Đặt câu với từ "enlargements"

1. In 1928 the villa had some enlargements according to the design of Arch.

2. Some pools were enlargements or adaptations of such existing natural features as caves.

3. They were especially prone to liver problems, mostly seen as enlargements and sometimes as whitish spots.

4. (1987), were systematically studied by looking at axonal swellings, axonal Balloonings, reactive astrocytes, maximum diameter of axonal enlargements and density of axonal

5. I'd wake up in the morning and have a thousand emails about penis enlargements, only one of which was a legitimate response --

6. According to Nazarian Plastic Surgery Hollywood is full of Beautiful women who are looking to enhance their breasts in some way, including breast lifts, augmentations, reductions or enlargements

7. The full body scanner, which is being trialed, will also show up any breast enlargements, false limbs, piercings, and a clear outline of passengers' private parts.

8. More precisely, by the invention is avoided abrupt contractions or enlargements, changes of the cross sectional shape or sharp direction changes of the air passages, leakage of air into the air passages and clogging of debris in the air passages.

9. This time-lag is all the more regrettable given the urgent need for such guidelines in the face of cohesion issues which are as varied as they are complex for 2007-2013: measures to accompany enlargements, consolidation of the euro, making up the delays to the Lisbon strategy against the background of accelerating globalisation.

10. This time-lag is all the more regrettable given the urgent need for such guidelines in the face of cohesion issues which are as varied as they are complex for #-#: measures to accompany enlargements, consolidation of the euro, making up the delays to the Lisbon strategy against the background of accelerating globalisation

11. The various stages of Agenda 2000 - from the revision of the treaties to the move to the single currency, from the opening of the negotiations on the future enlargements to the consequent demands to adapt certain common policies and the financial base - all present enormous opportunities for development and deepening, but they also represent a tremendous danger: that our laborious achievements since the founding of the Community could be reversed and fragmented.