Đặt câu với từ "e. coli"

1. Salmonella Campylobacter coli A or C. jejuni Yersinia A enterocolitica E. coli O157 ACC E. coli B

2. Could have picked up E. Coli.

3. Outbreak is new form of E. coli

4. WHO : Unknown E. Coli Variant Has Killed 18

5. Print Growth Requirements of E. coli and Auxotrophs Worksheet 1

6. The restaurant's probably teeming with E. coli, Eikenella and strep.

7. Immunologic parameters used were: concentration of IgA, IgG, IgM, isoagglutinins, heterophile antibodies, agglutinins against staphylococci, E. coli and pertussis, serum opsonins for E. coli and pneumococci, serum hemolytic complement activity, B- and T-subpopulations of lymphocytes, inhibition of migration of mononuclear cells with E. coli.

8. The precipitation ability was enhanced by overexpressing PhoK protein in E. coli.

9. E. coli HO-157 causes bloody diarrhea and leads to Hemolytic-uremic Syndrome.

10. Super-herb Artemisinin kills cancer cells, yeasts, parasites, pathogens like E coli, and viruses

11. E. coli was grown for several generations in a medium containing NH4Cl with 15N.

12. This vaccine is so small it can be grown in a common bacteria, E. coli.

13. Add in the E. coli living in other mammals and the number becomes even larger.

14. Distribution of MICs and antimicrobial resistance observed in chicken E. coli isolates; Abattoir Surveillance, 2007.

15. Individual antimicrobial drug resistance in swine E. coli isolates (n=162); Active Abattoir Surveillance, 2005.

16. Distribution of MICs and resistance in generic E. coli recovered from broiler chickens; Abattoir Surveillance.

17. They were hospitalized on Wednesday and Thursday with E. coli symptoms such as bloody diarrhea .

18. Despite its apparent mutability, E. coli does have the power to protect its genetic integrity.

19. pBR322 is a plasmid and was one of the first widely used E. coli cloning vectors.

20. During fermentation, micro organisms such as E. coli convert sugar to alcohols, acids and carbon dioxide.

21. Distribution of MICs and antimicrobial resistance observed in beef cattle E. coli isolates; Abattoir Surveillance, 2007.

22. 30 The outbreak was eventually traced to a new strain of E. coli on hamburger meat.

23. 1 Despite its apparent mutability, E. coli does have the power to protect its genetic integrity.

24. Our first task was a 5, 000- letter code bacteriophage, a virus that attacks only E. coli.

25. They created synthetic RNA molecules outside the bacterium and introduced this RNA to the E. coli system.

26. The E. coli count of human faeces is surprisingly constant at about 2 10 cells per gram.

27. These results indicate that the cytolysin gene from V. vulnificus successfully express in the E. coli system.

28. The percentage of E. coli isolates demonstrating resistance was lower overall than that seen among the abattoir samples.

29. In 200 her 2 - year - old son, Kevin, died of E . coli, possibly after eating tainted ground beef.

30. There are some bacteria like E . coli which exhibit a form of sexual reproduction described as Ijacterial conjugation ' .

31. Individual antimicrobial drug resistance in porcine E. coli isolates, including 95% confidence intervals; Abattoir Surveillance, n=38 isolates

32. It is likely, too, that the chromosomes of all eubacteria are as mutable as that of E. coli.

33. There, they were exposed to bacteria that had been manipulated to carry genes for the E. coli toxin.

34. Then it was used to transform E . coli BL 21 Codon plus , RPTP α - D 2 was high expressed.

35. The E. coli outbreak in Germany is a new form of the bacterium , researchers and public health experts believe .

36. When describing mutations in rpoB in other species, the corresponding amino acid number in E. coli is usually used.

37. A large part of the knowledge about these organic molecules has come from the study of E. coli ribosomes.

38. 27 There, they were exposed to bacteria that had been manipulated to carry genes for the E. coli toxin.

