Đặt câu với từ "degenerate quadric"

1. This degenerate seduced my daughter!

2. Degenerate, decadence and emptiness loneliness loss.

3. She has a sort of degenerate beauty.

4. Will too much freedom make them degenerate?

5. Nazism suppressed all three movements as degenerate.

6. The Askaran Amulet is not degenerate artwork.

7. Synonyms for Backslider. debauchee, debaucher, decadent, degenerate, deviate,

8. She is not an incompetent but a degenerate.

9. The Antipodals degenerate at or shortly after fertilization

10. Keep dogs alive till acini degenerate leaving islets.

11. As the ameloblasts degenerate, a gingival sulcus is created.

12. Degenerate Abelian functions are distinguished by having infinitely small

13. Inversely, sometimes collapsed frontal systems will degenerate into troughs.

14. They were, after all, a bit too degenerate for their taste.

15. He was a degenerate gambler, and it got him killed.

16. These historic buildings have been allowed to degenerate into slums.

17. Reich Secretary of Propaganda Dr. Goebbels calls Swing degenerate Nigger music.

18. It seemed the forum might degenerate into an exchange of accusations.

19. The distant fading signals a run-down age of degenerate belief.

20. Because you are the demons of my life,I volunteered to degenerate.

21. This society must become united or it will degenerate into total anarchy.

22. " Debauched aliens and atheists falling into great licentiousness and leading degenerate lives. "

23. Some common synonyms of Corrupt are degenerate, iniquitous, nefarious, vicious, and villainous

24. If that angle becomes 0 we end up with a degenerate triangle

25. The stimulated photon echo in degenerate two-level system has been studied.

26. Inactivity can make your joints stiff, and the bones may begin to degenerate.

27. But civilized society is not more natural than more degenerate social states.

28. Degenerate Conic A Conic which is not a parabola, ellipse, circle, or hyperbola

29. Don't allow your comments to degenerate into a personal attack on the employee.

30. Group workouts too often degenerate into unstructured races at the most inopportune times.

31. They were regarded as at best degenerate and self-indulgent, and at worst as vicious.

32. Bellids possess a pair of temporary head-kidneys which ultimately degenerate and disappear (11, p

33. The door of toilet often is in damp environment, its doorcase lower part can degenerate insensibly.

34. My job is to nurture the bottom-up and not let it degenerate into chaos."

35. Adrop: Drop dimensions of an array object Description Drop degenerate dimensions of an array object

36. In Friedreich Ataxia nerve fibers in the spinal cord and peripheral nerves degenerate, becoming thinner.

37. 14, 15. (a) To what did Jesus liken himself, in contrast with what ‘degenerate vine’?

38. So how have you turned into the degenerate shoots of a foreign vine before me?’

39. The existence and blow-up of a class degenerate parabolic systems in semi-space is considered.

40. There was widespread dissatisfaction too for the degenerate lifestyle into which many of the clergy had fallen.

41. Words that rhyme with Accommodate include incorporate, accelerate, precipitate, subordinate, aggregate, alternate, conglomerate, degenerate, legitimate and moderate

42. Argument and competition are potentially beneficial and fruitful; both may degenerate into conflict if badly managed.

43. He was labelled a degenerate youth by his teachers, and left the town before he was

44. The meeting, which seemed about to degenerate into physical violence, was brought to a precipitous end.

45. After thirty or thirty - five years , these cells begin to degenerate at a rate of 100,000 per day !

46. For modes propagating along thec*-direction both the LA and the doubly degenerate TA branches were measured.

47. Degenerate art was a term adopted by the Nazi regime in Germany for virtually all modern art.

48. Test 3 (Realistic_Aposteriori): Realistic case, nonlinear, degenerate with heterogeneous and anisotropic absolute permeability, mixed boundary conditions (Neumann + Dirichlet), discontinuous

49. Flames belch from the wreckage, degenerate human beings scrabble for survival, the screen is dark and the aspect brooding.

50. We, then, must exercise extreme caution, lest we fall under the influence of this degenerate but subtly appealing moral atmosphere.

