Đặt câu với từ "dead matter"

1. Minh: And what does it matter that they are dead?

2. 9 Humus is dead, decaying organic matter. NOT inorganic fertilizer.

3. Well, you're a dead man walking, what does it matter?

4. Corruption: the process by which dead organic matter separates into simpler substances

5. They feed on particles of food, dead cells, and other matter in the mouth.

6. And once Linderman finds out they're dead, it's not gonna matter who killed them.

7. Men don't just rise up from the dead though, no matter how angry they are.

8. It feeds on dead organic matter , algae , micro - organisms and various other small solid particles .

9. We have to go take care of another matter. The Russians still want you dead.

10. S. africa feeds on living and dead tissue, including snails, and other decomposing matter, and feces.

11. Bowfin tends to just hang around the bottom as they are scavenging for the dead decaying matter

12. Then bacterial action converts dead matter into food for the phytoplankton, and the cycle begins all over again.

13. The carbon and nutrients in dead organic matter are broken down by a group of processes known as decomposition.

14. Cerecloth definition is - cloth treated with melted wax or gummy matter and formerly used especially for wrapping a dead body.

15. Kid's gonna be dead in a matter of days... if we don't figure out why his red blood cells are disintegrating.

16. Cannibalism is pagan and God does not condone it. It doesn’t matter if someone is already dead it is still wrong

17. Bat colonies in caves, seabirds on coastland) - guano is an example of Allochthonous organic matter (dead organic material formed outside the ecosystem).

18. We must do something about that dead tree, it's only a matter of time before it falls down and maybe injures somebody.

19. Penguin dead, Gordon dead, done.

20. In the absence of decomposition, the dead organic matter would accumulate in an ecosystem, and nutrients and atmospheric carbon dioxide would be depleted.

21. LADY CAPULET Alack the day, she's dead, she's dead, she's dead!


23. Robottwins; Size Does Matter; Dead or Alive; The Jungle; Bangin Buddies 3; Rock whores of 94; Pub Life; Coochies; Night Nurse; Darius; Rich Bitch; Dirty

24. Learning about composting—the process of recycling dead organic matter and putting it to use as fertilizer—will help you to improve your food production.

25. Dead hand, dead hand, knock on this door.

26. Stone dead [Stone-dead] has no fellow. 

27. Grey matter appears grey, matter white.

28. 1 Let the dead bury the dead. 

29. Dead breathe I living breathe, tread dead dust, devour a urinous offal from all dead.

30. NURSE She's dead, deceas'd, she's dead; alack the day!

31. Everything your dead shrink had on my dead friend.

32. O child! -- my soul, and not my child! -- Dead art thou, dead! -- alack, my child is dead;

33. 8 Stone dead [Stone-dead] has no fellow. 

34. It's dead.

35. Dead metal.

36. Dead wolf.

37. Absolutely dead.

38. Drop dead.

39. Dead toast.

40. Playing dead.

41. You're dead.

42. Jimmy Tudeski may be dead but he ain't exactly dead.

43. Tron's dead.

44. Dead prick!

45. Andrew Capra is dead. He's been dead for two years.

46. When the strings or accumulations close in as temperatures rise, Blueweeds die off and float to the surface, where they form a smelling layer of dead organic matter.

47. Booklouse, common name for any of an order of small, delicate insects known for feeding on dead plant and animal matter or starchy substances such as bookbinding paste

48. 5 Better unchaste than humourless, better dead than a dead weight.

49. Dead over there.

50. But Abati's dead.

51. Alma's not dead.

52. I'm not dead!

53. They're all dead!

54. Chivalry isn't dead.

55. I'm dead tired.

56. Two dead stiffs.

57. We are dead.

58. Am I dead?

59. Brachiopods are suspension feeders, which means that they extract food (plankton, particles of dead organic matter, etc.) out of water that they pump in and out of their shells

60. The line's dead.

61. The refinery's dead.

62. She's not dead.

63. So what do you do with a dead mall, dead office park?

64. A dead body of a male adult, a dead consignor, a target.

65. All dead ends.

66. They're all dead.

67. Chivalry's dead now.

68. The battery's dead.

69. He's not dead.

70. Laeddis isn't dead.

71. Tyranny is dead!

72. Maps matter.

73. Biomethane is a naturally occurring gas which is produced by the so-called anaerobic digestion of organic matter such as dead animal and plant material, manure, sewage, organic waste, etc

74. A person who is Brain dead is dead, with no chance of …

75. Organ donors may be living, brain dead, or dead via circulatory death.

76. Braindead! Lyrics: I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I just wanna be pretty brain-dead / I

77. Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi (mushrooms), feed on waste and dead matter, converting it into inorganic chemicals that can be recycled as mineral nutrients for plants to use again.

78. Confidential matter.

79. You're dead, your daughter's dead, your grandson's dead, your son spent his wedding night in a dungeon and I'm Lord of Riverrun.

80. Animism (“everything has is spirit, or is a spirit”) is a more accurate and more beneficial way of viewing the world than materialism (“the universe is mostly composed of dead matter”).