Đặt câu với từ "correlate"

1. His research results correlate with yours.

2. These figures seem to correlate.

3. Either of two Correlative entities; a correlate

4. Researchers cannot correlate the two sets of figures.

5. A correlate of Anacrisis is syncrisis

6. Death is the correlate of life.

7. Importantly, the Biotypes do not correlate well with existing

8. The figures do not seem to correlate.

9. Correlative conjunctions connect elements that correlate to each other.

10. Researchers are trying to correlate the two sets of figures.

11. We can often correlate age with frequency of illness.

12. The diameter and the circumference of a circle correlate.

13. How do mouse studies correlate with human experience?

14. Ligament stability of the knee does not correlate with age.

15. Engineers correlate the amount of flowing current to acceleration.

16. Do duties, authority(sentence dictionary), responsibility and relationships correlate?

17. What factors correlate with people who rank structure highly?

18. Agnate: See: associated , blood , bloodline , cognate , consanguineous , correlate , correlative , interrelated , kinship , propinquity

19. Poverty and poor housing correlate with a shorter life expectancy.

20. Regression analyses were performed to correlate all measured cardiovascular parameters with age.

21. Okay, so first I assign point values, correlate to the effect of removal.

22. Try to correlate your knowledge of history with your knowledge of geography.

23. The Batse trigger numbers correlate all the tables of the catalog

24. The political opinions of spouses correlate more closely than their heights.

25. High morale among staff was found to correlate positively with productivity.

26. Phylogenetic revision of the genus Bartsia (Orobanchaceae), disjunct distributions correlate to independent lineages.

27. See which skills correlate, and those are the ones your Busser resume needs to feature

28. Synonyms for Analogize include compare, equate, liken, bracket, assimilate, relate, match, parallel, correlate and metaphorize

29. The hunting activities for the years 1994–1998 did not correlate with the population development.

30. 21 Family dysfunction has demonstrated an alarming tendency to correlate with immoral and uncivilized behavior.

31. These five units correlate with rocks in the Alexander Terrane in southeastern Alaska.

32. The results of this experiment don't correlate with the results of earlier ones.

33. "In general, slightly decreased visual acuity did not correlate with three identified types of inappropriate driving."

34. The nucleation time did not correlate with either total lipid concentration or total protein concentration.

35. The length of the eye did not correlate with the accommodation ability (p=0.8).

36. Family dysfunction has demonstrated an alarming tendency to correlate with immoral and uncivilized behavior.

37. The results of this experiment do not correlate with the results of earlier ones.

38. Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far.

39. Aggregate R&D intensity, for example, does not always correlate well with income levels and growth rates.'

40. Structure-activity relationship (SAR) models correlate structural features of a molecule with its toxicity effects (end points).

41. A higher overall euploid Blastocyst quality is shown to correlate most strongly with optimal pregnancy outcomes

42. Attempts have been made to correlate the rates and activation parameters with the transfer quantities and solvent properties.

43. Synonyms for be Congruous include match up, correlate, correspond, agree, match, parallel, tally, coordinate, dovetail and fit

44. But how can we tell whether these microbial differences that correlate with disease are cause or effect?

45. Factors which correlate strongly with autonomy are: Strong goal orientation, even to the point of creating unnecessary hurdles.

46. The numbers on the Ballooned drawing correlate with the numbers found on the Dimensional Data Sheet or Report (e.g

47. In addition, they developed accelerated corrosion testing to correlate with field tests and to expedite development.

48. Intratumoral IL17-producing cells infiltration correlate with antitumor immune Contexture and improved response to adjuvant chemotherapy in gastric cancer

49. Previous studies suggest that individual differences in intelligence correlate with circuit complexity and dendritic Arborization in the brain

50. This chapter provides top quality images of pilosebaceous unit in Adnexae to correlate clinical presentations with histopathologic slides

51. In studies high Conductances have been found to correlate with normal sweat function and healthy nerve innervation (small C-fibers)

52. 46 synonyms for Compare: contrast, balance, weigh, set against, collate, juxtapose, liken to, parallel, identify with, equate to, correlate to

53. The focal axonal Arborizations could serve as an anatomical correlate for a precise topographical relationship between nRt and dorsal thalamus

54. The occurrence of these abnormal fibers does not correlate with clinical muscle weakness, or additional signs of the ophthalmoplegia plus syndrome.