51. Well-pondered counterclaiming Calvaries Yalaha Monothelism cassicus Dobie aleda bynames Apodedeipna naturelike Auster degenerate unperceivedly anticentralist gorsechat aminoguanidine streptokinase accouchements

52. One result has been a rash of appallingly degenerate crimes, including the violation of children and the mutilation of animals.”

53. What the armor-Bearer was for the warlike races of old, such is the tchbukdi for their degenerate descendants

54. Hence, the set of critical columns will remain the same throughout a sequence of tableaux optimal over degenerate intervals.

55. Weyl algebras represent the same structure for symplectic bilinear forms that Clifford algebras represent for non-degenerate symmetric bilinear forms.

56. In their absence, Nordlinger implies that conflict regulation will not occur and Lijphart's centrifugal democracy will degenerate into civil war.

57. So you probably got as much or less than this little no-good, manipulative, degenerate motherfucker right here next to you.

58. Test 2 (Degenerate_Aposteriori): Nonlinear and degenerate problem in the total pressure formulation of the Richards equation with known exact solution

59. An Abelian function $ f (z) $ is said to be degenerate if there exists a linear transformation of the variables $ z _ {1} \dots z _ {p} $ which converts $ f(z) $ into a function of fewer variables; otherwise $ f(z) $ is said to be a non-degenerate Abelian function

60. If you are a degenerate Besmircher of the our greatest former president, I urge that you watch the full videos

61. In Ainhum there is, first, simple hypertrophy, then active hyperplasia The papillæ degenerate when deprived of blood supply, and become horny

62. Indeed, in many cartilaginous fish, the anterior portion of the kidney may degenerate or cease to function altogether in the adult.

63. In particular the influence of a perturbative interaction on an exact system, which is intrinsically degenerate, is studied using an action-angle formulation.

64. Cytological examination of the fluid from the distended lesion discovered multiple nucleated cells, including synoviocytes, non-degenerate neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages

65. A degenerate culture of the gun is seen to embrace all the lost young men in the bush, whatever their allegiances.

66. Ascidian: any PROTOCHORDATE of the class Ascidiacea (subphyllum Tunicata), such as the sea squirt, the adults of which are degenerate and sedentary

67. To leave a habitat to degenerate and perhaps be destroyed is to injure all its animals, including of course the species concerned.

68. Both sets of inquiries pointed to the existence of a degenerate underclass of the population which formed a residual pool of infection.

69. Beaucoups of Blues is an unusually apt title for this collection of 12 songs, each one sounding more ridiculously degenerate than the one before

70. The resulting object will then undergo runaway thermonuclear fusion, producing a Type Ia supernova and dispelling the darkness of the Degenerate Era for a few weeks.

71. For a bag level which is nearly degenerate with a quark level (of the same parity, etc.) in the adiabatic approximation, the approximation naturally fails.

72. Project papers have been published on functional codes arising from the intersections of algebraic hypersurfaces of small degree with a non-singular quadric, and on bounds on the number of rational points of algebraic hypersurfaces over finite fields.

73. All of these degenerate characteristics check amazingly with the history of the dead man before us, whose life was one of brutality, of violence and murder

74. In a word, there is no denying the fact that Commercialism and Mammonism erode all spiritual values, and degenerate the cultural fabrics of a society.

75. Then these theories are used to study degenerate bifurations of codimension 2 of the cusp singularity in a nonlinear oscillator under combined parametric and forcing excitations.

76. 24 synonyms for Backslide: relapse, slip, weaken, go wrong, stray, lapse, revert to old habits, fall back, degenerate, slip back to old ways, regress, go astray

77. In 1937, whilst some of Abbo's sculptures finally arrived in England, in Germany his work had been branded as "Degenerate Art" and removed from all public museums.

78. Chum Lyrics: Something sinister to it, pendulum swinging slow / A degenerate moving through the city with criminals, stealth / Welcome to enemy turf, harder than immigrants work / "Golf" is

79. The door of toilet often lies in damp environment, doorcase lower part can degenerate insensibly, if be enchased in the lower part of doorcase , go up stainless steel piece OK and moistureproof.

80. The Cyclopean Congregation is a Chaos Cult of degenerate Navigators and decadent voidsmen led by Kokabiel Grigoris that is active in the Jericho Reach, particularly the region known as Kokabiel's Drop