Đặt câu với từ "enfranchisement of the nomenklatura"

1. What does Affranchisement mean? The act of freeing; enfranchisement

2. Followed by a passionate lecture on the enfranchisement of women.

3. The Bulgarian Communist Party created an extensive nomenklatura on each organizational level.

4. This trend has only been strengthened with the enfranchisement of spending power in modern industrial societies.

5. He wrote, There was much criticism of my support for the enfranchisement of women.

6. It is not true that the enfranchisement of all will result in racial domination.

7. The radicalism of the East End contributed to the formation of the Labour Party and demands for the enfranchisement of women.

8. A bloody civil war that practically tore the country in twain led to the enfranchisement of black former slaves.

9. However, enfranchisement and protection for the workers would take longer in coming.

10. He joined the ranks of the CPSU nomenklatura in 1968 when he was appointed head of construction with the Sverdlovsk Regional Party Committee.

11. He demanded the enfranchisement of every white man no matter what his status education fortune or work.

12. Amaister swindledom Melanesia diapnotic re-enfranchisement botcher spell-like eyedot sore-head suds

13. Enfranchisement, along with the denial of native recognition and rights to the Métis, created a native population abandoned to the fate of assimilation.

14. An 1892 Electoral Bill, introduced by John Ballance, provided for the enfranchisement of all women, but controversy over an impractical postal vote amendment caused its abandonment.

15. But, paradoxically, as democracy gets stronger and the middle class grows richer, it can realize it has more to lose than gain from a real enfranchisement of society.

16. Assenting to the "self-evident truth" maintained in the American Declaration of Independence, "that all men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights—among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," I shall strenuously contend for the immediate enfranchisement of our slave population.

17. “The Priesthood of Aaron ... holds the keys of the ministering of , and of the gospel of .”

18. 48 The sons of Naphʹta·li+ by their families were: of Jahʹze·el, the family of the Jahʹze·el·ites; of Guʹni, the family of the Guʹnites; 49 of Jeʹzer, the family of the Jeʹzer·ites; of Shilʹlem, the family of the Shilʹlem·ites.

19. The Bonapartism of the era of the decline of capitalism differs utterly from the Bonapartism of the era of the ascension of bourgeois society

20. That was the view of the framers of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America.

21. This review summarizes the state of the art of the coupling of the enolate of ketones, focusing on the stereoselectivity of the process.

22. 21 And the sons of Peʹrez were: of Hezʹron,+ the family of the Hezʹron·ites; of Haʹmul,+ the family of the Ha·muʹlites.

23. The basic classification of Anemometers depends on the measurement of the velocity of wind and the measurement of the pressure of the wind

24. An account of the success of the bark of the willow in the cure of Agues

25. of, the patented invention before the date of advertisement of the acceptance of the complete specification.

26. Circumference of the circle or perimeter of the circle is the measurement of the boundary of the circle

27. The causes of Aspermia are the disturbance of the passageways of the vas deferens as a result of the inflammation of the appendages of the testicles (epididymis), traumatic injury of the vas deferens, and developmental defect of the vas deferens.

28. The aims of the Cogers were the promotion of the liberty of the subject and the freedom of the Press, the maintenance of loyalty to the laws, the rights and claims of humanity and the

29. The artist of the drawing was the chief medalist of the mint, A.F. Vasyutinskiy (also the author of the final version of the Order of Lenin and the first badge of the TRP ).

30. Head of the Administration of the Council of Ministers of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’.

31. · District Attorney of the Court of the Exchequer of the Region of Salvador, Bahia

32. Such is the origin of the legal consecration of the establishment of the Benedictines of the Perpetual Adoration of the Holy Sacrament at Paris.

33. The president of the jury is the Governor of the Bank of Spain.

34. Protocol of accession of the Principality of Monaco to the Convention on the Protection of the Alps.

35. PROTOCOL OF ACCESSION of the Principality of Monaco to the Convention on the Protection of the Alps

36. 21 Zech·a·riʹah+ the son of Me·shel·e·miʹah was the gatekeeper of the entrance of the tent of meeting.

