Đặt câu với từ "enact"

1. Monstrous little horrors they enact.

2. ODISS Beadeye nonnaturalistic Geddes re-enact

3. Synonyms for Constitutionalize include legislate, ordain, prescribe, enact laws, authorise, authorize, constitute, decree, enact and establish laws

4. They're trying to enact a " nationality " bill.

5. Congress refused to enact the bill.

6. Sanders Amasses budget arsenal to enact $15 minimum wage

7. Congress hurried to enact a $151 billion highways bill.

8. Congress has failed repeatedly in the past decade to enact tougher laws.

9. Constitutive definition is - having the power to enact or establish : constructive

10. The characters wear colorful outfits and enact their scenes center stage.

11. The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.

12. The king could not enact laws without the sanction of Parliament.

13. Constitutive definition: having power to enact , appoint , or establish Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

14. The accounting profession has lobbied recently to enact LLC laws in more states.

15. One is the Legislature, whose members are elected by the people to enact laws.

16. Antonyms for Backpedal include enforce, uphold, effectuate, effect, enact, implement, impose, fulfil, fulfill and execute

17. Vigilantes ignore due process of law and enact their own form of perceived justice.

18. The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration. Sentencedict.com

19. The leader then forms a government that proceeds to enact its program into law.

20. The first state to enact a law authorizing limited liability companies was Wyoming in 1977.

21. Federal, state and local governments enact statutes to Criminalize the conduct of particular concern to them

22. If the representatives of the people will not enact campaign finance reform now, then when?

23. The Biden administration is currently attempting to enact an “administrative Abolishment” of Immigration and Customs Enforcement

24. They're where we enact a script in order to advance a core project in our lives.

25. Neither will this legislature enact taxes that some say are necessary to pay for better education.

26. Although ad builders can quickly enact changes across your agency, you retain absolute control.

27. Assume that you are smart enough to decide which candidate will actually enact policies that benefit you.

28. That is increasingly vital as states enact polling place identification requirements and strictures on the voter roll.

29. They migrated to Montana, where legislators as recently as 1963 tried and failed to enact similar controls.

30. Northern states did not enact legislation prohibiting discussion of slavery, but mob violence often awaited antislavery spokesmen.

31. It urged Ireland to enact legislation to clarify procedures for accessing abortion, in conformity with the Convention.

32. Men would re-enact battles fought or successful hunting expeditions, often symbolically using sticks, swords, or rifles.

33. In it they agree to enact “just and equal laws” for “the general good of the colony.”

34. One is that courts are concerned only with the power to enact statutes, not with their wisdom.

35. Extension of the grounds for divorce took even longer to enact and was not achieved until 19

36. And can they then cut through pervasive public cynicism and generate enough voter interest to enact their recommendations?

37. States parties would be required to enact laws allowing victims to obtain compensation for damages suffered.

38. How you actually design and enact a living system within UX is something that's quite challenging.

39. From Los Angeles to Athens, city authorities have tried to enact measures to limit exhaust emissions.

40. It was a strangely farcical routine, and must be extremely tedious to enact day after day.

41. The Assemblies are legislative bodies where all people can introduce, debate and enact laws in their own communities

42. In the continuity of their artistic practice, or as a step “further Afield”, selected initiatives enact positive

43. Antonyms for Annul include restore, enact, re-enforce, re-establish, reimpose, reinstate, reintroduce, allow, approve and continue

44. The Committee further recommends that the State party enact legislation protecting children from hazardous forms of labour.

45. To enact and amend basic law governing criminal offences, civil affairs, state organs and other matters 3.

46. Finding no road, we leave the terrarium on steroids to enact Plan B, which begins in Oracle.

47. Through a high level of devotional art they enact stages of the contemplative game - indeed provide means of play.

48. It is the competence to recognize and enact the rules, procedures and forms of understanding of a particular cultural environment.

49. Each village has dancers and musicians to enact musical dramas which have been passed down through the generations.

50. Being a fanatic nonsmoker and health freak, he made us enact the ritual funeral of a cigarette end.

51. The White Cockade Society re-enact the return of Bonnie Prince Charlie during the Glenfinnan Highland Games, August 21 Glenfinnan, Scotland

52. Here Congress has offered relatively mild encouragement to the States to enact higher minimum drinking ages than they would otherwise choose.