39. Although E. coli has enzymes which detect and repair such faults, a minority escape repair and produce true mutants.

40. The big fear was that they would pass on potentially-harmful genes to other E. coli already in the gut.

41. At the end of 400 generations, the E. coli bacteria had bred new strains of itself with slightly different genes.

42. An E. coli strain containing a ferredoxin gene originating in actinomycete, a ferredoxin gene foreign to E. coli and a ferredoxin reductase gene, which is useful in the progress of an effective reaction of adding monoatomic oxygen to an organic compound serving as a substrate, is provided.

43. 7 Still another change to the experimental model: a sublethal dose of E coli was administered and the animals were observed.

44. The UV treatment reduced populations of E. coli and Listeria innocua by more than 99 percent without changing the liquid's flavor.

45. Prevent adhesion of E. coli to the uroepithelial cells in women which is a risk factor for developing urinary tract infections.

46. Some countries implement the policy that raw ground beef is considered contaminated if it is found to contain E. coli OH

47. While E. coli carries its main genetic archive on conventional chromosomes, plasmids equip the microbe with small libraries of supplementary information.

48. PRINCIPLE The presence of coliforms, faecal coliforms and aerogenic E. coli in water may be determined by means of the MPN procedure.

49. Acceptable limits for microbial contaminants in finished products Schedule 1 List Item Contaminating Fungus Total viable aerobic count E. coli Salmonella spp.

50. In the humble E. coli bacterium those base pairs are being duplicated, with scrupulous accuracy, at the rate of 150,000 per minute!

51. A 2006 study found that microwaving wet sponges for two minutes (at 1000 watt power) removed 99% of coliforms, E. coli and MS2 phages.

52. They were accompanied by Neurospora; samples of human blood; E. coli; onions; mustard and corn seeds; Drosophila pupae; yeast; and sea urchin eggs and sperm.

53. Examples of foods implicated in outbreaks of E. coli OH7 include undercooked hamburgers, dried cured salami, unpasteurized fresh-pressed apple cider, yogurt, cheese and milk.

54. The control in this experiment was the -pGlo LB because it was the E coli bacteria without any other substance like GFP, ampicillin, and Arabinose added to it.

55. As indicated in section 1, the presence of coliforms, faecal coliforms and aerogenic E. coli in food and water may be determined by means of the MPN procedure.

56. In a separate statement on its Web site on Friday, the Robert Koch Institute said the number of new cases of E. coli being reported was "clearly lower."

57. Firstly, microbiologic incubation and detection had been carried out to understand the fundamental biologic characters of E. coli OH7 and to elementarily identify it by using SMAC culture medium .

58. Starting with almost no knowledge of the game in 1970 researchers were able to transfer functioning nitrogen - fixing genes from the microbe Klebsiella pneumonia into E . coli in 1972 .

59. 12 The genes that determine the biosynthesis of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of V. cholerae O139 were cloned and expressed in E. coli by constructing gnomic library of V. cholerae O

60. AND 2) Continue to confirm isolates as E. coli O157 serotypes by the following biochemical assays: as sorbitol -ve, cellobiose -ve, MUG -ve, and O157 agglutination positive (either anti-sera or latex agglutination). [if any of these biochemicals are done via the rapid ID system or as a screening step, do NOT redo] If the E. coli O157 isolate meets the above criteria, do one of the following combinations of assays on the same isolate:

61. In vitro susceptibility of E. coli to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazol has decreased to 60–70% in most German centres, the administration should therefore be restricted to afebrile lower UTI, the sulfonamide component should be avoided.

62. After the completion of extensive preliminary animal experiments, the human angiogenetic growth factor FGF-1, obtained from a genetically transformed strain of E. coli was introduced into aortocoronary bypass surgery as an additional therapeutic agent.

63. The manufacture of ranibizumab is based on an E. coli master and working cell bank system, where the master and working cell banks have been thoroughly characterized and tested for adventitious contaminants in accordance with ICH guidelines.

