Đặt câu với từ "croupous pharyngitis"

1. Pharyngitis

2. Bronchitis Pharyngitis, sinusitis

3. He has pharyngitis, Ferruh.

4. Enterovirus, devil's grip, enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis (herpangina), enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem (Hand, foot and mouth disease), enteroviral lymphonodular pharyngitis (acute lymphonodular pharyngitis), Bornholm disease, epidemic myalgia CHARACTERISTICS:

5. Upper respiratory tract infection including pharyngitis and sinusitis

6. Tonsillitis/pharyngitis caused by Group A beta

7. Pharyngitis Rhinitis Pneumonia Upper respiratory tract infection Folliculitis

8. upper respiratory tract infections: acute otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis

9. Are rhinitis and pharyngitis had best the most effective treatment method ah?

10. In children streptococcal pharyngitis is the cause of 37% of sore throats.

11. MONONUCLEOSIS (INFECTIOUS) DEFINITION Acute viral infection with classic triad of symptoms: fever, pharyngitis and enlarged lymph glands.

12. It is frequently prescribed to help sufferers of acute pharyngitis/tonsillitis, particularly children.

13. 25 Some children with acute pharyngitis complain of abdominal pain and are febrile.

14. I looked it up on the Internet, and could have pneumonia, pleurisy or pharyngitis.

15. A 69-year-old man presented with protracted necrotizing pharyngitis requiring prolonged antibiotic therapy.

16. In # of these, moxifloxacin was used for treating less severe indications (sinusitis, pharyngitis and acute bronchitis

17. Dyspnoea, epistaxis, cough Pleural effusion#, pharyngolaryngeal pain, pharyngitis Pleuritic pain, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary haemorrhage

18. Mononucleosis (Infectious) Definition Acute viral infection with classic triad of symptoms: fever, pharyngitis and enlarged lymph glands.

19. Acute bilateral Cervical lymphadenitis is usually caused by a viral upper respiratory tract infection or streptococcal pharyngitis

20. GBS were also recovered from 14 patients with pharyngitis, six with infected wounds, and three with burns.

21. Adenovirus types 3 and 7 cause a distinct syndrome of conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, and fever (pharyngoconjunctival fever)

22. Furthermore, one of the following diagnoses must be established: acute tonsillitis, acute tonsillopharyngitis or acute pharyngitis.

23. Asymptomatic pharyngeal carriage or acute streptococcal pharyngitis among such persons may contribute to the spread of invasive infection.

24. The assumption was based on travel history, continous fever, cough, pharyngitis, thoracic pain, and exclusion of other acute infections.

25. A double-blind, multicenter comparative study of two regimens of clindamycin hydrochloride in the treatment of patients with acute streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis.

26. Results of the optical immunoassay and the conventional immune assay Strep A Plus were compared in 65 patients with acute pharyngitis.

27. When rash or arthritis symptoms occur after streptococcal pharyngitis or scarlet fever, physicians should be alerted to the possibility of acute rheumatic fever and investigate.

28. The recommendations for chemoprophylaxis regimens have been extrapolated from treatment guidelines for acute GAS pharyngitis and evidence from clinical trials for the eradication of pharyngeal GAS colonization.

29. “It takes 20 years of heavy tobacco smoking to produce the same type of severe sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and emphysema that one year of daily marijuana smoking produces.”

30. Atrophias atrophic atrophic arthritis atrophic excavation: atrophic gastritis atrophic glossitis atrophic heterochromia atrophic inflammation atrophic kidney atrophic pharyngitis atrophic rhinitis atrophic rhinitis of swine atrophic thrombosis

31. After 5 days’ therapy, treatment was deemed clinically successful in the following number of diagnoses: tonsillitis 234 (89.7%); pharyngitis 204 (85%); sinusitis 388 (86.6%); and acute bronchitis 640 (89%).

32. Telithromycin is used for the treatment of infections caused by susceptible bacteria; for example, community-acquired pneumonia, acute bacterial infections related to chronic bronchitis, and pharyngitis/tonsillitis.

33. CONCLUSIONS: The employment of a rapid antigen detection test for Group A Streptococci in patients with acute pharyngitis increases therapeutic certitude and guideline-conform prescription of antibiotics among family physicians.

