Đặt câu với từ "civil code"

1. But ... what will live forever, is my Civil Code".

2. A Bailment is called a deposit within the Civil Code

3. The Civil Code states that the age of majority is # years (art

4. In May 2009, a new Civil Code was proposed by the Government.

5. Civil Codification and Foreign Influence in China - Towards China's Own Civil Code?

6. In addition, employers’ liability for compensation for accidents is implied in the Civil Code.

7. In addition, employers' liability for compensation for accidents is implied in the Civil Code

8. The Civil Code (Muluki Ain # ) provides for relief for those caught in distressed situations

9. 7 Article 2359 of the Civil Code, entitled ‘Controlled companies and affiliated companies’, provides:

10. It can be legitimate (Civil Code, art # ), natural (art # ), adulterine or incestuous (arts # and

11. Article # of the Civil Code has been amended to set the age of majority at

12. They are called fathers and mothers by the civil code, which is puerile and honest.

13. The absolute prohibition of violence (§ # a, Civil Code) is supplemented by a number of protective regulations

14. He noted that adjusting the Civil Code is a "difficult, complicated, expensive and time-consuming process."

15. The absolute prohibition of violence (§ 146 a, Civil Code) is supplemented by a number of protective regulations.

16. Provision is made for the guardianship of abandoned or orphaned children in article # of the Civil Code

17. Article 49 of the Civil Code provides for the granting of Haitian nationality to abandoned or stateless children.

18. The law expressly prohibits discrimination and retaliation for lawful strike action (article 6:645-647, Curaçao Civil Code).

19. 10 Article 2946 of the Civil Code lays down the general rule governing the time-barring of actions:

20. [4] Under Art 21 of the Austrian Civil Code, majority is fixed at the age of 19 years.

21. It can be legitimate (Civil Code, art. 391), natural (art. 414), adulterine or incestuous (arts. 435 and 436).

22. The Civil Code distinguishes between children born in wedlock (legitimate children) and children born out of wedlock (adulterine children).

23. The Civil Code distinguishes between children born in wedlock (legitimate children) and children born out of wedlock (adulterine children

24. Paragraph (b): The absolute impediment to marriage for persons suffering from mental illness has been dropped in the revised Civil Code

25. Remedies are available under the Trade-marks Act, through the common law tort of passing off and the Quebec Civil Code.

26. Relevant well-established civil court case law is based on the general provisions of the Civil Code relating to the conclusion of contracts.

27. h) In general, it is possible to seek protection against discrimination by means of an action for libel in accordance with the Civil Code

28. Such an action may be brought without the need to rely on Article 709 of the Civil Code (63) or otherwise on tort law (64).

29. China is drafting its own civil code, which is the opportunity of building up the rules of rebus sic stantibus after the issuing of Contract Law.

30. As a result of the amendments introduced in the Civil Code in 1993, the position with regard to the Community of Acquests, although retained, was radically changed.

31. At the material time, Article 2262 of the French Civil Code provided: ‘All actions, whether in rem or in personam, shall be time-barred after 30 years ...’.

32. 6 High-risk operations exoneration matter in law scholars is still quite a controversial subject. 20017 "Civil Code draft" approach to the problem is still open to question.

33. Assignments received under the Civil Code, or activities performed as a sole trader or a full partner in a business organisation without legal personality are not taken into account.

34. On 29 November 2013, human rights activist Diego Cadenas Gordillo sent Congress a bill to legalize same-sex marriage and reform the Civil Code and Civil Procedure of the state.

35. Under the wing of Acquisitive prescription, the Civil Code of Quebec recognizes two different delays, a ten (10) year interval for immovable property, and a three (3) year interval for movable property

36. Common law has been Codified in many jurisdictions and in many areas of law: examples include criminal codes in many jurisdictions, and include the California Civil Code and the Consolidated Laws of New York (New York State).