53. To address this issue, the EU-funded ENACT project aimed to identify cancer markers associated with resistance to immunotherapy.

54. The main prerogative of the Parliament is the exercise of legislative power, that is the power to enact laws.

55. In the process, the enterprises have to filtrate the indices, enact the index weight, evaluate the marketing risks and give an alarm.

56. We must enact as soon as possible the National Human Welfare Act in order to regulate the use of humans in research.

57. The State party should abandon the sponsorship system and should enact a framework that guarantees respect for the rights of migrant domestic workers.

58. The State party should abandon the sponsorship system and should enact a framework that guarantees the respect for the rights of migrant domestic workers.

59. This study was set up to show that dogs would enact a yawn reflex at the mere sound of a human yawn.

60. To put forth reasons for or against; debate: "It is time to stop Arguing tax-rate reductions and to enact them" (Paul Craig Roberts)

61. The Iowa Senate this past week approved — on a bipartisan, unanimous vote — legislation that would eliminate the triggers and enact the tax Cuts…

62. Republican lawmakers in battleground states are rushing to enact stricter voting laws that Democrats worry could dampen Black and Hispanic turnout, but the moves could end up Backfiring because of

63. It is likely to lead to more assassinations and Bushwhackings of police because a peculiar social mechanism gives people permission to re-enact atrocities once certain lines are crossed

64. Even if a new administration were to enact new policies after Bush leaves office in 2008, there would still be a lag prior to any effect on actual consumption.

65. As verbs the difference between Constitute and consist is that Constitute is to cause to stand; to establish; to enact while consist is (obsoleteintransitive) to exist, to be

66. The new Indian government should seek police reforms and to enact a law against communal violence that would hold public officials accountable for complicity and dereliction of duty.

67. 2020 Democrat hopeful Robert “Beto” O’Rourke announced he will enact “red flag laws” and forcefully Confiscate AK-47’s and AR-15’s if he’s elected president of the United States

68. "Amend" is also right on time, arriving as legal scholars and others advocate Congress to enact legislation that would hold Donald Trump accountable under Section 3 of …

69. 3 Abraham was no ordinary “prophet,” for Jehovah used him to enact a grand “symbolic drama” in which the patriarch was greatly honored in acting as a prophetic type of God himself.

70. This is why Obama is right to value bipartisanship, even if he doesn't manage to win a single Republican vote — and even if he doesn't need any to enact his legislative program.

71. The House of Burgesses was empowered to enact laws and government (legislation) for the colony, but its actions were subject to veto by the governor, council, and ultimately by the directors in London

72. Atlanta — Georgia's governor, who has opposed local mask mandates and even sued over one in Atlanta, has signed a new executive order that Allows local governments to enact mask requirements to

73. Vann’s soaring writing carries it forward-a reminder of the beauty that can grace even the Beastliest things.” — The Economist “His language is sharply funny, even as his characters enact a tragedy of Greek proportions.”

74. Narayan's much-admired visionary village Malgudi, the invisible men and women of the country's ever-multiplying population, come to life and in a heart-rending manner, re-enact life with all its contrarinesses and Arbitrarinesses

75. "Ambushing" In honor of the five-year anniversary of the New Orleans Saints' winning Super Bowl XLIV, Thomas Morstead and Chris Reis re-enact reenact the "Ambush" onside kick - which Morstead

76. Filmed in the artist's studio, the dancers enact a series of sprezzatura gestures Bossily choreographed by an off-camera Bronstein, whose commands are only just audible against the sound track of generically insistent electronic music

77. The (un-)Canniness of being at home refers to the mediating and altering relations of changing bodies, emotions, and things that enact the specificities that make up the very feelings and practices of being at home

78. 30 Members of Congress will be fearful of challenging a president who has public backing and greedy to enact popular laws that they can bring to their constituents in the midterm elections of 20

79. Commissioner, I would like to urge you in quite specific terms to make a real effort to enact a directive on consumer information analogous to the directive on the freedom of access to information on the environment.

80. As a member with an intellectual disability, I value Able NH’s ability to break down barriers and enact change to ensure I and others have access to the community and can live a meaningful life.