Đặt câu với từ "de-fragmentation"

1. Crimped wires, fragmentation.

2. Draw two fragmentation patterns for 3- Butenol

3. Fragmentation is rampant in the entertainment business.

4. European arms markets are Characterised by their fragmentation

5. Other common themes are social fragmentation and transience.

6. Panel for acoustic treatment involving fragmentation of reverberated sound

7. The fragmentation of 213 MeV/nucleon 40Ar ions by 12C targets is described within the context of a simple abrasion–ablation fragmentation model.

8. A fragmentation bomb is one that explodes into small pieces.

9. Her narrow majority Betokens less personal weakness than political fragmentation

10. It is threatened by poaching, loss and fragmentation of habitat.

11. Fragmentation causes an increase in contact area between magma and water creating a feedback mechanism, leading to further fragmentation and production of fine ash particles.

12. We can't accept the fragmentation or balkanization of the country. Sentencedict.com

13. Fragmentation depends on factors such as the nature of political representation.

14. The fragmentation of the separation, this is you want to end.

15. The organism is characterized by short, straight, often rectangularly branched aerial sporophores with loosely arranged fragmentation spores, and by the production of fragmentation spores in the substrate mycelium.

16. Brecciation definition: the fragmentation of rock Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

17. Thermoplastic elastomers via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization of triglycerides

18. Fragmentation occurs when bubbles occupy ~70-80 vol% of the erupting mixture.

19. 3 synonyms for Antipersonnel bomb: anti-personnel bomb, daisy cutter, fragmentation bomb

20. The Ascomycetes reproduce asexually by fission, budding, fragmentation, arthrospores, chlamydospores or conidia

21. Experiment description dot fragmentation even in the most ideal is instill a.

22. Abstract The measurement of Arousals during sleep is useful to quantify sleep fragmentation

23. Seamless service delivery, eliminating redundant services and activities and the fragmentation of functions.

24. Many of the shells were fragmentation shells, specifically designed to destroy land targets.

25. This puts abnormal pressure on the medial coronoid process, leading to fragmentation.

26. The testimony of Venus is that aerial fragmentation of projectiles is extremely important.

27. In order to avoid any fragmentation of the EU market, the EU should develop a single and uniform policy in this respect, by introducing and promoting new grapevine product categories ("de-alcoholised wine" and "partially de-alcoholised wine"), in line with the recently adopted resolutions of the OIV on de-alcoholised wines.

28. These data revealed a concealed set of alkali-induced condensation and fragmentation reactions.

29. Method and apparatus for adaptive mac layer fragmentation and harq channel identifier assignment

30. There are indications that deforestation and forest fragmentation are accelerating this gradual desiccation.

31. It tended towards the fragmentation of knowledge, the learning of facts divorced from their meaning.

32. How do we end the ethnic fragmentation that is making us an increasingly hyphenated people?

33. The fragmentation of programs and delivery systems creates considerable inefficiency for both implementers and beneficiaries.

34. Opossum populations in the U.S. are down due to the fragmentation of their forest habitats.

35. Balkanization (territorial fragmentation) is becoming a significant urban and geopolitical pursuit in contemporary times

36. TCP (Transport Layer, corrects transfer errors) and IP (Network Layer, fragmentation/addressing/data transfer).

37. Outside the rods is a fragmentation layer of steel cubes weighing 2–3 grams.

38. Only after fragmentation of DNA the cells accumulate in G2-phase of the cell cycle.

39. The problem of fragmentation continues to hinder progress in most development work in the bantustans.

40. Landscape fragmentation is one of the major reasons drastic degression loss of biodiversity over the world.

41. Alternatively, these Cratons could be the result of fragmentation of a large craton that constituted the

42. Atomisation - separating something into fine particles Atomization, fragmentation division - the act or process of dividing 2

43. "Maybe the fragmentation of my identity accounts for why I always ended up working with collage.

44. Decomposition processes can be separated into three categories—leaching, fragmentation and chemical alteration of dead material.

45. Like flash drives, hard disks also suffer from file fragmentation, which can reduce access speed.

46. These are the experiences of monotony, fragmentation and excessive pace in work and social interaction patterns.

47. The distribution and fragmentation of responsibility within the administration is hampering efforts to align with the acquis.

48. Fragmentation of endothelial cell membrane, vacuolization of cytoplasm and hazy mitochondrial structures were seen under electron microscope.

49. A sprawling double album of many moods, and even the upbeat numbers have an undertow of fragmentation.

50. Therapies to help dissolve some Bezoars, though many require endoscopic or surgical management for fragmentation and removal

51. Texture images are stored in discrete memory-aligned tiles to avoid fragmentation in the texture memory.

52. In this case the bruit was arrested after a fragmentation operation of the whole skull vault.

53. Winship's essay also draws attention to the increasing fragmentation of the body within recent commercial photography.

54. The results demonstrate that rocks with high perimeter values have the best resistance to fragmentation and abrasion.

55. Yet the fragmentation of the Church makes it exceedingly difficult to implement anything like normal management practice.

56. So we have a Mesozoic period, an age of fragmentation, and a Cenozoic period, an age of reconnection

57. Taken together, they help politically shrink the distances that were elongated by the past fragmentation of the ocean.

58. Keywords: fragmentation of phosphates and phosphorochloridates, "metaphosphate" mechanism of phosphates, activation entropy in mechanistic change, 2-(dialkylamino)ethylphosphates.

59. With so much change and fragmentation in the new career world, you need a solid core of self.

60. Selection of catalyst substance that is able to resist abrasion and fragmentation in order to reduce dust emissions

61. The dream of the unified global village has given way to the reality of global fragmentation and diversity.

62. 15 These are the experiences of monotony, fragmentation and excessive pace in work and social interaction patterns.

63. It could lead to the dilution and fragmentation of the strengths and skills of the primary health care team.

64. Fragmentation is the process most supportive of the concept of sovereign, independent statehood which is central to realist analysis.

65. Method and apparatus for receiving a medium access control protocol data unit having a fragmentation and packing extended header

66. Habitat fragmentation also poses challenges, because the global network of protected areas only covers 11.5% of the Earth's surface.

67. The clear definition of objectives is also impeded by the fragmentation of political authority that was discussed in chapter

68. In addition to a brief description of the mass spectral fragmentation the origin of the compounds is discussed.

69. Would this be an opportune time to suggest a move to help reduce the fragmentation of the industry?

70. This situation persists today, though strong movements towards interdisciplinary research help to avoid total fragmentation of scientific understanding.

71. 4.1 Inadequate execution of policy initiatives have acerbated the inertia in the European digital economy caused by fragmentation and underinvestment.

72. These will include rebalancing global demand, reducing financial market fragmentation and backing up reforms with monetary support and fiscal consolidation.

73. Results show that market fragmentation and the existence of latency Arbitragers negatively impact liquidity and total surplus within the system.

74. The challenge is seen as identifying the optimum level of specialization before alleged dysfunctions of fragmentation and introversion emerge.

75. The Vex Core Analyzed step is part of the overall Divine Fragmentation quest chain needed to obtain the Divinity Exotic weapon

76. Fragmentation is rampant in the entertainment business. Vertical integration of media conglomerates adds pressure to the marketplace and the creative process.

77. 18 What was gained in fusion was a sense of wholeness more pleasurable than the feelings of fragmentation that preceded it.

78. The longest-lasting is the struggle for the working class to constitute itself as a class, to overcome its internal fragmentation.

79. Missatge de final de campanya de Teresa Pitarch, Secretaria General de Convergents

80. The fragmentation of politics has made it extraordinarily difficult to bring a coordinated attack on overall questions about the system.