Đặt câu với từ "enforceable"

1. Contracts are enforceable by law.

2. The recommendations are not legally enforceable .

3. A gambling debt is not legally enforceable.

4. 21 The recommendations are not legally enforceable .

5. Such a strict law is not easily enforceable.

6. Weber’s right of rescission is enforceable against I.

7. 22 A gambling debt is not legally enforceable.

8. 12 A gambling debt is not legally enforceable.

9. It could become enforceable in a court of law.

10. This Human Rights Act is enforceable in the ordinary courts.

11. To be enforceable, Adhesion contracts cannot be unreasonably one-sided.

12. As such, such trusts are not enforceable because they are invalid.

13. This agreement shall remain enforceable throughout the period of Associate's certification.

14. Such an agreement would not, of course, be legally enforceable.

15. Sections 2-3 are expressly restricted to legally enforceable liabilities.

16. 16 Sections 2-3 are expressly restricted to legally enforceable liabilities.

17. Under classical contract theory, Consideration is required for a contract to be enforceable

18. Here an attempt was made to make voluntarily given consumer guarantees legally enforceable.

19. The guideline should fit within the legal frame - work and be enforceable.

20. Labour would insist on legally enforceable democracy in a union's internal affairs.

21. Closed and enforceable Barton smother so disgracefully that Guthry fordone his Aphidians

22. In doing so, the June 10, 2010, judgment became final and enforceable.

23. It's surprisingly complicated to Backdate written agreements effectively so they're retroactively enforceable

24. Accrue definition is - to come into existence as a legally enforceable claim

25. They are, therefore, enforceable in exactly the same way as treaty provisions.

26. A lease is difficult to break because it is a legally enforceable contract

27. But we do expect it to be enforceable and actionable in all regards.

28. But the agreements were not enforceable, or at any rate were not enforced.

29. · The planting of physical evidence or documents serving to justify an enforceable judgement;

30. Family and marital spousal right: spousal right is an entitlement that is legally enforceable.

31. An arbitration award can be enforced by a simple procedure, and is enforceable internationally.

32. InCorporeal Rights: Rights that can't be seen or touched, but are still enforceable by law

33. * the abolition of exequatur on the condition of the observance of certain minimum standards for all enforceable titles on uncontested claims regardless of the nature of the proceedings that have led to the decision or enforceable document

34. They have typically done so by redefining economic and social rights as fundamental and legally enforceable.

35. Covenants in a lease are enforceable as part of the contract between the landlord and tenant.

36. � The term “final judgements” refers to judgements which are no longer subject to appeal and which are enforceable.

37. Clearly, the development of futures markets in such countries has to wait until futures contracts are legally enforceable.

38. Covenants are really a type of contractual arrangement that, if validly reached, is enforceable by a court

39. Consideration is necessary for a valid contract, in the absence of which a promise cannot be enforceable

40. Criminal actions by the judge, procurator, investigator or official leading the initial inquiry underpinning an enforceable judgement

41. The House of Lords accepted that there was a legally enforceable obligation of confidence in certain relationships.

42. · Criminal actions by the judge, procurator, investigator or official leading the initial inquiry underpinning an enforceable judgement;

43. Some peremptory norms define criminal offences considered to be enforceable against not only states but also individuals.

44. A warranty agreement is legally enforceable because it's an essential part of the contract between you and the supplier.

45. These automatic termination or acceleration clauses are not enforceable in Chapter # (see recommendation of the UNCITRAL Insolvency Guide

46. whether there is an arrest warrant or a document having the same legal effect, or an enforceable judgement

47. For example, legally enforceable rules need to be applied to crops such as genetically altered, frost-resistant potatoes.

48. whether there is an arrest warrant or a document having the same legal effect, or an enforceable judgement;

49. The traditional view of a trust is that it was enforceable only in personam, that is against the trustee.

50. The text should expressly refer to the enforceable original of the judgement, which can be certified as a European Enforcement Order.

51. 22 Reforms to property rights, pension ear-marking and changes to allow couples to enter enforceable cohabitation contracts are also suggested.

52. the underlying obligation and reference obligation share the same obligor and have legally enforceable cross‐default or cross‐acceleration clauses;

53. It should also be available to a claimant having already obtained a judgement or other enforceable title on the substance.

54. the underlying obligation and reference obligation share the same obligor and have legally enforceable cross-default or cross-acceleration clauses

55. Reforms to property rights, pension ear-marking and changes to allow couples to enter enforceable cohabitation contracts are also suggested.

56. the underlying obligation and reference obligation share the same obligor and have legally enforceable cross-default or cross-acceleration clauses;

57. Heinz suggested that laws and constitutions of countries should be strengthened to make international declarations against torture into enforceable law.

58. (ii) the underlying obligation and reference obligation share the same obligor and have legally enforceable cross-default or cross-acceleration clauses;

59. I do not read these passages as stating that an unlawful demand which is enforceable is perse sufficient to found recovery.

60. That security gave it an automatic and easily enforceable guarantee of satisfaction of the obligation to recover the subsidies in accordance with national legislation .

61. Consideration, in contract law, an inducement given to enter into a contract that is sufficient to render the promise enforceable in the courts

62. Bilateral netting: A legally enforceable arrangement between a bank and a counter-party that creates a single legal obligation covering all included individual contracts.

63. An Affidavit of support is a legally enforceable contract, and the sponsor’s responsibility usually lasts until the family member or other individual either becomes a U.S

64. (The process is generally designed for the House to take the lead on Appropriations and the Senate to follow.) However, none of these deadlines are enforceable, and they are regularly missed

65. On the other hand, it recognised and rendered enforceable in the Netherlands the part of the decision of 8 October 2013 which determined how W’s right of access might be exercised.

66. Consideration, which represents the commitment that the parties to the contract make to each other, is at the heart of the “mutuality of obligation” rule and, therefore, without Consideration, a contract will not be enforceable

67. No judgement of a court or tribunal located outside the Community giving effect, directly or indirectly, to the laws and actions mentioned in Article 1, shall be recognised or be enforceable in any manner.

68. If Concessions granted by lessors are beyond the enforceable rights and obligations in the contract, entities would generally account for those Concessions in accordance with the lease modification guidance in Topic 842 or Topic 840

69. This shift of procedural initiative to the defendant — known as a reversal — means that responsibility for initiating adversarial proceedings to prevent the payment order from becoming enforceable lies with the person to whom it is addressed. (4)

70. Airworthiness Directives (AD s) are legally enforceable regulations issued by the FAA in accordance with 14 CFR part 39 to correct an unsafe condition in a product. Part 39 defines a product as an aircraft, engine, propeller, or appliance

71. Chicago,21 where a plurality of the Court, overturning prior precedent, found that the Second Amendment is incorporated through the Fourteenth Amendment and is thus enforceable against the states.22 Relevant to this question, the Court examined whether the right to keep and bear arms is “fundamental to our scheme of ordered liberty”23 or

72. For example, article 51 of the Act of 5 March 2007 on the enforceable right to housing, which reforms the law on domiciliation, provides travellers with better guarantees of access to welfare benefits by giving them the opportunity of acquiring domicile with an approved body (or local social welfare centre, CCAS), like any person of no fixed abode.

73. By the Covenantee(s), or the adoption of a new covenant that modifies or releases the obligations of the original covenant.25 Even if a covenant is no longer enforceable, as in the case of racially restrictive covenants, they will still be visible in the chain of title, and even within the language of the deed