Đặt câu với từ "communicable"

1. Communalizes communalizing communally communard communards communed: communer communers communes communicability communicable (current term) communicable disease communicable disease control communicable scale communicableness communicably: communicans communicant communicants communicated communicatee communicatees communicates …

2. Mental disorders increase risk for communicable and non - communicable diseases, and contribute to unintentional and intentional injury.

3. Ideas are communicable by words.

4. The correlation between diabetes mellitus and TB concerns public health as it merges communicable and non-communicable diseases.

5. Major communicable and non-communicable diseases are diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B & human influenza B.

6. AIDS is a communicable disease.

7. Eczema, allergic diseases are not communicable diseases.

8. AIDS is not communicable by food or drink.

9. Some experiences are communicable only through symbols.

10. Her ideas were not easily communicable to others.

11. The greatest achievements were obtained in the fight against communicable disease.

12. 20 synonyms for Catching: infectious, contagious, transferable, communicable, infective, transmittable

13. The value of the product must be communicable to the potential consumers.

14. We take environmental health measures to keep off communicable disease.

15. To know something is to participate in a communicable truth.

16. 28 Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of insects.

17. Coordinate astragali polysaccharide + butylamine card that in treating the duck acute communicable disease.

18. In Shanghai, syphilis is now the most commonly reported communicable disease.

19. Have you ever been afflicted with a communicable disease of public health?

20. Have you ever been afflicted with a communicable disease of public health? Sentencedict.com

21. Feeling something very strongly in our mind often becomes communicable to the horse.

22. In fact leprosy is the least infectious of all the communicable diseases.

23. About 16,000 to 20,000 POWs died in those camps due to communicable diseases.

24. Communicable diseases, such as schistosomiasis (Bilharzia), are transmitted by vectors which depend on water

25. For example, the Bible gives very practical commands relating to hygiene and communicable diseases.

26. 21 Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of vermin or insects.

27. The Burnet Institute was founded in 19 and is Australia's largest communicable diseases research institute.

28. Ethiopia's main health problems are said to be communicable diseases caused by poor sanitation and malnutrition.

29. In the hope of making observable phenomena more communicable, he abstracts them into mathematical symbols.

30. There are only two things a child will share willingly: communicable diseases and his mother's age.

31. The public health threat from HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other communicable diseases has not diminished

32. National health authorities may also require specified notifiable communicable diseases to be reported at once.

33. There are only two things a child will share willingly: Communicable disease and his mother's age.

34. Methods : To research the methods of surveillance and the experiences of the communicable disease in U.

35. Increasingly, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and associated risk factors are affecting the health of children and adolescents.

36. 5. Improvement in coverage and utilization of Routine Immunization services and also those for non-communicable diseases.

37. Foot-and-mouth disease is a highly communicable disease that affects cattle , swine , sheep , goats , and other animals .

38. Contagious, literally “communicable by contact,” describes a very easily transmitted disease, as influenza or the common cold

39. Speakers endorsed the need to build capacity and capability to address non‐communicable diseases among health professionals.

40. Non-communicable diseases, lifestyle related diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and cancers have become the greatest health challenges.

41. What responsibility rests on a person who is infected with a communicable disease that is potentially fatal?

42. By 20 none communicable conditions are respected ( expected ) to cause more than three - fourths of all deaths.

43. The majority of countries have policies, plans or strategies for all non-communicable diseases and their risk factors.

44. Foot-and-mouth disease is a highly communicable disease that affects cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and other animals.

45. Welcome to this course on the Aetiology, epidemiology and interventions for non-communicable diseases of the Global Diseases Masterclass

46. Canada Communicable Disease Report, Volume 33, ACS-4, 1 April 2007 First Tuberculosis Cases Resistant to all Tested Drugs:

47. A man infected with syphilis, genital herpes, HIV, or another serious communicable disease might marry without revealing that fact.

48. Cardiovascular (CV) disease (CVD) is the leading global cause of mortality, being responsible for 46% of non-communicable disease deaths

49. The two men lived in a culture that could be defined as a Creedal culture, based entirely on specific, communicable and communicated faith

50. Chan worries, too, about massive rises in non-communicable diseases (cancer, diabetes, smoking-related illnesses) outside their traditional stamping grounds of the well-fed west.

51. After research by company physicians and experts from the US Public Health Service Communicable Disease Center, it was concluded that the case was one of mass hysteria.

52. Note: Communicable diseases grouped are: HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, diarrhoeal diseases, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, acute respiratory infections (includes upper, lower and influenza and pneumonia).

53. Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) samples have been received for testing at the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD), Delhi, 35 samples have tested positive so far for serogroup A.

54. In view of the global dimension of the communicable disease situation and its impact on poverty accelerated action by the Community and its Member States, targeting its various dimensions, must be considered an absolute necessity.'

55. Informal informal consultations on an outcome document of the High-level Meeting on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases will be held on Wednesday, 13 July 2011 at 10 a.m. in Conference Room 2 (NLB).

56. Effective immediately, the Camp Pendleton Base Brig is enacting its communicable disease and infection control plan to minimize the possible transmission of COVID-19 within the facility in order to ensure the health and safety of all Brig personnel and prisoners.

57. An intermediate course in cosmetology that Acquaints the student with basic scientific theory in trichology, occupational health and safety, communicable diseases in the work place, dermatology, communication skills and the principles of facials, manicuring, men and women's hair cutting, styling, hair coloring, chemical straightening and permanent waving.

58. The term “Bushmeat” refers to raw or minimally processed meat that comes from wild animals in certain regions of the world including Africa and may pose a communicable disease Bushmeat comes from a variety of wild animals, including bats, nonhuman primates (monkeys), cane rats (grasscutters), and duiker (antelope).

59. Afongenda Afounde,¶ Amayo Kulidri,¶ Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum,† and Patrick Van der Stuyft* *Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium; †Institut de Recherche Biomédicale, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo; ‡National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Johannesburg, South Africa; §Hôpital Général de Kilo-

60. Apin Public Health Initiatives (Apin) is a non-governmental organization registered with the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) that provides services in the prevention, care, and treatment of patients with HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis; Malaria; Reproductive Health; Family Planning; Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, and other non-communicable diseases of public health significance.

61. Absurdism is a philosophical stance embracing a wide range of relativist perspectives, which implies that the efforts of humanity to find or absolutely define, limit, express or exclude the inherent meanings of anything, including human existence, are absurd due to actual lack of meaning and the qualities of communicable information available to the human mind, and relationships within reality

62. I, the undersigned official veterinarian certify that the hides or skins described above have been obtained from animals which, have been slaughtered in a slaughterhouse and have undergone an ante and post-mortem inspection and found to be free of serious diseases communicable to man or animals and were not killed in order to eradicate epizootic diseases and

63. • Policy Leadership and Advocacy for Gender Equality – Phase II Health: prevention and control of high-burden, communicable, poverty-linked diseases, strengthening capacity of health systems, improving infant and child health, strengthening sexual and reproductive health and reducing maternal mortality, improving food security Health: developing the capacity of government and civil society to improve health and nutrition, with a particular focus on women’s health, reproductive health, and child nutrition