Đặt câu với từ "divisive"

1. He believes that unemployment is socially divisive.

2. Abortion has always been a divisive issue.

3. Terrorist Hunt received divisive opinions from critics.

4. Reality is more divisive for both nations.

5. The line is too rigid, too divisive.

6. Divisive: Divisive algorithm is the reverse of the Agglomerative algorithm as it is a top-down approach.

7. The candidate criticized her opponent's Bellicosity as divisive.

8. Commemorations in recent years have become toxic, divisive affairs

9. In campaigning on emotive issues, UKIP has proved divisive.

10. Circumcision is, to put it mildly, a divisive issue

11. The Advantages and disAdvantages of gun control are divisive

12. When divisive powers gain prominence then it leads to disintegration.

13. Colorism is a particularly divisive form of bias

14. Private education is often regarded as socially divisive.

15. That politician is a divisive influence at meetings.

16. All these acts are divisive and therefore impermissible.

17. Arguable (also: contentious, controversial, debatable, disputable, divisive, litigious, questionable, moot)

18. The history they have actually experienced has been much more divisive.

19. There is no tribalism or divisive nationalism among them.

20. Because divisive national, tribal, and racial interests will disappear.

21. The abortion issue is an even more divisive issue between sisters.

22. What does Christ use to help strengthen us against divisive influences?

23. No more will there be divisive false religions, social systems, or governments.

24. Meanwhile the performance-related pay proposals are destructive and divisive.

25. The strike was a divisive issue in the community. Sentencedict.com

26. Hierarchical Clustering groups (Agglomerative) or divides (Divisive) data based on their distance

27. 6 Through the centuries, certain rulers have fanned the flames of divisive international strife.

28. 8 He fails to persuade Hindus to repudiate the divisive and unjust social caste system.

29. (Revelation 16:14) The nations and their divisive ways will be put out of existence.

30. It is divisive, puts a damper on zealous Christian works and limits communication.

31. Next Paul warns against sexual immorality, which certainly can also act as a divisive force.

32. (Revelation 21:1) In removing man-made governments, God’s Kingdom will do away with divisive nationalism.

33. They do not allow the world’s divisive politics and wars to break up their international brotherhood.

34. Whereas he once said he would unite the country, he has been deliberately and destructively divisive.

35. He believes that unemployment is socially divisive and is leading to the creation of an underclass.

36. He fails to persuade Hindus to repudiate the divisive and unjust social caste system.

37. Thanks to the TLC show and 24/7 content consumption, extreme Couponing has become a divisive topic

38. Batavia Arrack remains, undoubtedly, a more divisive spirit than others that are simply misunderstood, forgotten or pigeonholed

39. More and more, we are drawn to the divisive spat at the expense of the thoughtful insight.

40. Aside from the dismal academic record of ability grouping, it has a divisive social consequence as well.

41. Ceremonies have been more divisive in character than any other part of ritual or theory.

42. The more divisive issue was the old question of an election under united Coalition leadership.

43. 25 He fails to persuade Hindus to repudiate the divisive and unjust social caste system.

44. It plays into the divisive and alienating response that terrorist groups want in order to generate more recruits.

45. The methods, including both monothetic divisive and polythetic agglomerative procedures, give very similar results at low hierarchical levels.

46. Although its tangy flavor can be somewhat divisive, there’s no disputing the entertaining and therapeutic properties of Banjo…

47. Bisecting k-means is a hybrid approach between Divisive Hierarchical Clustering (top down clustering) and K-means Clustering

48. The charge is that exclusive concentration upon the personal can, in its effects, be socially divisive.

49. Are there genuine reasons for believing that peoples and nations really will overcome their mutual distrust and divisive differences?

50. The language needed to describe unity is itself divisive, each word an island proclaiming its difference from every other.

51. (1 Timothy 6:9) Is it a publication that subtly presents divisive teachings that are un-Christlike?

52. He employed a mediation model that eliminated the divisive win-lose element from arguments and substituted the goal of clarification.

53. In either Agglomerative or divisive hierarchical clustering, the user can specify the desired number of clusters as a termination condition

54. This compromise policy, issued after an agonizing and divisive public debate, did not completely satisfy any of the concerned parties.

55. Yet the finer details needed to implement this idea in the context of international trade have proven contentious and divisive.

56. But more important, and certainly more divisive, than such occasions was the endlessly controversial and emotionally potent question of precedence.

57. In some parts of Christendom, church leaders try to bring people from different sects together by downplaying previously divisive doctrines.

58. The potentially most divisive argument will be about who should be in charge during the dangerous period ahead.

59. 28 Yet the finer details needed to implement this idea in the context of international trade have proven contentious and divisive.

60. The introduction of grant-maintained schools and city technology colleges is without question divisive, leaving local authority schools as poor relations.

61. Advisablenesses: Advisably : advisatory Words that sound like or rhyme with Advisably advisable advisability devisable divisible divisively divisibility adviceful divisive defeasible diffusively

62. To keep free from control by the “ruler of this world,” from what divisive activities of the world do Jehovah’s servants abstain?

63. (Bichronic) divisive rhythm (5/8) emphasises the binary structure of the formulas and of the identical choreographic and melodic cells

64. The longer he resists the pressure for change, the more divisive and dangerous will be his efforts to suppress it.

65. 16 At every turn friendship is violated by the divisive image, an image which serves to predict and to explain.

66. Casteism has led to many problems of Hindu society and has become a major threat to national integration due to its divisive tendencies

67. Abortion is arguably the most divisive issue in US politics and with a Supreme Court seat now vacant, the stakes have never been higher

68. Bitter Alaska Meeting Complicates Already Shaky U.S.-China Ties A divisive exchange between senior foreign policy officials exposes the deepening distrust between the powers

69. The speech that issues forth from their mouths is not the sort that would identify them with any of the divisive elements of the world.

70. The Nigerian Civil War, also known as the Biafran War, became one of the most divisive wars in the history of post

71. So, long before modern experts studied families, the Bible wisely advised: Settle divisive matters quickly—before the day ends and another begins.

72. The war on terror is consistently referred to as the single most divisive political issue by the Commentariat. #news #commentary #politics #current events #criticism #analysis

73. The Brink won't change many minds about its subject, but it remains a compelling -- if perhaps difficult to watch -- look at a divisive ideological lightning rod

74. Agitators is an engrossing and compelling sci-fi political thriller that explores the future consequences of a society in 2024 that has become divisive and polarized

75. “The spread of deliberate misinformation and divisive language is directly Antithetical to this goal and we are therefore deeply concerned at the stance Facebook has taken,” on policing

76. Yet there's little sense of the outside world, the human cost, or the ripple effect, of divisive policies. Here is a movie that gives us Thatcher without Thatcherism.

77. Alongside this positive dynamic, we continue to see a parallel dynamic of the divisive political agendas that have been played out over the past six years.

78. Ending years-long and often divisive debate over ethnic studies coursework in California’s K-12 schools, the State Board of Education on Thursday unanimously Approved a model curriculum to …

79. In 1975, one of the most divisive cultural and political issues of the time was Busing, the practice of putting black and white children on buses and sending them to different schools within a

80. Abortion is a controversial and divisive issue in the society, culture and politics of the U.S., and various anti-Abortion laws have been in force in each state since at least 1900.