64. If ever the microbiologists ' ' central dogma ' that whatever happens in a bacterium like E . coli will happen in an elephant is true , it is with regard to the alphabet and syntax of this universal language of lifethe genetic code .

65. Separation of lipopolysaccharide fractions using gel chromatography in the presence of detergent showed that the low molecular weight K-antigenic fraction comigrated with a lipopolysaccharide lipid A core fraction present in encapsulated E. coli K30 bacteria but absent in acapsular mutants.

66. The green salad was way past it's best, replete was slimy brown leaves and I know one can contract e-coli amongst other Awfulnesses so I hailed the waitress unbelievably told me their dough was unique as though this was a good thing

67. Rabbits given sublethal injections of 40 γ/kg E. coli lipopolysaccharide (Coli-ET) first exhibit an inhibition and later an augmentation in square dimension and intensity of the inflammatory skin reaction elicited by 0,1 γ Salm. abortus equi lipopolysaccharide (Salm.-ET) i.c.

68. The compound has the predicted properties: when included in the standard membrane filter test for the analysis of water, indoxyl-β-D-glucuronide allows specific detection of E. coli through the formation of blue colonies that are the result of rapid conversion of the liberated aglycone to indigo.

69. E. coli that is known to produce gas at 45o C and is capable of fermenting lactose to produce typical reactions on L-EMB agar; if using EC-MUG, a strain that is known to produce $-glucuronidase Enterobacter aerogenes or an equivalent gram negative rod that does not produce "positive" reactions on EMB and is indole-negative, methyl red -negative, VogesProskauer-positive, and citrate positive.

70. The United Kingdom reported 7 accidents involving GMM belonging to class 2, namely two peristaltic pump failures (E. coli HMS174 (DE3) genetically modified to express Neisseria meningitidis surface proteins as well as H5N1 Influenza virus), an incubator failure (M. tuberculosis), a blockage of a steel pipe (vaccine influenza virus), a failure of the injection procedure (pigs injected with GM Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae), and two needle stick injuries (vaccinia virus and Leishmania mexicana).

71. In 20 patients suffering for several years from serious chronic relapsing Crohn's disease the following immunological tests were carried out: (1) in-vitro stimulation of blood lymphocytes by PHA-P, (2) identification of T and B cells by formation of spontaneous rosettes and complement receptor rosettes, (3) effect of Crohn's serum on mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) of normal allogeneic lymphocytes, (4) in-vitro phagocytosis and intracellular killing of E. coli by polymorphonuclear granulocytes.

72. Foods for which Microbiological Guidelines have been established. Food Category Method or Equivalent Guideline Nature of Concern Sampling Parameters n c m M Soybean Products (Ready-to-eat) MFHPB-18 Psychrotrophic bacteriaA Sanitation 5 2 105 107 MFHPB-19 E. coliB Health 2F 5 2 102 103 MFHPB-21 S. aureus Health 2 5 2 102 104 MFHPB-20 Salmonella Health 2G 5 0 0 - MFLP-48 Yersinia enterocoliticaC Health 2 5 0 0 - Spices (Ready-to-eat only) MFHPB-23 C. perfringens Health 2 5 2 104 106 MFHPB-42 B. cereus Health 2 5 2 104 106 MFHPB-19 E. coli Health 2F 5 2 102 103 MFHPB-21 S. aureusB Health 2 5 2 102 104 MFHPB-20 Salmonella Health 2G 5 0 0 - MFHPB-22 Yeast and MouldD Sanitation 5 2 102 104 Bottled Water E MFLP-61B Pseudomonas aeruginosa Health 2 5 0 0/100 mL - MFLP-58B Aeromonas hydrophila Health 2 5 0 0/100 mL - Sprouted Seeds (e.g. Alfalfa and Bean Sprouts) MFHPB-19 Faecal Coliforms Sanitation 5 2 103 105 MFHPB-19 E.coli Health 2F 5 2 102 103 MFHPB-20 Salmonella Health 2G 5 0 0 - A m and M values modified according to Health Canada monitoring results.