Đặt câu với từ "distal"

1. The distal Convoluted tubule is split up functionally into the early distal Convoluted tubule and the late distal Convoluted tubule which is very similar to the collecting ducts

2. Easier debonding through mesial and distal Bevellings

3. One involving a Condyle, most commonly distal humerus or femur in small animals and distal cannon bone in horses.

4. Easier debonding through mesial and distal Bevellings

5. The Hook Test for Distal Biceps Tendon Avulsion.

6. Amputations can involve proximal or distal anatomy

7. 5 the distal end of the tibia.

8. 24 The ventral arm plates are pentagonal nearly triangular with a very wide distal edge; the distal edge may project slightly midradially.

9. 13 The Hook Test for Distal Biceps Tendon Avulsion.

10. The ulnar nerve passes through this Aponeurosis approximately 5 cm distal to the medial epicondyle and 2 to 3 cm distal to the cubital …

11. Extended right hemiColectomy refers to extension of the distal resection margin to include the distal transverse colon up to the splenic flexure.

12. Antrectomy (distal gastrectomy) is a procedure in which the distal third of the stomach (the gastric or pyloric antrum) is excised

13. Partial fusion of the distal radius and the acromion.

14. The distal abdominal Aorta is considered the infrarenal abdominal Aorta.

15. Thermographics show a normalization of distal acral perfusion defects.

16. I-I clip proximal and distal to the aneurysm.

17. Once the distal segment of the Canaliculus is identified, the physician passes the Crawford stent through the proximal Canaliculus and then into the distal Canaliculus and lacrimal sac (B)

18. Further distal advancement of the filter is prohibited by the stop.

19. Avicularian cystide in contact with two lateral and one distal autozooids

20. A distal flow-split of 1:1 was observed for crural runoff.

21. Bilobate protuberance of the hemispermatophore connected to the distal lamina (Fig

22. Peripheral cyanosis is the Bluish discoloration of the distal extremities (hands

23. The TruDi ® Curette’s distal tip sensors enable plug-and-play solution

24. The coil is positioned at the distal portion longitudinally adjacent the braid.

25. After AP resection fixation of distal resection block in planned valgus angle.

26. Key words: distal H ion secretion, corticosteroids, amiloride, adrenalectomy, aldosterone, corticosterone, 18-hydroxycorticosterone.

27. The distal duodenum and jejunum remain on the right side of the spine .

28. Dissected distal Aortas increased by a mean of 0.3 ± 0.5 mm/year

29. The widely spaced stolonal hydrothecae have adnate proximal parts and erect distal parts.

30. Results The clinical manifestation was consistent with the delayed pericentral distal axon disease.

31. A distinction is made between the following types: symmetric distal sensory polyneuropathy, symmetric distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy, focal and multifocal neuropathies, diabetic ophthalmoplegia, Bell’s palsy, diabetic truncal radiculoneuropathy and diabetic amyotrophy.

32. The relaxation reflex of the anal canal had disappeared distal of the anastomosis in the first postoperative week, and electrical slow waves and pressure waves were desynchronized proximal and distal of the anastomosis.

33. The instrument allows the operator to achieve multi-directional deflection of the distal portion.

34. The balloon intussuscepts upon proximal movement of the distal part of the inner conduit.

35. An Autopsied case, aged 68 years, showed generalized muscle abnormalities with a distal predominance

36. It is interpreted as an eolian influenced, distal alluvial-fan or braid-plain environment.

37. 3 This pattern was limited to the distal, smooth muscle portion of the oesophagus.