37. Bills amending the Civil Code and supplementary laws on the joint or community property regime or the partnership of acquests regime, establishing equal rights and duties for both the husband and wife (Bulletin No. 1707-18 and No.

38. Uncontested Elections (Elections by Acclamation) Notwithstanding any other law or provisions in an association’s governing documents, the election of directors must be conducted by secret ballot in accordance with the procedures set forth in Civil Code Section 5100 et

39. However, it was not until the 1993 amendments to the Civil Code that married women were placed on an equal footing with their male counterparts, particularly with regard to the administration of the community of acquests and authority over children.

40. However, article 335, paragraph 3, subparagraph 2, of the Civil Code confers on the spouse of an adulterous father the right to refuse the latter’s transmission of his name to adulterine children through a declaration to the registrar of births and deaths.

41. Constitute — con·sti·tute / kän stə ˌtüt, ˌtyüt/ vt 1: to appoint to an office or function those who are Constituted heirs or named legatees Louisiana Civil Code legal authority Constitute s all magistrates 2 … Law dictionary

42. Acquisitive prescription, good faith results from the mistake of the acquirer regarding the alienator's ownership, but while the acquirer is under an honest belief based on just reason that the person selling the property is the owner." The Louisiana Civil Code provides that a presumption of

43. According to the Article 1239 of the Civil Code of Georgia: “Adoption shall be allowed only for the welfare and in the interests of a minor child, provided it is expected that the relationship of parent and child will be created between the adoptive parent and the adoptee.”

44. The Act of 1 July 2006 amending the provisions of the Civil Code relating to the establishment of filiation and to its effects (available on request) put an end to certain instances of discrimination in relation to filiation (involving matters including paternal recognition, inquiry into paternity, names of adulterine children, etc.).

45. As a result of the 1993 amendments to the Civil Code, married women have obtained the right to administer not only property which belonged to them before marriage (paraphernal property) but also to administer, jointly with the husband, the patrimony acquired by both spouses during marriage when the community of acquests subsists between the spouses.

46. Bottomry Bottomry n [alteration of earlier bottomary, modification of Dutch bodemerij, from bodem bottom, hull, ship]: a contract under which the owner of a ship pledges the ship as collateral for a loan to finance a journey [money lent on for…equipping the vessel "Louisiana Civil Code"] compare respondentia Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996.

47. (a) Notwithstanding Section 3025 of the Family Code, paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of Section 56.11 of the Civil Code, or any other provision of law, a psychotherapist who knows that a minor has been removed from the physical custody of his or her parent or guardian pursuant to Article 6 (Commencing with Section 300) to Article 10

48. Article 744 of the Civil Code states that persons not legally incapacitated may inherit, while article 996 stipulates that, unless the judgement of incapacity on grounds of physical or mental illness or deficiencies provides otherwise, a person under curatorship may, with the assistance of the curator, accept the inheritance, either absolutely or under benefit of inventory.

49. Article 2591 of the Civil Code (annex 5) concerning inheritance for children born out of wedlock states that they have the same rights as those born in wedlock to inherit the separate property of the decedent, but not acquests (after-acquired property), in respect of which they shall be entitled to one half of the portion due to children born in wedlock.

50. Under the new Civil Code, the Community of Acquests is administered jointly by both spouses, and operates automatically from the date of marriage, unless the couple choose either a complete separation of property or the Community of Residue under Separate Administration where husband and wife fully administer their own separate property during marriage and on termination of marriage the residue of both spouses is added up

51. Chapter 197, Statutes of 2014 amends California Civil Code section 1189 to require the addition of the following specific disclaimer to the top of the form certificate of Acknowledgment: "A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document."

52. 26 According to the decisions for reference, in the three sets of criminal proceedings in the main cases, the offences which the accused are alleged to have committed were carried out while the former Article 2621 of the Italian Civil Code was in force, and thus prior to the entry into force of Legislative Decree No 61/2002 and the new Articles 2621 and 2622 of that code.