55. Aldosterone responses to posture, ACTH, or angiotensin II did not correlate with associated changes in plasma cortisol, sodium, or potassium levels.

56. These nerve structures are sometimes numbered to correlate with the level in the Cervical spine: C1 through C8.

57. The amplitudes of the oscillations correlate positively with the diameters of the cylindrical substrate, which supports the first hypothesis.

58. 11 Richard Easterlin wrote a paper back in the 1970s showing that increased income doesn't correlate with increased happiness.

59. Performed to detect, correlate, report, or eliminate by adjustment any variation in accuracy of the instrument or measuring apparatus of unknown accuracy.

60. These ages correlate with the period when Lakes Turkana and Suguta reached maximum levels on the flanks of the Barrier volcano.

61. ☞They also support the X-ray studies: Buriat (Buraeva 1959) & Ewen (Novikova 1960) Acoustic correlate(s) ☞Both F1 and n

62. Detailed texts from Ayurveda (an ancient Indian system of medicine) show how some of these standards correlate with modern science.

63. The Charted graphs would show how the two parameters correlate; perhaps indicating that the component's temperature rise will lead to premature failure

64. He carried out metabolic studies on 24 patients with chronic candidiasis and tried to correlate the symptoms with toxic effects of Acetaldehyde

65. To extend these studies, we assessed the extent to which instrumental measurements correlate to and predict sensory Crispness, with a focus on Crispness maintenance.

66. Theoretical analysis applied game theory model and correlate analysis to verify conclusions about the influence of its variation on industrial concentration and product differentiation.

67. More oxygenated blood in a particular region is assumed to correlate with an increase in neural activity in that part of the brain.

68. Of Blunting is also not clear and espe cially difficult to establish for pertussis, in the absence of an agreed immunological correlate of protection [12]

69. Biblical literalist chronology is the attempt to correlate the theological dates used in the Bible with the real chronology of actual events

70. The structural correlate for the PMR symptoms is first and foremost extra-articular inflammation (tenosynovitis, bursitis) of large joints and the vertebral column (interspinal bursitis).

71. We recently Analyzed 11.8 million Google search results to answer the question: Which factors correlate with first page search engine rankings? We looked at content

72. Thus the term, nonspecific ST-T wave Abnormalities, is frequently used when the clinical data are not available to correlate with the ECG findings.

73. If you used Wget or cURL, try to correlate the damage found in the page's source code through Wget or cURL with the actual database entries.

74. Observed transitions in C6H5B(OR)2 correlate with 1Lb, 1La, 1Bb, whereas the first absorption maximum of (C6H5)3B is assigned to C.T.

75. Illustration urban regularity is a intricate verification that insist-upons synthesizing delibereprimand Betrayings to institute the best lore illustration and correlate ideas to shape a assemblcentury of …

76. Alkalinity (or total Alkalinity) is a measurement of dissolved alkaline substances in water. It’s not the same as alkaline on the pH scale, but it does correlate

77. Autogenous Biologics 4 of 5 recommended, or in another animal species whose immunological response has been shown to correlate with the response of the species for which

78. The process of dissociation of cellular respiration and the relationship between aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis correlate well with the changes of the cochlear microphonics in anoxia.

79. In this study, we examine whether the effects of Antennule ablation and regeneration on odor-tracking ability correlate with structural changes in the Antennule that occur during regeneration

80. Since higher numbers of Aces often correlate to challenges later in life, including higher risk of certain health problems, the quiz is intended as an indicator of how likely