38. For reasons of distal emboli migration, the angioscopically assisted embolectomy must not be carried out.

39. Bicipital The Bicipital aponeurosis originates from the distal insertion of the biceps brachii.

40. Surgical Technique Ulnopalmar approach. Oblique osteotomy of the ulna in its distal third.

41. Afterwards osteotomy-bridging implantation of a cementless, distal anchoring stem design is performed.

42. In 11/96, there was anastomotic adeno carcinoma recurrence, including the distal oesophagus.

43. The distal plate includes a hole through which a release mechanism is accessible.

44. The distal end is often modified to distribute force (such as a foot).

45. Comminution of the dorsal metaphysis is a relatively common feature of distal radius fractures

46. Here, we show that DNA methylation directs distal enhancer-mediated transcriptomic features of Adipocytes.

47. The distal bronchial lumen often ends Abruptlybecause the smaller bronchi are plugged with mucus

48. The boom extends from the chassis to a distal end adjacent the rock face.

49. Cursorial animals tend to have: Disproportionately longer distal limbbones (tibiae, and especially metatarsi) Shorter toes Muscles concentrated towards the top of the limb while graviportal animals tend to have: Disproportionately stubbier distal limb bones (esp

50. Gross anatomy The Bronchus intermedius runs distal to the right upper lobe bifurcation and follows

51. A distal portion of the body and the folded element define a parallel acoustic path.

52. Preparation of the insertion of the triceps at the distal humerus, capsule and proximal ulna.

53. The outer shaft is connected to the distal sheath and has a curved portion (134).

54. Clubbing has been described as a bulbous fusiform enlargement of the distal portion of a digit

55. Resorptive Atelectasis is found distal to an obstructive lesion, such as a tumor or mucus plug

56. Delayed release mesalazine formulations release their contents rapidly in the distal small intestine and proximal colon.

57. Objective:To study the effect of three methods for treatment of closed fracture of the distal tibia.

58. Intrinsic carpal ligaments exist between the carpal bone in the proximal or distal rows.

59. The conventional diagnostic x-ray revealed stress fractures of both distal tibiae (Looser’s transformation zones).

60. Distal interlocking through aiming device, angle-stable blocking of nail and blade through end cap.

61. Location of the olulus: The olulus occurs between the proximal jejunum and the distal ileum.

62. 14 The instrument includes an elongate shaft having a proximal end and a distal end.

63. Foreign bodies were located in the left main bronchus in 8 (22.2%) patients, the right main bronchus in 19 (52.8%), the right distal Bronchi in 2 (5.5%), and in the left distal Bronchi in 1 (2.8%) patient.

64. In a further inventive embodiment, the distal element can be adjusted relative to the proximal element at least in angle and in a third preferred embodiment, both the axillary wedge and the distal element can be adjusted.

65. Angulates the distal end REMOTE BUTTON 3 Push to activate the VCR for recording live procedures

66. These 3 patients all had anterior shoulder subluxation and greater proximal than distal upper extremity weakness.

67. Objective: To test the rationale for designing an occlusal rest for a distal - removable partial denture.

68. Tumors of the middle and distal part of the extrahepatic bile duct are accessible to endosonography.

69. Medical definition of Carpale: a carpal bone; especially : one of the distal series articulating with the metacarpals.

70. Homeodomain proteins Bar and Aristaless and the LIM-HOM proteins Apterous and Lim1 regulate distal leg development.

71. It usually presents in the distal lower extremities of young adults, frequently attached to tendons or Aponeuroses

72. The probe includes an acoustically transmissive optical distribution element having a distal surface and a proximal surface.

73. Relative: nondisplaced fractures of the distal pole without involvement of the joint surface and intact extensor apparatus3.

74. The elongated articular area distal and medial to the sulcus Calcanei covers the sustentaculum tali and …

75. Alternatively a guide wire (28) can be provided with a magnetic material on its distal end.

76. The presence of an adventitious distal abscissa in the forewing venation of honey bees is recorded.

77. Unlike the Brindled Madtom, Noturus miurus, the dorsal and adipose fins have pale distal margins.

78. The aerated mixture is expelled through a nozzle (12) at distal end of the conduit.

79. By stage 41 embryos possess a deep, protected sulcus and two pairs of distal lobes.

80. Antrectomy (distal gastrectomy) is a procedure that involves surgical removal of the lower 30% of the stomach (antrum). Distal gastrectomy is a type of partial gastrectomy that involves the surgical removal of only a portion of the stomach.