Đặt câu với từ "erythrocytes"

1. It has the standard erythrocytes and thrombocytes.

2. Abnormal erythrocytes tolerate this stress uncomparatively worse.

3. Agglutination is the clumping of erythrocytes (RBC) together

4. F3-histone from calf thymus compete with amboceptor in fixation on sheep erythrocytes: sheep erythrocytes treated with histone fixed less amboceptor and after treatment with amboceptor fixed less histone.

5. Formation of rosette of yeasts with erythrocytes was observed.

6. Agglomeration seems to reflect the degree of changes in stored erythrocytes.

7. Aggregation curves are misrepresented by admixture of erythrocytes and lipid turbidity.

8. Babesiosis is caused by a protozoa that infects red blood cells (erythrocytes)

9. Mature erythrocytes are non-nucleated, Biconcavedisks containing hemoglobin whose function is to transport oxygen

10. Large quantities of erythrocytes are found in the interstitium in between the adipose cells.

11. At 22°C murine and bovine erythrocytes were agglutinated by I−- but not by I+-strains.

12. Corpuscle - either of two types of cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and sometimes including platelets

13. They inhibit both the aggregation of erythrocytes and that of thrombocytes in small concentrations.

14. Characteristic of the Bombay phenotype is erythrocyte agglutination with the administration of group 0 erythrocytes.

15. ‘This was not an artifact, as those erythrocytes fixed within the blood vessels retained a normal Biconcave shape.’

16. The “A”-rich lectin preferentially Agglutinates blood group A erythrocytes and thus appears to be specific for α-N

17. The spleen plays important roles in regard to red blood cells (erythrocytes) and the immune system.

18. Extracellular alkalosis may be associated either with alkalosis, normal acid-base balance or acidosis in the erythrocytes.

19. The volume distribution curves of erythrocytes from rats of ages from 1 to 320 days were analysed.

20. No differences in the uptake process of adenine or adenosine were observed between normal and MD erythrocytes.

21. Red blood cells or erythrocytes, primarily carry oxygen and collect carbon dioxide through the use of haemoglobin.

22. Patients with sickle cell disease exhibit a fraction of erythrocytes with an aberrantly enhanced exposure of phosphotidyl serine on their surface.

23. On heating above 62 °C, albumin released ligands, such as lysophosphatidylcholine, in quantities sufficient to convert erythrocytes to acanthocytes.

24. By obtaining a significant change in the proportion of immature erythrocytes among total erythrocytes in the bone marrow, at the doses and sampling times used in the micronucleus test or by measuring a significant reduction in mitotic index for the chromosomal aberration assay. ii.

25. Free merozoites Accolled to the surface of erythrocytes could also be observed (Figures 4 B and and4 4 E)

26. A total of 26 isolates of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae were tested for their ability to agglutinate erythrocytes of different origins.

27. Cytostatic therapy with amethopterin induces malabsorption of thiamine and thiamine deficiency characterized by decreasing activity of transketolase in erythrocytes.

28. Potassium cyanate has been used to reduce the percentage of sickled erythrocytes under certain conditions and has also increased the number of deformalities.

29. HemAgglutinin, any of a group of naturally occurring glycoproteins that cause red blood cells (erythrocytes) to agglutinate, or clump together

30. Subsequent incubation with magnesium ions and adenosine increases the magnesium content considerably, thus approaching the magnesium level of calf erythrocytes.

31. Of these the blood film often revealed erythrocytes with multiple pits unlike in the control group where this was unusual.

32. In man and in all mammals, erythrocytes are devoid of a nucleus and have the shape of a Biconcave lens

33. The patient’s sera Agglutinate human O group erythrocytes at 4°C the agglutination being irreversible at 37°C

34. Utilized an electronic particle counter to measure the equilibrium volume of human erythrocytes in Anisotonic solutions ranging from 118 to 3186 mOsmol .

35. Direct Agglutination Test: Cells (such as bacteria, fungus, and erythrocytes) and insoluble particulate antigens can be directly agglutinated by their specific antibodies

36. In three cases of acatalasia, catalase activity in reticulocytes and erythrocytes as calculated by extrapolation differs by a ratio of approximately 300:1.

37. A protoplasmic particle or cell with a special function; esp., any of the erythrocytes (red Corpuscles) or leukocytes (white Corpuscles) that float in the blood, lymph, etc

38. Longer exposures: with 8 Hz at 120 dB, Acinuses became filled with erythrocytes, and interstitial hemorrhagic foci caused a strong deformation of the respiratory bronchioles

39. The anticomplementary (AC) activity of LPS was greatly reduced, as was the content of lauric, myristic, and palmitic acids, and the ability to sensitize erythrocytes to agglutination by antibody.

40. After splenectomy, which resulted in a good clinical and hematological remission, lactate formation and the abnormal electrolyte and methemoglobin level of the erythrocytes returned to normal.

