Đặt câu với từ "exclaimed"

1. "There!" Jackson exclaimed delightedly.

2. "Rubbish!" he exclaimed in disgust.

3. 'How dreadfully savage!'exclaimed Alice.

4. " I adore it, " exclaimed Daisy. " The pompadour!

5. They exclaimed with one voice.

6. "Evidently!" exclaimed Bairei Breathlessly

7. ''Aha'!', he exclaimed triumphantly. ''We knew you'd come''.

8. One impressed observer exclaimed: “Something unusual emanates from you!”

9. 4 "Goodness gracious me! " exclaimed the Faun.

10. I want to drink,' he exclaimed fretfully, turning away.

11. " Aw, let me go,'she exclaimed angrily . " Duffer. "

12. He exclaimed: “This book has saved my marriage!”

13. " Hey! " he exclaimed crossly. " Half of that was mine! ".

14. Context examples “Stint your bull's Bellowing!” exclaimed the other

15. They exclaimed: “See! The world has gone after him.” —John 12:19.

16. 23 'I'm rich!' she exclaimed, waving the money under his nose.

17. “That’s nothing!” exclaimed the sailor, throwing his arms up in despair.

18. "You're goddamned right about that, Chummy!" he exclaimed

19. " I guess he must have forgotten, " exclaimed his wife blandly.

20. After receiving help from a nurse, one Witness exclaimed: “Thank you, my sister.

21. Still, Job exclaimed: “O that I had someone listening to me!”

22. Bice can also be exclaimed on it's own for pure comedic effect.

23. " I wish I was out of all this,'she exclaimed gloomily.

24. " Why , " the Chinaman exclaimed, " the queer slant of your eyes . Your eyes are off slant! "

25. Seated at a clifftop restaurant overlooking this vista, the visitor exclaimed: “This is paradise!”

26. Aw , let me go, she exclaimed angrily. Duffer. He only grinned Broadly in return.

27. How unsearchable his judgments are and past tracing out his ways are!” exclaimed the apostle Paul.

28. "Oh my God, I just Burped!" Adele exclaimed, bursting into laughter

29. After Jehovah demonstrated his power, the people exclaimed: “Jehovah is the true God!”

30. The stones “we see above ground,” exclaimed one writer, are “missing under our feet.”

31. Synonyms for Blurted include said, stated, announced, asserted, attested, declared, exclaimed, remarked, affirmed and alleged

32. (Numbers 11:15) Fleeing from his enemies, the prophet Elijah exclaimed: “It is enough!

33. “Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, and the Almighty to act unjustly!” Elihu exclaimed.

34. Gandhi exclaimed at a meeting in Madras, on October 18 during a brief visit to his native land.

35. Synonyms for Blabbered include said, stated, announced, asserted, attested, declared, exclaimed, remarked, affirmed and alleged

36. Recognizing this, the apostle Paul exclaimed: “O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge!

37. Finally a man standing in the back of the railcar exclaimed, “They are Saints, genuine Saints!”

38. When the building prints were approved, he exclaimed: “How in the world did you get that!”

39. "The kids took one look at the male pup, a ragamuffin ball of string, and exclaimed, " Andy!

40. 1899, Kate Chopin, The Awakening "Out!" exclaimed her husband, with something like genuine Consternation in his voice

41. Dan exclaimed; he had been hit in the jaw with a hockey stick, and his lip had swelled.

42. I had been baptized for a year by then, and I exclaimed, ‘So let us go to Tahiti!’

43. After examining some of our confiscated magazines, one guard exclaimed: ‘If you continue to read them, you will be invincible!’

44. Upon hearing that his employer would soon require yearly physical examinations and vision screening, my father exclaimed that the policy was Ageist.

45. With this refusal, Anna, according to Choniates, exclaimed "that nature had mistaken their sexes, for he ought to have been the woman."

46. “An Antecedental Spirit’s will! This is an Antecedental Spirit’s will!” the eight of them exclaimed almost at the same time

47. Peter therefore exclaimed: “What sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion”!

48. She immediately began to utter a Spanish profanity beginning "chi..." (chingada), but quickly stopped herself and instead exclaimed chimichanga, a Spanish equivalent of "thingamajig".

