Press, page 375,

78. 8 And force of fleshy sheep precocity, disease - resistant is strong, progenitive force tall, turnover is rapid.

79. Coltsfoot commonly known as Tussilago farfara is a low growing perennial herb that has fleshy and woolly leaves

80. They were fat, fleshy, middle-aged men: one was in a windbreaker, one was in a leisure suit.