41. (Murine Erythrocytes, NLM, Medical Subject Headings) Cell specialized for oxygen transport, having a high concentration of hemoglobin in the cytoplasm and little else; Biconcave, anucleate discs, 7nm diameter in mammals.

42. (Biology) any cell or similar minute body that is suspended in a fluid, esp any of the red blood Corpuscles (erythrocytes) or white blood Corpuscles (see leucocytes)

43. The light excited by collagen fibres and actomyosin bundles was combined with infrared light for the detection of tissue interfaces including adipocytes, nerve tracks, erythrocytes and collagen.

44. The agglutination of erythrocytes by myxoviruses and their subsequent elution is a specific reaction for which the presence of intact sialic acid on the cell surface is necessary.

45. Basophilic stippling, also known as punctate basophilia, is the presence of numerous Basophilic granules that are dispersed through the cytoplasm of erythrocytes in a peripheral blood smear

46. Babesiosis is the disease caused by infection of the erythrocytes of mammals by Babesia species, which are Apicomplexa protozoa belonging to the suborder Piroplasmidea and the family Babesiidae

47. The action of a cobalt-iron combination (cobalt-ferrlecit) on the formation of haemoglobin and erythrocytes has been investigated in anaemic patients (haemorrage anaemias, infectious anaemias, tumour anaemias, etc.).

48. General Discussion Acquired Pure Red Cell Aplasia is a rare bone marrow disorder characterized by an isolated decline of red blood cells (erythrocytes) produced by the bone marrow

49. In addition, the influence of the time between CSF sampling and investigation on erythrocytes and leukocytes, IgG, glucose, pH value and ammonia content in CSF contaminated with blood was investigated.

50. Once the Fab fragments are coated on erythrocytes, the Agglutinator site is more readily available than it was prior to sensitization, as evidenced by inhibition with 0.01 M NEM.

51. The following problems were studied: Titration of complement and of hemolytic antibody, titration of the effective molecules of the purified components C′1 and C′2, estimation of the amboceptor-sites on sensitized erythrocytes.

52. > What are some examples of mononucleate, Binucleate and multinucleate cells? Trick question alert … Short answer (number of nuclei parenthesized): * (0) Anucleate — Mature erythrocytes (red blood cells) * (1) Mononucleate — Monocytes (white bloo

53. When the ratio of NADP+ : NADPH increases, the body realizes it needs to produce more NADPH (a reducing agent for several reactions like fatty acid synthesis and glutathione reduction in erythrocytes).

54. Any cell or similar minute body that is suspended in a fluid, esp any of the red blood Corpuscles (erythrocytes) or white blood Corpuscles (see leucocytes)See also erythrocyte, leucocyte anatomy …

55. Further research showed that an optimal agglutination of erythrocytes by influenza virus requires a distinct amount of neuraminic acid at the receptor site, probably dependent on the nature of the agglutinating virus.

56. Agglutinogen Any of the antigens that are present on the outer surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes). There are more than 100 different Agglutinogens and they form the basis for identifying the different blood groups.

57. Bloodstains.7-15 In general, the methods are based upon the presence of blood cells or compounds which are characteristic of blood, such as (a) erythrocytes and leukocytes, (b) blood serum proteins, and (c) hemoglo-bin and its derivatives

58. ATP in erythrocytes was found elevated (considered a younger cell population at least normal) in most of 30 cases of acute or chronic uremia with elevated inorganic phosphate in plasma, despite an often severe acidosis.

59. Gallium Arsenide suppressed the following immune parameters dose- dependently: the IgM and IgG (not shown) antibody response to sheep erythrocytes, the delayed hypersensitivity response to KLH, the mixed leukocyte response (MLR), and, to a lesser extent, splenic B lymphocyte numbers

60. Abo blood group system, the classification of human blood based on the inherited properties of red blood cells (erythrocytes) as determined by the presence or absence of the antigens A and B, which are carried on the surface of the red cells

61. Erythrocytes successively treated with bromelin and β-glucuronidase (DET: double enzyme treated) are agglutinated by anti-Rh and anti-ABO sera of different specificities although the same antisera do not react with untreated or only with bromelin respectively ß-glucuronidase treated red blood cells.

62. Hypernyms ("white Corpuscle" is a kind of): blood cell; blood Corpuscle; Corpuscle (either of two types of cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and sometimes including platelets) free phagocyte (a phagocyte that circulates in the blood) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "white Corpuscle"):

63. HemAgglutinin is a Class I Fusion Protein, having multifunctional activity as both an attachment factor and membrane fusion protein.Therefore, HA is responsible for binding Influenza virus to sialic acid on the surface of target cells, such as cells in the upper respiratory tract or erythrocytes, causing as a result the internalization of the virus

64. Acclimatization and adaptability to altitude could be improved therapeutically by administration of an anabolic steroid in combination with vitamins (Fortabol): as compared to the control group, an intensified hemopoiesis with consecutive increase of the erythrocytes, a much lesser increase of blood-pH, a better capacity of the liver for acetylation, and a significant anticatabolic effect were observed in treated group.