Đặt câu với từ "come through"

1. How many have come through?

2. Has the train come through?

3. Tears come through blood vessels.

4. Come through to my office.

5. A reprieve would have come through.

6. My visa still hasn't come through.

7. 16 Come through into the dining area .

8. Have your examination results come through yet?

9. We'd come through the war economically sound.

10. He has come through two world wars.

11. Have the test results come through yet?

12. 22 Have the test results come through yet?

13. You've come through the ordeal with flying colours.

14. I hope he will come through all right.

15. He's still waiting for his divorce to come through.

16. I'm still waiting for my divorce to come through.

17. Look me up when you come through. Whit Deschner.

18. There was considerable skepticism that the Foundation would come through.

19. Move Aside, please, so that these people can come through

20. The insurance company has finally come through with the money.

21. If you ask him for a loan, he'll come through.

22. The country had come through the worst of the recession.

23. 4 We've had some hard times, but we've come through.

24. In my view Reagan had come through with flying colors.

25. A few years back, a free-graze outfit come through.

26. Mr. Dole can see you now. Will you come through?

27. You will come through any crisis if you hang tough.

28. Your table is ready, ladies, if you'd care to come through.

29. After forty minutes, without preamble, the answer started to come through.

30. 13 Mr. Dole can see you now. Will you come through?

31. You need to pamper yourself and let your charm come through.

32. 1 In my view Reagan had come through with flying colors.

33. He is waiting for the divorce to come through before he remarries.

34. His ability did not come through when we were talking with him.

35. The natural aging and fermentation to allow the flavour to come through.

36. Chris did well to come through the qualifying rounds of the tournament .

37. The morning mist had lifted and the sun was starting to come through.

38. He's very ill but his doctors expect him to come through the operation.

39. One's true feelings cannot but come through in what one says and does.

40. Should the job not come through, Ms Tang said being calm is important.

41. The team will come through this barren patch and start to win again.

42. I listen to all the traders and star pilots who come through here.

43. In rare circumstances, the liver and stomach may also come through the abdominal wall.

44. Also, elements of American and Australian slang have come through from imported television series.

45. Whatever the vicissitudes of her past life, Jill now seems to have come through.

46. Frank and me had stopped playing billiards the minute they'd come through the door.

47. The repair bill had come through Henry's letter box along with some Christmas cards.

48. She had also come through a baptism in front of Britain's most demanding audience.

49. If this warrant doesn't come through in time, we'll be forced to look into it.

50. Come through legislation standard demesne forest advocate the main measure that behavior is American executive administration.

51. The rich Beef gravy helps the hearty flavor of the potatoes and carrots to come through

52. In the on-farm buying option, the increase in competition could come through the tendering process.

53. Avoid, escape mean to come through a potentially harmful or unpleasant experience, without suffering serious consequences.

54. He puts his administration at risk if he doesn't come through on these promises for reform.

55. We must all step back and allow her to come through it in her own time.

56. If you tap Accept, the Airdrop will come through within the same app it was sent from

57. Self-understanding must come through an examination of the process of dialectical interaction between self and world.

58. Dual track Curacy some of these skills and competencies will come through the alternative or additional context

59. According to Land Port Authority, approximately 90 percent of the total imported items from India come through Benapole.

60. It's been a tough time, but I'm sure you'll come through and be all the wiser for it.

61. For this we require technological and financial resources that can only come through accelerated economic and social development.

62. And the bottom line, major thing that has come through in every single drill: nobody knows who's in charge.

63. Recently, though, indirect proof that statues were painted has come through study of what is known as color-weathering relief.

64. Well, you could break all the moulds by smoothing the way for Mary O'Rourke to come through as your successor.

65. The point appears to come through even more strongly in the role of the postgraduate student, particularly the research student.

66. Auteurists noted that because of the industrial-commercial nature of Hollywood serious film artists often come through the back door

67. Not surprisingly, he emphasized that the spreading of the gospel should come through programs for social justice and economic advancement.

68. And Miss Gilberd and that awful Muggeridge always come through the back, because it's the quickest way from their homes.

69. Why is it that every team that has come through the Gate so far, has been exclusively an alternate SG-1?

70. Strong emotion, or great enthusiasm or excitement: She fires off the facts, yet lets her Ardor for her cause come through

71. Some of the flavors from Amoretti can come through as fake, or can linger on the palate for an unrealistically long time

72. West, Charles STAGE FRIGHT (2003) Caroline saw Coates come through the door before I did, but, Crucially, I saw him before Owen

73. Dirty Guy will let that dookie harden and turn to cement so that when the Berthing cleaners come through, they deal with it

74. Landon Donovan, Clint Dempsey and Tim Howard, assuming they come through the first two U.S. matches unscathed, will need to carry the day.

75. Turn to the hymn “As I Search the Holy Scriptures” (Hymns, no. 277), and notice the blessings that can come through searching the scriptures.

76. This delicacy, Branzino, is sustainably caught, gently grilled, and hand-packed with a mild olive oil to allow the fish's delicate flavor to come through

77. But in this Anguishing and essential film, they are heard — and the implications of being silenced for so long come through loud and shamefully clear

78. In contrast, Roberts, whose wife, Jane, is a Holy Cross grad, has come through by not being the Crusading right-winger his critics feared when …

79. Many Boomboxes focus primarily on bass, and while this model does accentuate the lower frequencies, the mid-range and treble come through crisp and clear

80. Many recipes call for rinsing the Capers to remove some of the salt or vinegar, which allows the true flavor of the caper to come through