Đặt câu với từ "excrement"

1. What does Coprolite mean? Fossilized excrement

2. The cage smelled of excrement.

3. Boogers aren’t excrement like pee or poop

4. Coprolite, the fossilized excrement of animals.

5. It smelled of damp mold and rat excrement.

6. Its excrement looks like "salt and pepper".

7. 12 It smelled of damp mold and rat excrement.

8. Human excrement should go into a toilet or latrine.

9. Excrement should not be left exposed to the air.

10. The odor of excrement that is overpowering on certain tiers.

11. In my bed is a faint smell of excrement.

12. And the smell of excrement, used as fertilizer, permeated the air.

13. Where toilets or latrines are not available, bury excrement immediately.

14. Where toilets or latrines are not available, bury excrement immediately

15. Everything - walls, the floor, and Ben - was smeared with excrement.

16. And the acceptance of excrement as a standard? How extraordinary!

17. He was on the floor, which was by now streaked with excrement.

18. One regulation regarding military encampments required that excrement be buried outside the camp.

19. Rotting food, excrement, broken glass had to be painstakingly cleaned up later.

20. Archaeolith Dollop of ketchup to leave their excrement for your food? Good ankle strap

21. Sometimes she had to lift it out, feed it, and change its nappies, thick with excrement.

22. 24 Mixing - up maize straw and chicken excrement can produce high quality feed for ruminant animal.

23. He stopped to wipe away the excrement, which blinded his eyes and coated his lips.

24. Robinson smiled as he lifted the plastic cover from the slop bucket to reveal a lump of excrement.

25. It also alleges that they were forced to put their heads into a bucket of urine and excrement.

26. 13 I have had a reference to bovine excrement splashed in red ink across an entire manuscript page.

27. The plaster walls were damp and cracked, the floor unswept, its stones stained with dried blood and excrement.

28. People from the neighborhood rushed in and threw the place up for grabs, smearing excrement on the walls.

29. Synonyms for Cowpats include ordure, excreta, dirt, doo-doo, dung, excrement, poop, scat, droppings and faeces

30. Casting definition is - something (such as the excrement of an earthworm) that is cast out or off

31. When they were forbidden to use the bathroom without uniforms, they smeared excrement on their cell walls.

32. And one of their main components was human excrement, since few houses have toilets in the poorer zones.

33. Boys with wicker baskets full of bricks and masonry hurry past; the streets stink and run with mud and excrement.

34. The tears, slaver, sweats , urine, excrement, if not mixed with blood and extravasate of inflammation, are not infectious.

35. She was stripped naked and beaten with a cattle prod before being thrown into a cell full of excrement.

36. No one likes streets covered in dog excrement, or being bowled over by a powerful dog pulling on its leash.

37. His captors keep one of his shoes to make sure he comes back, and return it to him filled with excrement.

38. Preventing the pollution of drinking water by untreated human excrement, for example, has long been recognised as a basic health concern.

39. So there we are trying to fish out a bunch of keys from a three-foot pit full of human urine and excrement.

40. He tried again, uncaring that the tramp was motionless by now, the stench of excrement already beginning to permeate the air.

41. Children there are locked up in filthy, overcrowded cells for 23 hours a day, sometimes together with adults, with only a bucket for excrement.

42. 7 So there we are trying to fish out a bunch of keys from a three-foot pit full of human urine and excrement.

43. All the way, sitar Nuo guesses the dry dog excrement that sees go up, hastily pick up will hold a bag in.

44. Dominance dehydrates is to show the liquid that the considerable examine such as excrement and urine, puke, oozy fluid, drainage fluid goes to estimates total.

45. Crowning - the state of being very close to having to discharge fecal excrement, similiar to the state of "Crowning" when giving birth

46. The prunes should be clean and sound, i.e. not rotten or fermented and with no live acarids, live or dead insects, or insect excrement.

47. Starved and filthy after the long Besiegement of the city, soldiers suffering from malnutrition and intestinal disorders were left to die in their own excrement

48. Like factory farm animals on land, farm- raised fish are crowded by the tens of thousands, in small, diseased and excrement --- areas, for their entire lives.

49. The spread of scale insects would have delighted one of the region's native species: the tropical fire ant, which is fond of dining on the sugary excrement of scale insects.

50. Origin of Blatherskite blather dialectal skite a contemptible person (from Middle English skite diarrhea) (from Old Norse skītr excrement) (from skīta to defecate skei- in Indo-European roots) From American …

51. Formulated with chlorine dioxide molecules (patented), Cleverin Spray removes viruses, bacteria and mold and quickly deodorizes unpleasant smells such as those from excrement, kitchen waste, tobacco and toilets, with long-lasting effects.

52. Life Science Autoclaves address sterilization requirements for laboratory research equipment used with animals, preventing cross-transmission, exposure to microorganisms in excrement and biological fluids, and pheromones from one research subject to another.

53. Formulated with chlorine dioxide molecules (patented), Cleverin Powersabre Pen removes viruses, bacteria and mold and quickly deodorizes unpleasant smells such as those from excrement, kitchen waste, tobacco and toilets, with long-lasting effects.

54. The excrement can be considered as the image of the mutating matter and as the image of this alchemist who uses the roughest and simplest elements possible to find the secrets of immortality.

55. Alchemize fillastre kyoukouha gasket hiyowai diaper out of the question faeces; excrement besondere Auflage north-northeast startigilo disciplinable direito comercial placidity versieren placer nekvalitetan argilo Centenarian exercitor vochtigheidsmeter fletar spark discharge ported E wave karappo serduq (m.); imzattat (m.) estatuaria

56. Further research showed that the major transmission method was not louse bites but excrement: lice infected with typhus turn red and die after a couple of weeks, but in the meantime they excrete a large number of microbes.

57. Cleverin Spray With the patented strength of chlorine dioxide molecules with long-lasting concentration levels! This product removes viruses, bacteria and mold and quickly deodorizes unpleasant smells such as those from excrement, kitchen waste, tobacco and toilets, with long-lasting effects.

58. (rare) steatopygous, big-Buttocked 2003, Alys Clare, Fortune like the Moon‎[1], →ISBN: Gluttony, rotund and fat-Buttocked, was upturned into a barrel of excrement; Anger, face contorted with rage and agony, had his skull prised open and his brains sucked out by hunchbacked devils

59. Sincethe Abjectis situatedoutsideof thesymbolicorder,beingforcedto face it is an inherentlytraumaticexperience.The corpse,forexample, traumatically reminds us of our own materiality; and otherimages, such as an open wound,excrement, or sewage,can elicitthe same reaction.In heressay "The Body of Signification," ElizabethGross tellsus: Abjectionis theundersideofthesymbolic.It is what …

60. Gong farmer (also gongfermor, gongfermour, gong-fayer, gong-fower or gong scourer) was a term that entered use in Tudor England to describe someone who dug out and removed human excrement from privies and Cesspits.The word "gong" was used for both a privy and its contents

61. Is anyone able to remind me of which play was Bowdlerised to substitute “Murder!” for the French word “Merde! which means excrement? The character shouting Murder/Merde! was a guard or watchmand, rushing on stage to warn a king/lord/master of the house that there was an attacking army approaching the castle.homestead ..

62. 382 (2005), the court stated that “[t]hough Bespattering a law enforcement official with bodily fluids or excrement certainly includes an assault, an assault would also occur where the official is merely placed in reasonable apprehension of such conduct.” All in all, the North Carolina appellate case law suggests that