Đặt câu với từ "destitute"

1. The floods left many people destitute .

2. They seem destitute of ordinary human feelings.

3. They were destitute of necessaries of life.

4. Anenterous - Destitute of a stomach or an intestine

5. Furthermore, some animals have feet and are destitute thereof.

6. Is Parliament become a refuge for the destitute?

7. Meanwhile his Society's inefficiency left him destitute.

8. The floods left thousands of people destitute.

9. When he died, his family was left completely destitute.

10. She preached the Christian gospel to the poor and destitute.

11. The quarry comprised destitute peasants, rural reds, bucolic Bolshies

12. North Korea, by contrast, is insular, centralised and destitute.

13. Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Apterous (Adjective) Destitute of wings; wingless. Apterous (Adjective) Destitute of winglike membranous expansions, as a stem or petiole.

14. When he died, his family was left destitute.

15. And rest Attemptless, faint, and destitute? Methinks we should not

16. And rest Attemptless, faint, and destitute? Methinks we should not

17. But how can you ask someone so destitute to sacrifice?

18. There was a great warmth and tolerance in this destitute setting."

19. My father was a deadbeat drunk who died alone and destitute.

20. Profiting from a destitute neighbor’s economic reversals was wrong. —Exodus 22:25.

21. And rest Attemptless, faint, and destitute? Methinks we should not

22. Perhaps, the immensely rich Alhajis would step in to help the destitute almajirai

23. He got congress to appropriate $ 25 million to resettle destitute families on farms.

24. Destitute of any tender emotions, they devoured one another without being satisfied.”

25. Millions may be left destitute or may be forced to become refugees.

26. However, I'll do what I can to see you are not left destitute.

27. Tax payers would have to pay health insurance premiums for the old and destitute.

28. Colorless Meaning: "destitute of color," from color (n.) + -less

29. The world is morally destitute —bankrupt— ripe for a total collapse.

30. When Mr. Smith died, his wife and childern were left destitute.

31. 5 She preached the Christian gospel to the poor and destitute.

32. 10 Although he was destitute, the prodigal did not yet consider returning home.

33. The boys were promptly sent to Norwood Schools, another institution for destitute children.

34. Definitions for the word, Apodal (n.) Destitute of the ventral fin, as the eels

35. The means of grace are therefore for all of us, deaf, dumb, or destitute.

36. In Kinama, the displaced persons, who were absolutely destitute, were distributed among four different sites.

37. Scales of the oblong involucre Appressed, destitute of herbaceous tips (except n

38. On my arrival I found the lepers in general very destitute of warm clothing.

39. The rest of her family all died in a smallpox epidemic, leaving her destitute.

40. Borrowing from a bank was out of the question because of their destitute circumstances.

41. Seemingly countless people lack food and shelter , leaving streets packed with increasingly hungry , destitute survivors .

42. Synonyms for Boracic include impecunious, destitute, poor, impoverished, penniless, needy, indigent, penurious, broke and skint

43. But when they first meet, as children, she is a destitute peasant girl called Firecrackers.

44. A dog is singularly destitute in what is called in Scotland, Canniness. CATS W

45. People often believe that beggars are not destitute and instead call them professional beggars.

46. Bamako is a deeply personal docudrama that illuminates the destitute conditions of African people living in Mali

47. Baldrib A Baldrib is a piece of pork cut lower down than the sparerib, and destitute of fat

48. Synonyms for Beggared include destitute, impoverished, penniless, poor, broke, impecunious, poverty-stricken, needy, indigent and penurious

49. I told him that we weren't eating and that we weren't paying the rent - almost destitute.

50. Everywhere he went, people were destitute, and all of those people offered him something to eat.

51. In Kinama, the displaced persons, who were absolutely destitute, were distributed among four different sites

52. Synonyms for Amaurotic include blind, sightless, visionless, unsighted, unseeing, eyeless, purblind, typhlotic, visually impaired and destitute of vision

53. Virtually destitute, he moved briefly to Regensburg and later Munich, but did not prosper in postwar Germany.

54. As federal and state support for the cities diminishes, poor urban dwellers will become even more destitute and marginalized.

55. Antonyms for Cash rich include impoverished, poor, destitute, impecunious, indigent, penniless, penurious, poverty-stricken, needy and broke

56. Source: Zimbabwe ruling elite not stealing from state, But from poor people they leave destitute – The Zimbabwean

57. After her own parents died and she was left destitute, Elizabeth had found her wandering the streets.

58. I thought also that I could sell him scientific information, and so escape from my destitute condition.

59. It has become finally clear that packing largely destitute and idle people into public housing creates a rotten place to live.

60. Baldrib (plural Baldribs) (Britain, dated) A piece of pork cut lower down than the sparerib, and destitute of fat

61. What does Baldrib mean? (UK, dated) A piece of pork cut lower down than the sparerib, and destitute of fat

62. Shall we ‘rest, Attemptless, fair and destitute? Methinks we should not.’ Marlowe’s verse rings and echoes with the call to aspire, to attempt

63. The first was from a destitute young woman about to be evicted and threatening to gas her four children, then herself.

64. “They were stoned, ... were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: ... wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, [and] tormented;

65. God there commanded Israelites to make interest-free loans to fellow Israelites who had become financially destitute and were in need of help.

66. As both a prison for petty criminals and a workhouse for the poor and destitute, Bridewells were intended to bring about behavioural change through menial work.

67. Why, then, Casane, 111 shall we wish for aught The world affords in greatest novelty, And rest Attemptless, faint, and destitute? Methinks we should not

68. As the economic plight of developing nations worsens, the destitute may increasingly endorse the idea that honesty cannot be the best policy for the poor.

69. Ashrams; Camp Centres; Christian Agency for Rural Development; Destitute Homes (Mandirams) Educational Institutions; Mar Thoma Medical Mission (Hospitals) Social Welfare Institutions; Study Centres; Technical Institutions; Theological Institutions; Publications

70. Why, then, Casane, 111 shall we wish for aught The world affords in greatest novelty, And rest Attemptless, faint, and destitute? Methinks we should not

71. A family may become destitute, lacking the basic essentials of life, because the husband fails to provide for them, although being able to do so.

72. The Beguines represented a broad spectrum of women of differing backgrounds who gave their lives and means to help the destitute, the ill, the downtrodden, and the homeless

73. And then there is the ever-present imponderable: the possible need, at some point, to finance the horrendous costs of reunification with destitute North Korea when that state collapses.

74. The Chief Minister also announced to open 11 more Almonries in Lahore saying that an in-principle decision had been made to start Almonries outside shelter homes for the destitute

75. When I shall make the land of Egypt desolate, and the country shall be destitute of that whereof it was full, when I shall smite all them that dwell therein, then shall they know that I am the LORD.

76. As it is not only inconsistent with the Genls orders but wd leave me altogether destitute of that aid in the Cloathing and Accoutring department without which it will be utterly impracticable for me to forward the parties as

77. Axis Medical Center provides health services to all individuals regardless of ability to pay.Dedicated to its responsibility as a foundational community service institution, Axis partners with area organizations to meet health care and wellness needs of underserved people, including immigrants, homeless, destitute, disabled, and uninsured

78. Example sentences with "Complicitous", translation memory amnesty.org “It is an outrage that a community, left destitute by the actions of the Lagos state government, has been denied an effective remedy by the same government and that the World Bank has been complicit in this matter,” said Audrey Gaughran, director of Global Issues at