37. The Apotheosis of Washington in the eye of the Rotunda of the U.S

38. The sensory fibers of the muscular branch of the anconeus are interrupted by the detachment of the distal fibers of the triceps and of the anconeus.

39. The principle of entropy is related the " arrow of time " result of the expansion of the universe

40. “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

41. The Irish of the Book of Armagh is of the greatest importance for the history of the Irish language

42. At the core of the constitution of liberty, then, lies the concept of the rule of law.

43. Anencephaly Absence of the greater part of the brain and of the bones at the rear of the skull

44. Protocol of Accession of the Principality of Monaco to the Convention on the Protection of the Alps.

45. Closer monitoring of the implementation of the AAP and better use of the results of the audits.

46. The range of instrumentalities of the – the scope of the battlefield has changed with the advent of cyber activity.

47. One of Israel’s outstanding judges; the son of Joash of the family of Abi-ezer of the tribe of Manasseh.

48. The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an expression of Allegiance to the flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America

49. And the crocks of the earth must rend; and because of the dgroanings of the earth, many of the kings of the isles of the sea shall be wrought upon by the Spirit of God, to exclaim: The God of nature suffers.

50. Revival of Brahmanism The decline of Brahmanism, the ascendancy of early Buddhism, and the neglect of the Sanskrit language and cultivation of the …

51. The study of advantages and disadvantages of the Accessoriness principle, the directions of weakening of Accessoriness are also the subject of the paper

52. The canons of the synod condemned and Anathematised the practices of: the condemnation of marriage; forbidding the eating of most forms of meat

53. The Concavity of the entropy is the result of the Concavity of the logarithm function

54. - the age of the vessel calculated on the basis of the age of the hull.

55. The occupations of the Canonesses consisted in the recitation of the Divine Office, the care of the church vestments, and the education of the young, particularly the daughters of the nobility.

56. It is the capital of the province of Antofagasta and of the region of Antofagasta

57. Aristides, the son of Lysimachus, was certainly of the tribe of Antiochides, and of the town of Alopecia

58. One of the primary sources of difficulty are the Anathemas of the Council of Trent.

59. (c) the period of validity of the licences or of the authorisations;

60. What is “the sign” of “the conclusion of the system of things”?

61. The Battle of Amiens was the beginning of the end of the German armies

62. This is the list of the Chairmen of the Board of the State Bank.

63. 29 The theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat is the quintessence of Marxism.

64. Former Head of the Administration of the Council of Ministers of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’.

65. [The problem of biophysics of the sensory organs (on the general Adequative theory of the activity of the sensory organs)].

66. The language of the Basques, of

67. The Churchly authority of the office of deacon is a specific subset of the Churchly authority of the office of elder

68. Old Provencal tradition, the 'Bravade' of Saint Tropez is the expression of the attachment of the inhabitants of …

69. 26 Over the company of the tribe of the sons of Ashʹer was Paʹgi·el+ the son of Ochʹran.

70. The abolition of escheat has meant the abolition of the last of the practical consequences of free tenure.

71. Evidence for the right of the prior [of Durham] [to the Advowry of the tithes of a fourth part of his church of Whitworth

72. Acarology: The study of ticks and mites Actinobiology: The study of the effects of radiation upon living organisms Actinology: The study of the effect of light on chemicals Aerobiology: A branch of biology that studies organic particles transported by the air Aerology: The study of the atmosphere Aetiology: The study of the causes of disease Agrobiology: the study of

73. The dictatorship of the proletariat is one of the aims of Communism.

74. The coming forth of the Book of Mormon preceded the restoration of the priesthood.

75. He spoke of the honor of the family : the unsullied reputation of the Crawleys.

76. The common denominator in the survival of Ceremonial monarchs is the depoliticization of the function of the head of state

77. The administrative seat of the province is the city of Adana, home to 79% of the residents of the province.

78. The River of Life: the Tree of Life: the Other Blessednesses of the Redeemed

79. The inquiry of the library is, of course, a satire of the

80. The cover, of the wings of grasshoppers; The traces, of the smallest spider's web;