49. Stirred to action, one delegate exclaimed: “Never will I forget the call to advertise the Kingdom and the zeal of the assembled throng!”

50. Fun tests -» Bored Anyone who's ever exclaimed (loudly, to no one in particular) "I'm Bored!" has officially found their section

51. Another director exclaimed: “All I can say is that for you people to act as you do, your God must really be different.”

52. Jerry Junior 'Thank God,' Jody Burgess exclaimed, standing up, coming around the bed with a kind of Buoyantly expectant expression and both arms outstretched.

53. ("Turquoise" in Farsi), her father exclaimed as he saw her blue eyes: Fairuza Alejandra Balk had just been born on May 21, 1974 in Point Reyes, California

54. Aarrgh! is not to be confused with AAUGH! often exclaimed by Charlie Brown and his gang when they throw back their heads in misery with their mouths wide open

55. ("Turquoise" in Farsi), her father exclaimed as he saw her blue eyes: Fairuza Alejandra Balk had just been born on May 21, 1974 in Point Reyes, California

56. After his crash, Cessna exclaimed in frustration, "I'm going to fly this thing, then I'm going to set it afire and never have another thing to do with aeroplanes!".

57. After receiving the tract Life in a Peaceful New World and having it reviewed with him, one young man exclaimed: “Never have I heard such encouraging information about the world’s situation!”

58. The disciples exclaimed: “Were not our hearts burning as he was speaking to us on the road, as he was fully opening up the Scriptures to us?” —Luke 24:13, 27, 32.

59. Accordingly he held the toy jovially before him, and, coming out into the dining-room, where Jennie was working at the sideboard, he exclaimed in a mock solemn voice, "Where did this come from?"

60. The Afterglow on Ashley's face was impossible to not notice when Momma exclaimed to both her and Kyle, the two guilty parties, "My goodness, children, and only been going steady for a little under a …

61. A nursing student from South Carolina, in the United States, exclaimed about the book: “I could not believe my eyes to open to chapter 4 and read a quote from the book that we are using in class!

62. When Sister Luise Wulff of the German Democratic Republic was baptized in 1989, she exclaimed, “There I was—ninety-four years old and Born again!” 7 Our first birth takes place when we are born into mortality.

63. View in context "Tarzan!" she exclaimed, and then, in the vernacular of the great apes which constant association with the Anthropoids had rendered the common language of the Oparians: "You have come back to me!

64. Thus, when one sister told the wife of an elder about the fine shepherding call he had made on her, the elder’s wife exclaimed: “I wish he would make a shepherding call on me sometime!” —1 Timothy 3:2, 4, 5.

65. Awkwardnessand while I was thinking of what next to say she exclaimed irrelevantly: "Don't you know? He'll be Lord Considine." At that moment the youth marked for this high destiny turned roundand she spoke to my mother

66. ‘He was a Bleeder who suffered frequent joint haemorrhages.’ ‘So I took my seat among the masses of cripples, ill, and Bleeders.’ ‘I was just going to compliment her when she exclaimed, dabbing the pin-prick with a pad of astringent, ‘Oh, you're a Bleeder!’’

67. ‘He was a Bleeder who suffered frequent joint haemorrhages.’ ‘So I took my seat among the masses of cripples, ill, and Bleeders.’ ‘I was just going to compliment her when she exclaimed, dabbing the pin-prick with a pad of astringent, ‘Oh, you're a Bleeder!’’

68. Her face was Crimsoned over, and she exclaimed, in a voice of the greatest emotion, Good God! (Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen) He pointed as he spoke, and there was a high crimson curricle coming down the London road, with two bay mares harnessed tandem fashion before it

69. Amazement (32 Occurrences) Matthew 7:28 When Jesus had concluded this discourse, the crowds were filled with Amazement at His teaching, (WEY) Matthew 8:27 and the men, filled with Amazement, exclaimed, "What kind of man is this? for the very winds and waves obey him!" (WEY)

70. The moment he said this the governor started to his feet, and seizing the chair he had been sitting on exclaimed, By all that's good, you ill-bred, boorish Don Bumpkin, if you don't get out of this at once and hide yourself from my sight, I'll lay your head open with this chair.