34. Telithromycin is used for the treatment of select infections caused by susceptible bacteria; for example, community-acquired pneumonia, acute bacterial infections related to chronic bronchitis, and pharyngitis/tonsillitis.

35. In the United States, approximately 75% of prescriptions for antimicrobial drugs are for the treatment of five acute respiratory infections: otitis media, sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, and upper respiratory tract infections (1).

36. Therefore, the risk-benefit profile of Ketek did not warrant its continued indication for acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, acute bacterial sinusitis and tonsillitis/pharyngitis in patients thirteen years and older.

37. Adenoiditis - amygdalitis - anthracosis - Bituminosis - dry pleurisy - haemorrhage - hong kong flu - hypotension - indigestion - pharyngitis - tachycardia - the sniffles - the snuffles - wet pleurisy 12 letter words asphyxiation - constipation - fibrillation - hypertension - inflammation - pneumothorax - skin eruption - upset stomach 13 letter

38. Four studies looked at its effects in mild to moderate community-acquired pneumonia, two looked at acute sinusitis, two looked at acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and two looked at tonsillitis or pharyngitis

39. Adenoiditis - amygdalitis - anthracosis - Bituminosis - brucellosis - dengue fever - dry pleurisy - dumdum fever - famine fever - hong kong flu - hydrophobia - parrot fever - pharyngitis - psittacosis - rabbit fever - strep throat - the sniffles - the snuffles - trench fever - trench mouth - typhus fever - wet pleurisy - …

40. The Committee did not support the continued use of Ketek in the treatment of the remaining three indications - acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, acute bacterial sinusitis and tonsillitis/pharyngitis in patients aged thirteen years and older.

41. Pyogenes usually Colonizes the throat or skin epithelial surfaces and causes a wide variety of clinical manifestations, such as noninvasive pharyngitis, dermatitis, and scarlet fever (1,2).However, this pathogen is also responsible for deadly invasive systemic infections such

42. Secondary Bacterial Infections of Acute Bronchitis Developing Antimicrobial Drugs for Treatment (DRAFT) (1998-07) internal FDA Guidance for Industry: Streptococcal Pharyngitis and Tonsillitis - Developing Antimicrobial Drugs for Treatment (DRAFT) (1998-07) internal FDA Guidance for Industry:

43. Potentialmedical problems associated with highaltitude ascent(1) Acute hypoxia¶ AMS¶ HACE¶ HAPE¶ Cerebrovascular syndromes Peripheral edema Retinopathy¶ Thromboembolism Sleep disorders and periodic breathing¶ High-altitude pharyngitis and bronchitis Ultraviolet exposure and keratitis (snow blindness) Exacerbation of pre-existing illness ¶Covered in this statement.

44. Cross infection between patients and nurses in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) provided clear evidence that PICU HCWs risk acquiring serious herpetic infections, i.e. acute pharyngitis or whitlow from patients and vice-versa unless careful attention to infection prevention and control is practised(163).

45. Gallegos et al.(69) found that clindamycin regimens of either 150 mg 4 times per day or 300 mg 2 times per day were equally efficacious, with a clinical cure rate of 93% among adults with acute streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis in a double-blind, randomized, multicentre study.

46. Upon review of the available safety information, including reported cases of severe liver injury, Health Canada has determined that the benefit-risk profile for KETEK® no longer supports its use for the treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis (AECB), acute bacterial sinusitis (ABS) or tonsillitis/pharyngitis.

47. The recommendation of the Committee to remove the indications for the treatment of acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, acute bacterial sinusitis and tonsillitis/pharyngitis in patients aged thirteen years and older from the Ketek Product Monograph will be presented to the Division of Anti-Infective Drugs for consideration.

48. ‘Adverse side effects included constipation, nausea, Asthenia, and dizziness in 6.2 per cent more patients than those taking placebo.’ ‘Metabolic abnormalities can also cause anorexia and Asthenia.’ ‘The most commonly observed side effects were pharyngitis (14 per cent of recipients), increased cough, dizziness, headache and Asthenia.’

49. At issue is whether, based on the current risk-benefit profile for telithromycin, the drug should continue to be used in the outpatient treatment of adult patients with acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, acute bacterial sinusitis, or for the treatment of pharyngitis/tonsillitis in patients aged thirteen years and older.